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  1. No publications.


  1. Kikuchi, Hodaka; Asai, Shinichiro; Sato, Taku J.; Nakajima, Taro; Harriger, Leland; Zaliznyak, Igor; Masuda, Takatsugu (2024). A New Inelastic Neutron Spectrometer HODACA. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 93(9)
  2. Zhou, Z., Zhang, G., Yao, J., Liang, L., Li, Y., Zhao, Z., Mei, Z., Gu, G., Xu, Y., Fan, S., Li, Q., Chen, X., & Wei, Y. (2024). Improving 2D Schottky contacts using an intralayer strategy. Device, 2(8), 100434
  3. Valla, Tonica; Kundu, Asish K.; Pervan, Petar; Pletikosic, Ivo; Drozdov, Ilya K.; Wu, Zebin; Gu, Genda D. (2024). Shallow core levels, or how to determine the doping and Tc of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ and Bi2Sr2CuO6+δ without cooling. Physical Review B, 109(22), Article 224507
  4. Hu, Shuxu; Qiao, Jiabin; Gu, Genda; Xue, Qi-Kun; Zhang, Ding (2024). Vortex entropy and superconducting fluctuations in ultrathin underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x superconductor. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 4818
  5. Zhang, Jian-Bo; Gu, Genda; Gavriliuk, Alexander G.; Lyubutin, Igor; Struzhkin, Viktor V.; Chen, Xiao-Jia (2024). Structural and phonon anomalies in the superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+8 with varying doping level at high pressures. Europhysics Letters, 146(5), 56001
  6. Gao, Qiang; Bok, Jin Mo; Ai, Ping; Liu, Jing; Yan, Hongtao; Luo, Xiangyu; Cai, Yongqing; Li, Cong; Wang, Yang; Yin, Chaohui; Chen, Hao; Gu, Genda; Zhang, Fengfeng; Yang, Feng; Zhang, Shenjin; Peng, Qinjun; Zhu, Zhihai; Liu, Guodong; Xu, Zuyan; Xiang, Tao; Zhao, Lin; Choi, Han-Yong; Zhou, X. J. (2024). ARPES detection of superconducting gap sign in unconventional superconductors. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 4538
  7. Meng, Kui; Li, Zeya; Chen, Peng; Ma, Xingyue; Huang, Junwei; Li, Jiayi; Qin, Feng; Qiu, Caiyu; Zhang, Yilin; Zhang, Ding; Deng, Yu; Yang, Yurong; Gu, Genda; Hwang, Harold Y.; Xue, Qi-Kun; Cui, Yi; Yuan, Hongtao (2024). Superionic fluoride gate dielectrics with low diffusion barrier for two-dimensional electronics. Nature Nanotechnology
  8. Mesaros, A.; Gu, G. D.; Massee, F. (2024). Topologically trivial gap-filling in superconducting Fe(Se,Te) by one-dimensional defects. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 3774
  9. Xin, Jie; Gavriliuk, Alexander G.; Hu, Jia-Wei; Zhang, Jian-Bo; Gu, Gen-Da; Goncharov, Alexander F.; Lin, Hai-Qing; Mao, Ho-Kwang; Chen, Xiao-Jia; Struzhkin, Viktor V. (2024). Lattice Effect on the Superexchange Interaction in Antiferromagnetic Bi2.1Sr1.9CaCu2O8+δ. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128(17), 7223-7234
  10. Tranquada, J.M.; Lozano, P.M.; Yao, Juntao; Gu, G.D.; Li, Qiang (2024). From nonmetal to strange metal at the stripe-percolation transition in La 2 − x Sr x CuO 4. Physical Review B
  11. Puntel, Denny; Kutnyakhov, Dmytro; Wenthaus, Lukas; Scholz, Markus; Wind, Nils O.; Heber, Michael; Brenner, Guenter; Gu, Genda; Cava, Robert J.; Bronsch, Wibke; Cilento, Federico; Parmigiani, Fulvio; Pressacco, Federico (2024). Out-of-equilibrium charge redistribution in a copper-oxide based superconductor by time-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 8775
  12. Zhao, Jinyu; Cai, Shu; Chen, Yiwen; Gu, Genda; Yan, Hongtao; Guo, Jing; Han, Jinyu; Wang, Pengyu; Zhou, Yazhou; Li, Yanchun; Li, Xiaodong; Ren, Zhian; Wu, Qi; Zhou, Xingjiang; Ding, Yang; Xiang, Tao; Mao, Ho-kwang; Sun, Liling (2024). Evolution of Superconducting-Transition Temperature with Superfluid Density and Conductivity in Pressurized Cuprate Superconductors. Chinese Physics Letters, 41(4), 047401
  13. Scott, K.; Kisiel, E.; Yakhou, F.; Agrestini, S.; Garcia-Fernandez, M.; Kummer, K.; Choi, J.; Zhong, R. D.; Schneeloch, J. A.; Gu, G. D.; Zhou, Ke-Jin; Brookes, N. B.; Kemper, A. F.; Minola, M.; Boschini, F.; Frano, A.; Gozar, A.; Neto, E. H. da Silva (2024). Detection of a two-phonon mode in a cuprate superconductor via polarimetric resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. Physical Review B, 109(12), Article 125126
  14. Hayden, Stephen M; Tranquada, John M (2024). Charge Correlations in Cuprate Superconductors. Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, 15(1)
  15. Gu, Yuchen; Li, Xintong; Chen, Yue; Iida, Kazuki; Nakao, Akiko; Munakata, Koji; Garlea, V. Ovidiu; Li, Yangmu; Deng, Guochu; Zaliznyak, I.A.; Tranquada, J. M.; Li, Yuan (2024). In-plane multi-q magnetic ground state of Na3Co2SbO6. Physical Review B, 109(6), Article L060410
  16. Zhang, S.J.; Zhou, X.Y.; Xu, S.X.; Wu, Q.; Yue, L.; Liu, Q.M.; Hu, T.C.; Li, R.S.; Yuan, J.Y.; Homes, C.C.; Gu, G.D.; Dong, T.; Wang, N.L. (2024). Light-induced melting of competing stripe orders without introducing superconductivity in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4. Physical Review X
  17. Nichitiu, Marc D.; Brown, Craig; Zaliznyak, Igor A. (2024). Breakdown of sound in superfluid helium. Physical Review B, 109(6), Article L060502
  18. Martini, Mickey; Lee, Yejin; Confalone, Tommaso; Shokri, Sanaz; Saggau, Christian N.; Wolf, Daniel; Gu, Genda; Watanabe, Kenji; Taniguchi, Takashi; Montemurro, Domenico; Vinokur, Valerii M.; Nielsch, Kornelius; Poccia, Nicola (2024). Twisted cuprate van der Waals heterostructures with controlled Josephson coupling. Materials Today, 67, 106-112
  19. Chen, Jin; Guo, Xuefei; Boyd, Christian; Bettler, Simon; Kengle, Caitlin; Chaudhuri, Dipanjan; Hoveyda, Farzaneh; Husain, Ali; Schneeloch, John; Gu, Genda; Phillips, Philip; Uchoa, Bruno; Chiang, Tai-Chang; Abbamonte, Peter (2024). Consistency between reflection M-EELS and optical spectroscopy measurements of the long-wavelength density response of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x. Physical Review B, 109(4), Article 045108


