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Merit Award Recipients 2023

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2023 Merit Award Winners

Graduate Student

  • Xilin Liang: For his contributions to the STAR forward calorimeter and simulations for the EIC.
  • Daniel Lis: For his contributions to the sPHENIX detector trigger, detector simulations, and commissioning.

Postdoctoral Fellows

  • Virginia Bailey: For her contributions to sPHENIX, including contributions to the sPHENIX electromagnetic calorimeter, hadronic calorimeter, and jet physics.
  • Anthony Hodges: For his contributions to the sPHENIX hadronic calorimeter construction, electromagnetic calorimeter commissioning and to the jet structure topical group.
  • Yu Hu: For his role in the chiral magnetic effect search using the isobar data and for his crucial contributions to the STAR forward silicon tracker project.
  • Charles Hughes: For his leadership in the installation, commissioning, and calibration of the sPHENIX time projection chamber.
  • Timothy Rinn: For his contributions to the construction, commissioning and operation of the sPHENIX electromagnetic calorimeter and service as the sPHENIX jet convener.
  • Evgeny Shulga: For his numerous key contributions to the design, construction, commissioning, and analysis of the sPHENIX time projection chamber.

Senior Scientists

  • Ting Lin: For his creativity and ingenuity applied to improving measurements of the origin of the proton spin, as well as his service work supporting the calorimeters and detector upgrades in STAR.
  • Md Nasim: For his investigations of the collectivity of strange hadrons in QCD matter, his contributions to beam energy scan analyses as a convener, and his service on the STAR talks committee.
  • Matthew Posik: For his contributions to the STAR spin program, contributions to EPIC, and mentoring young students.