Vacation Donation for Major Disaster Relief
Employees adversely affected by a disaster can make an application to the Benefits Office to become a Disaster Relief Vacation Donation recipient if specific criteria are met. This also applies to an employee with a family member who has been affected by a disaster.
The Policy
Disaster means a major disaster, as declared by the President, that results in severe adverse effects for a substantial number of employees (e.g., loss of life or property, serious injury, or mental illness as a result of a direct threat to life or health).
Employee Affected
An employee who has been adversely affected by a major disaster may make written application to become a disaster relief vacation donation recipient. If an employee is not capable of making written application, a personal representative may make written application on behalf of the employee. Such application must first be approved by the employee's supervisor/manager and then forwarded to the Benefits Office.
Family Member of Employee Affected
An employee who has a family member who has been adversely affected by a disaster also may make written application to the Benefits Office to become a Disaster Relief Vacation Donation recipient. A Disaster Relief Vacation Donation recipient may use donated vacation time to assist an affected family member, provided such family member has no reasonable access to other forms of assistance.
See the Vacation Donation Policy (PDF) for full details regarding the donation process, including definitions of 'family member', the application process, and more.