  1. Pletikosic, I.; Yilmaz, T.; Sinkovic, B.; Weber, A. P.; Gu, G. D.; Valla, T. (2023). Possible topological superconductivity in the topological crystalline insulator (Pb1−xSnx)1−yInyTe. Physical Review B, 108(20), Article 205157
  2. Guguchia, Z; Das, D; Simutis, G; Adachi, T; Kuspert, J; Kitajima, N; Elender, M; Grinenko, V; Ivashko, O; Zimmerman, M.v; Muller, M; Mielke III, C; Hotz, F; Mudry, C; Baines, C; Bartkowiak, M; Shiroka, T; Koike, Y; Amato, A; Hicks, C.W; Gu, G.D; Tranquada, J.M; Klauss, H.-H; Chang, J.J; et. al (2023). Designing the stripe-ordered cuprate phase diagram through uniaxial-stress. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
  3. Zhu, Yuying; Wang, Heng; Wang, Zechao; Hu, Shuxu; Gu, Genda; Zhu, Jing; Zhang, Ding; Xue, Qi-Kun (2023). Persistent Josephson tunneling between Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x flakes twisted by 45∘ across the superconducting dome. Physical Review B, 108(17), Article 174508
  4. Tranquada, John M. (2023). La2−xBaxCuO4 as a superconducting Rosetta Stone. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 614, 1354371
  5. Saggau, Christian N.; Shokri, Sanaz; Martini, Mickey; Confalone, Tommaso; Lee, Yejin; Wolf, Daniel; Gu, Genda; Brosco, Valentina; Montemurro, Domenico; Vinokur, Valerii M.; Nielsch, Kornelius; Poccia, Nicola (2023). 2D High-Temperature Superconductor Integration in Contact Printed Circuit Boards. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(44), 51558-51564
  6. Jakovac, I; Dioguardi, A.P; Grbic, M.S; Gu, G.D; Tranquada, J.M; Hicks, C.W; Pozek, M; Grafe, H.-J. (2023). Uniaxial stress study of spin and charge stripes in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 by 139La NMR and 63Cu NQR. Physical Review B
  7. Zhou, S.Y. Frank; Cui, Xiaomeng; Volkov, Pavel A; Yoo, Hyobin; Lee, Sangmin; Gardener, Jules A; Akey, Austin J; Engelke, Rebecca; Ronen, Yuval; Zhong, Ruidan; Gu, Genda; Plugge, Stephan; Tummuru, Tarun; Kim, Miyoung; Franz, Marcel; Pixley, Jedediah H; Poccia, Nicola; Kim, Philip (2023). Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking Superconductivity between Twisted Cuprate Superconductors. Science
  8. Wang, Shiyuan; Yu, Yijun; Hao, Jinxiang; Liang, Keyi; Xiang, Bingke; Zhu, Jinjiang; Lin, Yishi; Pan, Yinping; Gu, Genda; Watanabe, Kenji; Taniguchi, Takashi; Qi, Yang; Zhang, Yuanbo; Wang, Yihua (2023). Oscillating paramagnetic Meissner effect and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ. National Science Review
  9. Iturriaga, Hector; Martinez, Luis M.; Mai, Thuc T.; Biacchi, Adam J.; Augustin, Mathias; Hight Walker, Angela R.; Sanad, Mohamed Fathi; Sreenivasan, Sreeprasad T.; Liu, Yu; Santos, Elton J. G.; Petrovic, Cedomir; Singamaneni, Srinivasa R. (2023). Magnetic properties of intercalated quasi-2D Fe3-xGeTe2 van der Waals magnet. npj 2D Materials and Applications, 7(1), Article 56
  10. Ma, Ning; Qiang, Xiao-Bin; Xie, Zhijian; Zhang, Yu; Yan, Shili; Cao, Shimin; Wang, Peipei; Zhang, Liyuan; Gu, G.D.; Li, Qiang; Xie, X.C.; Lu, Hai-Zhou; Wei, Xinjian; Chen, Jian-Hao (2023). Perpendicular in-plane negative magnetoresistance in ZrTe5. Science Bulletin, 68(14), 1488-1492
  11. Liu, Yonghe; Pi, Hanqi; Watanabe, Kenji; Taniguchi, Takashi; Gu, Genda; Li, Qiang; Weng, Hongming; Wu, Quansheng; Li, Yongqing; Xu, Yang (2023). Gate-Tunable Multiband Transport in ZrTe5 Thin Devices. Nano Letters, 23(11), 5334-5341
  12. Olmos, Rubyann; Chang, Po-Hao; Mishra, Prakash; Zope, Rajendra R.; Baruah, Tunna; Petrovic, Cedomir; Liu, Yu; Singamaneni, Srinivasa R. (2023). Pressure-Dependent Magnetic Properties of Quasi-2D Cr2Si2Te6 and Mn3Si2Te6. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(21), 10324-10331
  13. Sun, Zhiyuan; Liu, Qiaomei; Wang, Zixiao; Wu, Qiong; Yue, Li; Xu, Shuxiang; Hu, Tianchen; Li, Rongsheng; Zhou, Xinyu; Yuan, Jiayu; Dong, Tao; Wang, Nanlin (2023). Revealing the frequency-dependent oscillations in the nonlinear terahertz response induced by the Josephson current. National Science Review, 10(11)
  14. Hu, Xiao; Sapkota, Aashish; Hu, Zhixiang; Savici, Andrei T; Kolesnikov, Alexander I; Tranquada, John M; Petrovic, Cedomir; Zaliznyak, Igor A (2023). Coupling of magnetism and Dirac fermions in YbMnSb2. Physical Review B, 107(20)
  15. Chen, Weijiong; Neerup Breiø, Clara; Massee, Freek; Allan, Milan P.; Petrovic, ?Cedomir; Davis, J. C. Séamus; Hirschfeld, Peter J.; Andersen, Brian M.; Kreisel, Andreas (2023). Interplay of hidden orbital order and superconductivity in CeCoIn5. Nature Communications, 14(1), Article 2984
