General Lab Information


Brookhaven Science Associates offers a retirement plan and an optional retirement savings plan for current employees. We offer support services to help to active employees who are considering retirement, and information on medical plans for retirees.


BSA Retirement Plans

The BSA Retirement Plan provides you with income upon retirement. Contributions are made to your Retirement Plan account based on your pay. The optional 401(k) Plan lets you invest up to 75% of your base salary for retirement through pre-tax payroll deductions.


Considering Retirement

Making plans to retire? It's important to consider not just retirement income, but things like healthcare, what you'll do in retirement, where you'll live, etc. These are all important for you, and we'd like to suggest several steps to take before you make the decision to retire. See also: Phased Retirement Program.


Retiree Medical

Information for retirees regarding their medical coverage. This section applies to retirees who are not yet eligible for Medicare, retirees who are currently receiving Medicare, and employees planning to retire.