Brookhaven Scientists Ready to Show how 'HPC Accelerates' at SC22
November 7, 2022

The worldwide computing community will converge on the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas for the 34th annual International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, better known as SC22. From November 13-18, scientists from the Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory, including the Computational Science Initiative, National Synchrotron Light Source II and many of their global colleagues, will demonstrate how high-performance computing is key for managing the rapid expansion of voluminous data, impacting the pace of research and accelerating scientific discovery.
Look for Brookhaven Lab staff as they host or participate in presentations, workshops, demonstrations and panel discussions throughout the week.
Sunday, Nov. 13, 2022
ECP SOLLVE: Validation and Verification Testsuite Status Update and Compiler Insights for OpenMP
Session: 2022 International Workshop on Performance Portability and Productivity (P3HPC)
Author/Presenter: Sunita Chandrasekaran
Time: 3:53 pm - 4:15 pm CST
Location: C155
Monday, Nov. 14, 2022
The First Workshop on Federated and Privacy Preserving AI for HPC
Session Chair: Eric Lançon
Time: 8:30 am - 12 pm CST
Location: D220
RADICAL-Pilot and Parsl: Executing Heterogeneous Workflows on HPC Platforms
Session: The 17th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS22)
Author/Presenters: Shantenu Jha; Matteo Turilli
Time: 9 am - 9:12 am CST
Location: D222
RECUP: A (Meta)data Framework for Reproducing Hybrid Workflows with FAIR
Session: The 17th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS22)
Author/Presenter: Line Pouchard
Time: 10:36 am - 10:42 am CST
Location: D222
MLExchange: A Web-Based Platform Enabling Exchangeable Machine Learning Workflows for Scientific Studies
Session: The 4th Annual Workshop on Extreme-Scale Experiment-in-the-Loop Computing
Author/Presenter: Stuart Campbell
Time: 2:40 pm - 3 pm CST
Location: D222
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022
Using Frontier for CAAR Plasma-In-Cell (PIC) on GPU application
Presenter: Sunita Chandrasekaran
Time: 11:00 am, 4:00 pm, 5:00 pm (CST)/Demo Station 1
Location: Department of Energy Booth 1600, Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas
Use Cases for SPEC HPC Benchmarks
Session Lead: Dossay Oryspayev
Time: 2:15 pm - 1:15 pm CST
Location: D165
ECP SOLLVE and its Race to Frontier
Presenter: Sunita Chandrasekaran with Johannes Doerfert (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Time: 1:00 pm CST
Location: Department of Energy Booth 1600, Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas
Virtual Zoom Meeting Link
ZettaWorks: Taking ExaWorks to the Next Frontier
Presenter: Shantenu Jha
Time: 4:00 pm CST
Location: Department of Energy Booth 1600, Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas
Virtual Zoom Meeting Link
Smackdown! Does HPC Need Composable Infrastructures Now?
Session Chair: Daniel Olds
Time: 1:30 pm - 3 pm CST
Location: C147-148-154
Statistical and Causal Analysis of Chimbuko Provenance Database
Session: Research Posters Display
Authors: Margaret Ajuwon*, Serges Love Teutu Talla* and Prof. Isabelle Kemajou-Brown, Morgan State University; Christopher Kelly and Kerstin Kleese Van Dam (Brookhaven Lab CSI)
Time: 8:30 am - 5 pm CST
Location: C1-2-3
*Brookhaven Lab student interns (summer 2022) with the Exascale Computing Project’s Sustainable Research Pathways for High-Performance Computing program.
Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022
Chimbuko: Workflow Performance Analysis @Exascale
Presenter: Hubertus (Huub) van Dam
Time: 10:00 am (CST)/Demo Station 1
Location: Department of Energy Booth 1600, Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas
Best Practices for Training an Exascale Workforce Using Applied Hackathons and Bootcamps
Session Leaders: Sunita Chandrasekaran; Meifeng Lin
Time: 5:15 pm - 6:45 pm CST
Location: C144-145
Runtimes Systems for Extreme Heterogeneity: Challenges and Opportunities
Panelist: Sunita Chandrasekaran
Time: 1:30 pm - 3 pm CST
Location: C155-156
Interactive Visual Analysis Tool for Anomaly Provenance Data
Session: Research Posters
Authors: Alicia Guite* and Prof. Tanzima Z. Islam, Texas State University;
Christopher Kelly and Wei Xu (Brookhaven Lab CSI)
Time: 8:30 am - 5 pm CST
Location: C1-2-3
*Brookhaven Lab student intern (summer 2022) with the Exascale Computing Project’s Sustainable Research Pathways for High-Performance Computing program.
Thursday, 17 November 2022
Scalable Deep Learning-Based Microarchitecture Simulation on GPUs
Session: HPC Architecture and Architectural Support
Authors: Lingda Li, Thomas Flynn, Adolfy Hoisie
Time: 3:30pm - 4pm CST
Location: C146
Friday, Nov. 18, 2022
Keynote: Challenges and Success Stories Migrating Software and Applications to Frontier
Session: Fifth International Workshop on Emerging Parallel Distributed Runtime Systems and Middleware
Presenter: Sunita Chandrasekaran
Time: 8:35 am - 9:35 am CST
Location: C146
Analysis of Validating and Verifying OpenACC Compilers 3.0 and Above
Session: Ninth Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives (WACCPD 2022)
Author/Presenter: Sunita Chandrasekaran
Time: 8:39 am - 9:06 am CST
Location: D174
Global Tasking Model Using OpenMP: Myth or Reality in the Making
Session: Fifth International Workshop on Emerging Parallel Distributed Runtime Systems and Middleware
Presenter: Abid Malik
Time: 11:25 am - 11:55 am CST
Location: C146
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