  16. Bi, Xiangyu; Tian, Feifan; Chen, Ganyu; Li, Zeya; Qin, Feng; Lv, Yang-Yang; Huang, Junwei; Qiu, Caiyu; Ao, Lingyi; Chen, Yanbin; Gu, Genda; Chen, Yanfeng; Yuan, Hongtao (2023). A Superconducting Micro‐Magnetometer for Quantum Vortex in Superconducting Nanoflakes. Advanced Materials, 35(19)
  17. Fan, Peng; Chen, Hui; Zhou, Xingtai; Cao, Lu; Li, Geng; Li, Meng; Qian, Guojian; Xing, Yuqing; Shen, Chengmin; Wang, Xiancheng; Jin, Changqing; Gu, Genda; Ding, Hong; Gao, Hong-Jun (2023). Nanoscale Manipulation of Wrinkle-Pinned Vortices in Iron-Based Superconductors. Nano Letters, 23(10), 4541-4547
  18. Caruso, R., Camino, F., Gu, G., Tranquada, J. M., Han, M.-G., Zhu, Y., Bollinger, A. T., & Božovic, I. (2023). Effects of Focused Ion Beam Lithography on La2−xSrxCuO4 Single Crystals. Condensed Matter, 8(2), 35
  19. Kamminga, M. & Tranquada, J. (2023). Evolution of magnetic stripes under uniaxial stress in La1.885Ba0.115CuO4 studied by neutron scattering. Physical Review B, 107(14), Article 144506
  20. Jois, Sharadh; Lado, Jose L.; Gu, Genda; Li, Qiang; Lee, Ji Ung (2023). Andreev Reflection and Klein Tunneling in High-Temperature Superconductor-Graphene Junctions. Physical Review Letters, 130(15), Article 156201
  21. J. Sears, Y. Shen, M. J. Krogstad, H. Miao, E. S. Bozin, I. K. Robinson, G. D. Gu, R. Osborn, S. Rosenkranz, J. M. Tranquada, and M. P. M. Dean. (2023). Structure of Charge Density Waves in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4. Physical Review B, 107(11)
  22. Xiao Hu, A. Sapkota, V. O. Garlea, G. D. Gu, I. A. Zaliznyak, and J. M. Tranquada. (2023). Spin canting and lattice symmetry in La2CuO4. Physical Review B, 107(9), Article 094413
  23. Krieger, J. A.; Guguchia, Z; Khasanov, R; Biswas, P K; Li, L; Wang, K; Petrovic, C; Morenzoni, E (2023). Enhancement of superconductivity at a quantum critical point in (CaxSr1−x)3Rh4Sn13. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2462
  24. Wenjing Liu, Heming Zha, Gen-Da Gu, Xiaoping Shen, Mao Ye, and Shan Qiao. (2023). Anisotropy of Electronic Spin Texture in the High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ. Chinese Physics Letters, 40(3)
  25. Yejin Lee, Mickey Martini, Tommaso Confalone, Sanaz Shokri, Christian N. Saggau, Daniel Wolf, Genda Gu, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Domenico Montemurro, Valerii M. Vinokur, Kornelius Nielsch, and Nicola Poccia. (2023). Encapsulating High‐Temperature Superconducting Twisted van der Waals Heterostructures Blocks Detrimental Effects of Disorder. Advanced Materials, 2209135
  26. S. Djurdjic Mijin, A. Solajic, J. Pesic, Y. Liu, C. Petrovic, M. Bockstedte, A. Bonanni, Z. V. Popovic, and N. Lazarevic. (2023). Spin-phonon interaction and short-range order in Mn3Si2Te6. Physical Review B, 107(5), Article 054309
  27. Tianhao Ren, Pedro M. Lozano, Qiang Li, Genda Gu, and Alexei M. Tsvelik. (2023). Two types of superconducting pairs in stripe-ordered La2−xBaxCuO4 (x=1/8): Evidence from resistivity measurements. Physical Review B, 107(8), Article 085118
  28. Zhixiang Hu, Jahyun Koo, Yong Hu, Qi Wang, Milinda Abeykoon, D. Graf, Yu Liu, Hechang Lei, Junzhang Ma, Ming Shi, Binghai Yan, and C. Petrovic. (2023). Topological Dirac semimetal BaAuSb. Physical Review Research, 5(1), Article 013079
  29. Chang, Yung-Yeh; Lei, Hechang; Petrovic, C.; Chung, Chung-Hou (2023). The scaled-invariant Planckian metal and quantum criticality in Ce1−xNdxCoIn5. Nature Communications, 14(1), Article 581
  30. Camron Farhang, Nader Zaki, Jingyuan Wang, Genda Gu, Peter D. Johnson, and Jing Xia. (2023). Revealing the Origin of Time-reversal Symmetry Breaking in Fe-chalcogenide Superconductor FeTe1-xSex. Physical Review Letters
  31. D. Nevola, N. Zaki, J. M. Tranquada, W.-G. Yin, G. D. Gu, Q. Li, and P. D. Johnson. (2023). Ultrafast Melting of Superconductivity in an Iron-Based Superconductor. Physical Review X, 13(1)
  32. Zhendong Jin, Yangmu Li, Zhigang Hu, Biaoyan Hu, Yiran Liu, Kazuki Iida, Kazuya Kamazawa, Matthew B. Stone, Alexander I. Kolesnikov, Douglas L. Abernathy, Xiangyu Zhang, Haiyang Chen, Yandong Wang, Chen Fang, Biao Wu, Igor A. Zaliznyak, John M. Tranquada, and Yuan Li. (2023). Magnetic molecular orbitals in MnSi. Science Advances
  33. Fazhi Yang, Giao Ngoc Phan, Renjie Zhang, Jin Zhao, Jiajun Li, Zouyouwei Lu, John Schneeloch, Ruidan Zhong, Mingwei Ma, Genda Gu, Xiaoli Dong, Tian Qian, and Hong Ding. (2023). Fe(1+y )Te( x )Se1-( x ): A Delicate and Tunable Majorana Material. Chinese Physics Letters, 40(1)


