Visit PHENIX and STAR, two detector experiments bigger than a house.
Visit the Northeast’s largest particle accelerator where physicists study what the universe may have looked like in the first few moments after its creation. Visit particle detectors as big as a house. Enjoy the “Einstein Alive!” show.
Take a walk into the tunnel that houses RHIC’s twin accelerators and see where ion beams travel near the speed of light. Visit PHENIX and STAR, two detector experiments bigger than a house and learn about conditions that existed in the universe a microsecond after the Big Bang.
Bus tickets available after attending an overview in Berkner Hall, Room B. Overviews are presented every 20 minutes; last facility visit begins at 3 p.m.
Physics Building – Large Seminar Room
Howard Gordon is an expert detector developer and physicist who uses data from gigantic colliders to discover new fundamental particles.
Berkner Hall Auditorium
Be sure to arrive early as the auditorium fills quickly!
Berkner Hall – Room C
Have questions about basic energy, physics or our RHIC facility?
Ask a physicist!
Berkner Hall –Lobby
Fire electron beams into a virtual 3D simulator of the proposed eRHIC accelerator!
Berkner Hall – Lobby
Send electrons into orbit with the e/m Helmholtz coil device;
discover the amazing properties of magnets!
*Appropriate for ages 10 and over