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April Temperature Statistics

The following table lists the daily mean and record temperatures (°F) at Brookhaven National Laboratory for each day of the month. The period covered is from 1949 to 2006.

Maximum Minimum
Day Mean Average High Year Average Low Year
1 42.5 53.2 70.5 1955 31.8 8.0 1964
2 43.6 53.6 76.0 1967 33.5 12.0 1964
3 43.3 53.4 78.5 1967 33.2 14.0 1954
4 43.3 52.7 68.0 1963 33.8 9.5 1954
5 43.7 54.3 69.0 1988 33.1 16.0 1954
6 43.0 53.3 72.5 1991 32.7 17.5 1970
7 44.4 54.4 81.0 1991 34.4 16.0 1968
8 43.9 53.9 86.0 1991 33.9 23.0 1979
9 43.7 54.4 76.0 2001 33.0 19.0 1977
10 44.7 56.3 79.0 1955 33.1 15.5 1977
11 43.8 54.8 83.0 1955 32.7 18.0 1960
12 45.0 57.3 87.0 1977 32.8 19.5 1968
13 45.0 55.8 83.0 1977 34.3 16.0 1956
14 46.0 57.4 76.0 1949 34.5 19.0 1959
15 47.3 58.5 83.0 1960 36.1 20.0 1957
16 48.3 59.2 89.5 2002 37.4 18.0 1957
17 48.1 59.3 94.5 2002 36.8 20.5 1971
18 49.6 61.7 89.5 2002 37.4 20.5 1962
19 49.2 61.0 82.0 1985 37.5 23.0 1956
20 49.1 60.8 85.5 1976 37.3 20.5 1956
21 49.5 61.1 86.5 1957 37.9 22.0 1951
22 50.5 61.6 83.0 1985 39.4 22.0 1975
23 50.0 61.3 83.5 1973 38.6 25.0 1994
24 49.7 60.0 79.0 1957 39.4 24.0 1951
25 49.4 60.6 84.0 1960 38.2 25.0 1965
26 50.3 61.2 80.0 1985 39.4 24.0 1963
27 50.7 62.0 85.5 1990 39.4 25.0 1956
28 51.1 62.2 89.0 1990 40.1 21.5 1972
29 51.5 62.7 83.5 1974 40.2 24.5 1968
30 51.8 63.9 80.5 1956 39.8 25.0 1967
Mean 47.1 58.1 81.5 36.1 30.1