John M. Tranquada.
Topological Doping and Superconductivity in Cuprates: An Experimental Perspective.
Symmetry 13, 2365 (2021).

John M. Tranquada.
John Goodenough and the Many Lives of Transition-Metal Oxides.
Electrochem. Soc. 169, 010535 (2022).

Qianheng Du, Yilin Wang, Yuan Wei, Robert Joseph Koch, Lijun Wu, Wenliang Zhang, Teguh Citra Asmara, Zhixiang Hu, Emil S. Bozin, Yimei Zhu, Thorsten Schmitt, Gabriel Kotliar, and Cedomir Petrovic.
Cascade of Spin-State Transitions in the Intermetallic Marcasite FeP2.
Chem. Mater. 34, 2025–2033 (2022).

Yu Liu, Zhixiang Hu, Xiao Tong, Denis Leshchev, Xiangde Zhu, Hechang Lei, Eli Stavitski, Klaus Attenkofer, and C. Petrovic.
Thermal transport and mixed valence in ZrTe3 doped with Hf and Se.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 022601 (2022).

Yu Liu, Aifeng Wang, V. N. Ivanovski, Qianheng Du, V. Koteski, and C. Petrovic.
Thermoelectricity and electronic correlation enhancement in FeS by light Se doping.
Phys. Rev. B 105, 045133 (2022).

Yu Liu, Zhixiang Hu, Xiao Tong, Eric D. Bauer, and C. Petrovic.
Electrical and thermal transport in van der Waals magnets 2H−MxTaS2(M = Mn, Co).
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013048 (2022).

Yu Liu, Myung-Geun Han, Yongbin Lee, Michael O. Ogunbunmi, Qianheng Du, Christie Nelson, Zhixiang Hu, Eli Stavitski, David Graf, Klaus Attenkofer, Svilen Bobev, Liqin Ke, Yimei Zhu, and Cedomir Petrovic.
Polaronic Conductivity in Cr2Ge2Te6 Single Crystals.
Adv. Funct. Mater. 32, 2105111 (2022).

Yu Liu, Resta A. Susilo, Yongbin Lee, A. M. Milinda Abeykoon, Xiao Tong, Zhixiang Hu, Eli Stavitski, Klaus Attenkofer, Liqin Ke, Bin Chen, and Cedomir Petrovic.
Short-Range Crystalline Order-Tuned Conductivity in Cr2Si2Te6 van der Waals Magnetic Crystals.
ACS Nano 16, 13134–13143 (2022).

Yu Liu, Zhixiang Hu, Michael O. Ogunbunmi, Eli Stavitski, Klaus Attenkofer, Svilen Bobev, and Cedomir Petrovic,.
Giant Thermoelectric Power Factor Anisotropy in PtSb1.4Sn0.6.
Inorganic Chemistry 61, 13586–13590 (2022).

Jianjun Tian, V. N. Ivanovski, M. Abeykoon, R. M. Martin, S. Baranets, C. Martin, Yu Liu, Qianheng Du, Aifeng Wang, Shuzhang Chen, Xiao Tong, Weifeng Zhang, S. Bobev, V. Koteski, and C. Petrovic.
Absence of long-range magnetic order in Fe1−δTe2 (δ ≈ 0.1) crystals.
Phys. Rev. B 104, 224109 (2021).

Aifeng Wang, Lijun Wu, Qianheng Du, Muntaser Naamneh, Walber Hugo Brito, AM Milinda Abeykoon, Wojciech Radoslaw Pudelko, Jasmin Jandke, Yu Liu, Nicholas C. Plumb, Gabriel Kotliar, Vladimir Dobrosavljevic, Milan Radovic, Yimei Zhu, and Cedomir Petrovic.
Mooij Law Violation from Nanoscale Disorder.
Nano Lett. 22, 6900-6906 (2022).

Aifeng Wang, Ana Milosavljevic, A. M. Milinda Abeykoon, Valentin Ivanovski, Qianheng Du, Andreas Baum, Eli Stavitski, Yu Liu, Nenad Lazarevic, Klaus Attenkofer, Rudi Hackl, Zoran Popovic, and Cedomir Petrovic.
Suppression of Superconductivity and Nematic Order in Fe1−ySe1−xSx (0 ≤ x ≤ 1; y ≤ 0.1) Crystals by Anion Height Disorder.
Inorganic Chemistry 61, 11036–11045 (2022).

Aifeng Wang and Cedomir Petrovic.
Electron correlations in the Hc2 of FeySe1−xSx (0.10 ≤ x ≤ 0.24, y ≥ 0.9).
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 35, 115002 (2022).

Anuva Aishwarya, Zhuozhen Cai, Arjun Raghavan, Marisa Romanelli, Xiaoyu Wang, Xu Li, G. D. Gu, Mark Hirsbrunner, Taylor Hughes, Fei Liu, Lin Jiao, and Vidya Madhavan.
Spin-selective tunneling from nanowires of the candidate topological Kondo insulator SmB6.
Science 377, 1218–1222 (2022).

