Classroom Training
Click the course link, find the class you're looking for on the calendar, and register.
- Hazard Identification (TQ-HAZID)
- Qualified Electrical Worker 1 & 2
- Rad Worker I (Full Day Classroom)
- Rad Worker I Final (Part 2 Classroom)
Read & Acknowledge Training
C-AD R&A Training is located on a server separate from the main Lab Training website. Using the button below, go to the site and type CTRL-F to search for the OPM you're looking for. Each completed Read & Acknowldege training course will be added to the Brookhaven Training Management System and will then appear on your training profile.
Contractor/Vendor Orientation (CVO) Training
See steps for contractors to compete before arrival. Classroom training is available Mondays at 8:30 a.m. in Building 902, Room 86. Virtual training is available Wednesdays and Fridays. Register here.
Confined Space Training
1. Confined Space Entry (HP-OSH-016) — This is classroom compliance training.
Register here.
Note: Atmospheric Testers must also complete Confined Space Atmosphere
Testing and Monitor Confined Space Atmosphere, below.
2. Confined Space Atmosphere Testing (TQ-CONSPACETESTER) This is web-based training. Take online
3. Monitor Confined Space Atmosphere (RKI-GX2001)
This is in-person training. Contact to request an appointment for this training.
Note: the first two courses are prerequisites for this one.
Fall Protection Qualification
See the Study Checklist (PDF)
1. Complete Fall Protection Part 1 (GE-FALLPROTECT). This is classroom compliance training. Register here.
2. Supervisors should contact a Qualified Fall Protection OJT Evaluator from this list to request an appointment for the in-person portion of this training. Note: Employees to bring their harness, the trainee will need to demonstrate how to put it on.
Fall Protection Requalification
1. Take the Fall Protection Challenge Exam (GE-FALLPROTECT-CE) Review the Study Checklist (PDF) prior to the exam.
2. Attend Fall Protection Practical (requal Part 2) (GE-FALLPROTECT-PRAC). This is classroom compliance training. Register here.
Flash Suit Donning Training
For C-AD Staff please contact the C-AD Training Group. For Tandem Van de Graaff Staff please contact John Bohnenblusch.
LOTO Job Performance Measure Training
Download a blank LOTO JPM form (PDF)
Contact a qualified LOTO JPM Evaluator from this list to request training.
Please send the completed JPM form to the
Operations Lockout Training
AD OPM 9.1.16 has been replaced with AD OPM 2.36. This training is for workers or groups that plan to control energy isolating devices for personnel protection for purposes other than demolition, installation, servicing and/or maintenance. Operations Lockout is typically used for exercising configuration, operational control, or radiation protection.
1. Operations Lockout Initial Training (AD-OPM-2.36-INITIAL): This is facility delivered training and requires a 1-on-1 training with an RSC Member to gain access to the RS LOTO System. This training is initial train only.
2. Operations Lockout (R&A) (AD-OPM-2.36): This is Read & Acknowledgement (R&A) type training. Complete online. Log in, when you’re ready to complete the R&A, click the Select button on the left of the OPM course title you’d like to R&A. A Read and Acknowledge form will open.