Barantani, M. K. Tran, I. Madan, I. Kapon, N. Bachar, T. C. Asmara, E. Paris, Y. Tseng, W. Zhang, Y. Hu, E. Giannini, G. Gu, T. P. Devereaux, C. Berthod, F. Carbone, T. Schmitt, and D. van der Marel.
Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Study of Electron-Exciton Coupling in High-Tc Cuprates.
Phys. Rev. X 12, 021068 (2022).

Denitsa R. Baykusheva, Hoyoung Jang, Ali A. Husain, Sangjun Lee, Sophia F. R. TenHuisen, Preston Zhou, Sunwook Park, Hoon Kim, Jin-Kwang Kim, Hyeong-Do Kim, Minseok Kim, Sang-Youn Park, Peter Abbamonte, B. J. Kim, G. D. Gu, Yao Wang, and Matteo Mitrano.
Ultrafast Renormalization of the On-Site Coulomb Repulsion in a Cuprate Superconductor.
Phys. Rev. X 12, 011013 (2022).

Fu, D. Nicoletti, M. Fechner, M. Buzzi, G. D. Gu, and A. Cavalleri.
Terahertz phase slips in striped La2−xBaxCuO4.
Phys. Rev. B 105, L020502 (2022).

Xuefei Guo, Sangjun Lee, Thomas A. Johnson, Jin Chen, Paul Vandeventer, Ali A. Husain, Fanny Rodolakis, Jessica L. McChesney, Padraic Shafer, Hai Huang, Jun-Sik Lee, John Schneeloch, Ruidan Zhong, Genda Gu, Matteo Mitrano, and Peter Abbamonte.
Search for Q ~ 0 Order near a Forbidden Bragg Position in Bi2.1Sr1.9CaCu2O8+x with Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering.
Phys. Soc. Jpn. 90, 111007 (2021).

Jianwei Huang, Rong Yu, Zhijun Xu, Jian-Xin Zhu, Ji Seop Oh, Qianni Jiang, Meng Wang, Han Wu, Tong Chen, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Sung-Kwan Mo, Makoto Hashimoto, Matteo Michiardi, Tor M. Pedersen, Sergey Gorovikov, Sergey Zhdanovich, Andrea Damascelli, Genda Gu, Pengcheng Dai, Jiun-Haw Chu, Donghui Lu, Qimiao Si, Robert J. Birgeneau, and Ming Yi.
Correlation-driven electronic reconstruction in FeTe1−xSex.
Commun. Phys. 5, 29 (2022).

Yuan Huang, Lei Zhang, Xiaocheng Zhou, Lei Liao, Feng Jin, Xu Han, Tao Dong, Shuxiang Xu, Lin Zhao, Yunyun Dai, Qiuzhen Cheng, Xinyu Huang, Qingming Zhang, Lifen Wang, Nan-Lin Wang, Ming Yue, Xuedong Bai, Yafei Li, Qiong Wu, Hong-Jun Gao, Genda Gu, Yeliang Wang, and Xing-Jiang Zhou.
Unveiling the Degradation Mechanism of High-Temperature Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ in Water-Bearing Environments.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14, 39489–39496 (2022).

T E Kidd, P V Lukashev, L Stuelke, C Gorgen, S Roberts, G Gu, and A J Stollenwerk.
Diffusion energy barrier of Au on BiSe3: theory and experiment.
Physica Scripta 96, 125708 (2021).

Dong Seob Kim, Jung Yun Kee, Ji-Eun Lee, Yu Liu, Younghak Kim, Namdong Kim, Choongyu Hwang, Wondong Kim, Cedomir Petrovic, Dong Ryeol Lee, Chaun Jang, Hyejin Ryu, and Jun Woo Choi.
Surface oxidation in a van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3−xGeTe2.
Curr. Appl. Phys. 30, 40–45 (2021).

Robert J. Koch, Nikolaj Roth, Yiu Liu, Oleh Ivashko, Ann-Christin Dippel, Cedomir Petrovic, Bo B. Iversen, Martin v. Zimmermann, and Emil S. Bozin.
On single-crystal total scattering data reduction and correction protocols for analysis in direct space.
Acta Cryst. A 77, 611–636 (2021).

H. Krenkel, M. A. Tanatar, M. Konczykowski, R. Grasset, E. I. Timmons, S. Ghimire, K. R. Joshi, Y. Lee, Liqin Ke, Shuzhang Chen, C. Petrovic, P. P. Orth, M. S. Scheurer, and R. Prozorov.
Possible unconventional pairing in (Ca,Sr)3(Ir,Rh)4Sn13 superconductors revealed by controlling disorder.
Phys. Rev. B 105, 094521 (2022).

Lazarevic, A. Baum, A. Milosavljevic, L. Peis, R. Stumberger, J. Bekaert, J. Solajic, A.and Pesic, Aifeng Wang, M. Scepanovic, A. M. Milinda Abeykoon, M. V. Milosevic, C. Petrovic, Z. V. Popovic, and R. Hackl.
Evolution of lattice, spin, and charge properties across the phase diagram of FeSe1−xSx.
Phys. Rev. B 106, 094510 (2022).

Jongyun Lee, Wonjun Lee, Gi-Yeop Kim, Yong-Bin Choi, Jinho Park, Seong Jang, Genda Gu, Si-Young Choi, Gil Young Cho, Gil-Ho Lee, and Hu-Jong Lee.
Twisted van der Waals Josephson Junction Based on a High-Tc Superconductor.
Nano Lett. 21, 10469–10477 (2021).

Menghan Liao, Yuying Zhu, Shuxu Hu, Ruidan Zhong, John Schneeloch, Genda Gu, Ding Zhang, and Qi-Kun Xue.
Little-Parks like oscillations in lightly doped cuprate superconductors.
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  • Gehring, P.M., Park, S-E.,  Shirane, G.  Soft phonon anomalies in the relaxor ferroelectric  Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.92Ti0.08O3Phys. Rev. Lett.  84, 5216-5219 (2000).
  • Gehring, P.M., Vakhrushev, S.B., Shirane, G.  Soft mode anomalies in the perovskite relaxor Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 2000, Aspen Center for Physics Winter Workshop, Ronald E. Cohen, Editor, pp. 314-322 (AIP conference Proceedings 535, Amer. Inst. Of Phys., 2000).
  • Gehring, P.M., Lee, S.-H., Hirota, K., Masuda, T., Uchinokura, K., Hase, M., Shirane, G.  Cold neutron inelastic scattering measurements of the spin-Peierls and antiferromagnetic excitations in Si-doped CuGeO3 single cyrstals.  J. Phys. Soc. Japan 69, 592-597 (2000).
  • Guo, R., Cross, L.E., Park, S-E., Noheda, B., Cox, D.E., Shirane, G.  Origin of the high piezoelectric response in PbZr1-xTixO3.   Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5423-5426 (2000).
  • Ichikawa, N., Uchida, S., Tranquada, J.M., Niemöller, T., Gehring, P.M., Lee, S.-H., Schneider, J.R.  Local magnetic order vs superconductivity in a layered cuprate.   Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1738-1741 (2000).
  • K¬stner, J., Petry, W., Shapiro, S.M., Zheludev, A., Neuhaus, J., Roessel, Th., Wassermann, E.F., Bach, H.  Influence of atomic order on TA1[110] phonon softening and displacive phase transition in Fe72Pt28 invar alloys.  Eur. Phys. J. B10, 641-648 (1999).
  • Kim, Y.J., Aharony, A., Birgeneau, R.J., Chou, F.C., Entin-Wohlman, O., Erwin, R.W., Greven, M., Harris, A.B., K¬stner, M.A., Korenblit, I. Ya., Lee. Y.S., Shirane, G.  Ordering due to quantum fluctuations in Sr2Cu3O4Cl2Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 852-855 (1999).
  • Kimura, H., Hirota, K., Lee, C.H., Yamada, K., Shirane, G.  Structural instability associated with the tilting of CuO6 octahedra in La2-xSrxCuO4 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 61, 851-857 (2000).
  • Kimura, H., Matsushita, H., Hirota, K., Endoh, Y., Yamada, K., Shirane, G., Lee, Y.S., K¬stner, M.A., Birgeneau, R.J.  Incommensurate geometry of the elastic magnetic peaks in superconducting La1.88Sr0.12CuO4Phys. Rev. B61, 14 366-14 369 (2000).
  • Lee, C.-H., Yamada, K., Endoh, Y., Shirane, G., Birgeneau, R.J., K¬stner, M.A., Greven, M., Kim, Y-J.  Energy spectrum of spin fluctuations in superconducting La2-xSrxCuO4 (0.10 ¼ x ¼ 0.25).  J. Phys. Soc. Japan 69, 1170-1176 (2000).
  • Matsuda, M., Lee, Y.S., Greven, M., K¬stner, M.A., Birgeneau, R.J., Yamada, K., Endoh, Y., Böni, P., Lee, S.-H., Wakimoto, S., Shirane, G. Freezing of anisotropic spin clusters in La1.98Sr0.02CuO4Phys. Rev. B61, 4326-4333 (2000).
  • Nakao, H., Nishi, M., Fujii, Y., Masuda, T., Tsukada, I., Uchinokura, K., Hirota, K., and Shirane, G.  Neutron scattering study of temperature-concentration phase diagram of (Cu1-xMgx)GeO3J. Phys. Soc. Japan 68, 3662-3667 (1999).
  • Niemöller, T., Hünnefeld, H., Schneider, J.R., Ichikawa, N., Uchida, S., Frello, T., Andersen, N.H., Tranquada, J.M.  Charge stripes seen with x-rays in   La1.45Nd0.4Sr0.15CuO4Eur. Phys. J. B12, 509-513 (1999).
  • Noheda, B., Gonzalo, J.A., Guo, R., Park, S.-E., Cross, L.E., Cox, D.E., Shirane, G.  The monoclinic phase in PZT: new light on morphotropic phase boundaries. Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 2000, Aspen Center for Physics Winter Workshop, Ronald E. Cohen, Editor, pp. 304-313 (AIP conference Proceedings 535, Amer. Inst. Of Phys., 2000).
  • Noheda, B., Gonzalo, J.A., Cabellero, A.C., Moure, C., Cox, D.E., Shirane, G.  New features of the morphotropic phase boundary in the Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 system.  Ferroelectrics 237, 237-244 (2000).
  • Noheda, B., Gonzalo, J.A., Cross, L.E., Guo, R., Park, S-E., Cox, D.E., Shirane, G.  A tetragonal-to-monoclinic phase transition in a ferroelectric perovskite:  the structure of PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3Phys. Rev. B61, 8687-8695 (2000).
  • Pashkevich, Yu. G., Blinkin, V.A., Gnezdilov, V.P., Tsapenko, V.V., Eremenko, V.V., Lemmens, P., Fischer, M., Grove, M., Güntherodt, G., Degiorgi, L., Wachter, P., Tranquada, J.M., Buttrey, D.J.  Stripe conductivity in La1.775Sr0.225NiO4Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3919-3922 (2000).
  • Pashkevich, Yu. G., Blinkin, V.A., Gnezdilov, V.P., Kurnosov, V.S., Tsapenko, V.V., Eremenko, V.V., Lemmens, P., Fischer, M., Grove, M., Güntherodt, G., Degiorgi, L., Wachter, P., Tranquada, J.M., Buttrey, D.J.  Optical studies of the incommensurate charge ordered phase in La1.775Sr0.225NiO4Physica B284-288, 1473-1474 (2000).
  • Ramirez, A.P., Subramanian, M.A., Gardel, M., Blumberg, G., Li, D., Vogt, T., Shapiro, S.M.  Giant dielectric constant response in a copper-titanate.  Solid State Comm. 115, 217-220 (2000).
  • Raymond, S., Zheludev, A., Masuda, T., Kakurai, K., Ressouche, E.  Magnetic excitations and double gap in the S=1/2 linear chain quantum antiferromagnet BaCu2Si2O7.  Institut Lave-Langevin Annual Report.
  • Shapiro, S.M.  Neutron scattering studies of pre-transitional effects in solid-solid phase transformations. Proc. Intern. Conf. on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations '99 (JIMIC-3), M. Koiwa, K. Otsuka and T. Miyazaki, Editors, pp. 799-806 (The Japan Institute of Metals, 1999).
  • Shapiro, S.M.  Phonon precursors of martensitic transformations.  Proc. Third Intern. Symp. on Shape Memory Alloys and Related Technology (SMART-2000), Sendai, Japan, August 18-20, 2000  (to be published).
  • Uchinokura, K., Uchiyama, Y., Masuda, T., Sadago, Y., Tsukada, I., Zheludev, A., Hayashi, T., Miura, N., BØni, P.  Phase diagram of spin-vacancy-induced antiferromagnetism in a new Haldane compound PbNi2V2O8Physica B  284-288, 1641-1642 (2000).
  • Wakimoto, S., Birgeneau, R.J., Kastner, M.A., Lee, Y.S., Erwin, R., Gehring, P.M., Lee, S.H., Fujita, M., Yamada, K., Endoh, Y., Hirota, K., Shirane, G.  Direct observation of a one-dimensional static spin modulation in insulating  La1.95Sr0.05CuO4Phys. Rev. B61, 3699-3706 (2000).
  • Wang, R., Zhu, Y., Shapiro, S.M.  Electron diffraction studies of phonon and static disorder in SrTiO3 Phys. Rev. B61, 8814-8822 (2000).
  • Zarestky, J., Stassis, C., Goldman, A., Canfield, P., Shirane, G., Shapiro, S.  Phonon profiles in superconducting YNi2B2C and LuNi2B2C.  Phys. Rev. B60, 11932-11934 (1999).
  • Zheludev, A., Maslov, S., Yokoo, T., Akimitsu, J., Raymond, S., Nagler, S.E., Hirota, K.   Role of single-ion excitations in the mixed-spin quasi-one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet Nd2BaNiO5Phys. Rev. B61, 11601-11612 (2000).
  • Zheludev, A., Masuda, T.,  Tsukada, I., Uchiyama, Y., Uchinokura, K., BØni, P., Lee, S.H.  Magnetic excitations in coupled Haldane spin chains near the quantum critical point.  Phys. Rev. B (accepted).


  • Bao, Wei, Raymond, S., Shapiro, S.M., Motoya, K., Fåk, B., and Erwin, R.W. Unconventional ferromagnetic and spin-glass states of the reentrant spin glass Fe0.7Al0.3. Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4711-4714 (1999). BNL 65952
  • Birgeneau, R.J., Greven, M., Kastner, M.A., Lee, Y.S., Wells, B.O., Endoh, Y., Yamada, K., Shirane, G. Instantaneous spin correlations in La2CuO4. Phys. Rev. B59, 13788-13794 (1999). BNL 66376
  • Boehm, M. Coad, S. Roessli, B., Zheludev, A., Zolliker, M., Böni, P., and McK. Paul, Eisaki, H., Motoyama, N., Uchida, S. Competing exchange interactions in Li2CuO2. Europhysics Lett. 43, 77-82 (1998). BNL 65704
  • Böni, P., Lorenzo, J.E., Roessli, B., Shirane, G., Werner, S.A., and Wildes, A. Polarization analysis of low-energy excitations in single-domain Cr. Physica B 267-268, 255-258 (1999). BNL 65972
  • Egami, T., McQueeney, R. J., Petrov, Y., Shirane, G., and Endoh, Y. Low temperature phonon anomalies in cuprates. Proc. of the Intern. Conf. On Stripes and High Tc Superconductivity, Rome, Italy, June 1998. BNL 65702
  • Emery, V.J., Kivelson, S.A., Tranquada, J.M. Stripe phases in high temperature superconductors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 96, 8814-8817 (1999). BNL 66713
  • Ishikawa, N., Uchida, S., Tranquada, J.M., Niemoller, T., Gehring, P.M., Lee, S.-H., Schneider, J.R. Metallic stripes and charge order in cuprate superconductors. Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted). BNL 66860
  • Islam, Zahirul, Detlefs, C., Goldman, A.J., Bud'ko, S.L., Canfield, P.C., Zheludev, A. The magnetic structures of DyNi2Ge2. Solid State Communications 108, 371-376 (1998). BNL 66085
  • Kim, Y.J., Birgeneau, R.J., Kastner, M.A., Lee, Y.S., Endoh, Y.,
  • Shirane, G., Yamada, K. Quantum Monte Carlo study of weakly coupled spin ladders. Phys. Rev. B60, 3294-3304 (1999). BNL 66375
  • Kimura, Hiroyuki, Hirota, Kazuma, Matsushita, Hiroki, Yamada, Kazuyoshi, Endoh, Yasuo, Lee, Seung-Hun, Majkrzak, Charles G., Erwin, Ross, Shirane, Gen, Greven, Martin, Lee, Young S., Kastner, Marc A., Birgeneau, Robert J. Neutron scattering study of static antiferromagnetic correlations in La2-xSrxCu1-yZnyO4. Phys. Rev. B59, 6517-6523 (1999). BNL 65817
  • Kimura, H., Matsushita, H., Hirota, K., Endoh, Y., Yamada, K., Shirane, G., Lee, Y.S., Kastner, M.A., Birgeneau, R.J. Neutron scattering study of incommensurate elastic magnetic peaks in La1.88Sr0.12CuO4. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 60, 1067-1070 (1999). BNL 66182
  • Kimura, Hiroyuki, Hirota, Kazuma, Lee, Chul Ho, Yamada, Kazuyoshi, Shirane, Gen. Structural instability associated with the tilting of CuO6 octahedra in La2-xSrxCuO4. J. Phys. Soc. Japan (submitted). BNL 66766
  • Kobayashi, Yoshihiko, Murata, Satoru, Asai, Kichizo, Tranquada, J.M., Shirane, G., and Kohn, Kay. Magnetic and transport properties of LaCo1-xNiXO3-comparison with La1-XSrXCoO3. J. Phys. Soc. Japan 68, 1011-1017 (1999). BNL 66516
  • Lee, Y. S., Greven, M., Wells, B. O., Birgeneau, R. J., and Shirane, G. Spin correlations in the two-dimensional spin - 5/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet Rb2MnF4. Euro. Phys. J. B 5, 15-22 (1998). BNL 65358
  • Lee, Y.S., Birgeneau, R.J. Kastner, M.A., Endoh, Y., Wakimoto, S., Yamada, K., Erwin, R.W., Lee, S.-H., and Shirane, Gen. Neutron scattering study of spin-density wave order in the superconducting state of excess-oxygen-doped La2CuO4+y. Phys. Rev. B60, 3643-3654 (1999). BNL 66311
  • Maslov, S. and Zheludev, A. Universal behavior of one-dimensional gapped antiferromagnets in staggered magnetic field. Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5786-5789 (1998). BNL 65468
  • Matsuda, M., Katsumata, K., Shapiro, S.M., and Shirane, G. Magnetic excitations in the S = 1/2 quasi-one-dimensional magnet Sr14-xCaxCu24O41. J. Appl. Phys. 85, 5642-5644 (1999). BNL 65843
  • Matsuda, M., Yoshihama, T., Kakurai, K., and Shirane, G. Quasi-two-dimensional hole ordering and dimerized state in the CuO2-chain layers in Sr14Cu24O41. Phys. Rev. B59, 1060-1066 (1999). BNL 65805
  • Matsuda, M., Motoyama, N., Eisaki, H., Uchida, S., Yokoo, T., Shapiro, S.M., Shirane, G., and Zarestky, J. L. Magnetic excitations and structural change in the S = 1/2 quasi-one-dimensional magnet (Sr14-xYxCu24O41) (0 < x < 1). J. Appl. Phys. 85, 5642-5644 (1999). BNL 64553
  • Matsuda, M., Katsumata, K., Zheludev, A., Shapiro, S.M. and Shirane, G. Neutron Scattering Study in BaNiO2. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 60, 1121-1123 (1999). BNL 65877
  • Matsuda, M., Lee, Y.S., Greven, M., Kastner, M.A., Birgeneau, R.J., Yamada, K., Endoh, Y., Böni, P., Lee, S.-H., Wakimoto, S., Shirane, G. Freezing of anisotropic spin clusters in La1.98Sr0.02CuO4. Phys. Rev. B (submitted). BNL 66711
  • McQueeney, R.J., Petrov, Y., Egami, T., Yethiraj, M., Shirane, G., Endoh, Y. Anomalous dispersion of LO phonons in La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 at low temperatures. Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 628-631 (1999). BNL 66287
  • Nakao, H., Nishi, M., Fujii, Y., Masuda, T., Tsukada, I., Uchinokura, K., Hirota, K., and Shirane, G. Neutron scattering study of temperature-concentration phase diagram of (Cu1-xMgx)GeO3. Phys. Rev. B (submitted). BNL 66083
  • Nakao, H., Nishi, M., Fujii, Y., Masuda, T., Tsukada, I., Uchinokura, K., Hirota, K., and Shirane, G. Neutron scattering study of doped spin-Peierls compound (Cu1-xMgx)GeO3. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 60, 1117-1119 (1999). BNL 66345
  • Niemöller, T., Hünnefeld, H., Schneider, J.R., Ichikawa, N., Uchida, S., Frello, T., Andersen, N.H., Tranquada, J.M. Charge stripes seen with x-rays in La1.45Nd0.4Sr0.15CuO4. Euro. J. B (submitted). BNL 66509
  • Noheda, B., Cox, D.E., Shirane, G., Gonzalo, J.A., Cross, L.E., and Park, S.-E. A monoclinic ferroelectric phase in the Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 solid solution. Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 2059-2061 (1999). BNL 66131
  • Noheda, B., Gonzalo, J.A., Cabellero, A.C., Moure, C., Cox, D.E., Shirane, G. New features of the morphotropic phase boundary in the Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 system. Ferroelectrics (submitted). BNL 66715
  • Pashkevich, Yu. G., Blinkin, V.A., Gnezdilov, V.P., Tsapenko, V.V., Eremenko, V.V., Lemmens, P., Fischer, M., Grove, M., Güntherodt, G., Degiorgi, L., Wachter, P., Tranquada, J.M., Buttrey, D.J. Stripe conductivity in La1.775Sr0.225NiO4. Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted). BNL 66858
  • Raymond, S., Yokoo, T., Zheludev, A., Nagler, S.E., Wildes, A., and Akimitsu, J. Polarized-neutron observation of longitudinal Haldane-gap excitations in Nd2BaNiO5. Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2382-2385 (1999). BNL 66063
  • Rütt, U., Hünnefeld, H., Schneider, J. R. and Shirane, G. Exponents for the two length scale critical fluctuations above the cubic/tetragonal phase in transition in SrTiO3. Europhys. Lett. (submitted). BNL 65390
  • Shapiro, S.M. Neutron scattering studies of pre-transitional effects in solid-solid phase transformations. Proc. Intern. Conf. on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations '99 (PTM'99), May 24-28, 1999, Kyoto, Japan (to be published). BNL 66700
  • Shapiro, S.M., and Holden, T.M. Inelastic neutron scattering for materials science and engineering. J. Neutron Research 7, 227-246 (1999). BNL 66276
  • Shirane, G. Magnetism of doped CuGeO3. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 60, 1031-1037 (1999). BNL 65991
  • Stassis, C., Zarestky, J., Goldman, A.J., Canfield, P.C., Shirane, G., Shapiro, S. Anomalous phonons below Tc in superconducting RNi2B2C (R = Lu, Y). Physica C 317-318, 127-133 (1999). BNL 66864
  • Tranquada, J. M. Charge stripes and antiferromagnetism in insulating nickelates and superconducting cuprates. J. Phys. Chem. Solids. 59, 2150-2154 (1998). BNL 65224
  • Tranquada, J. M. Phase separation, charge segregation and superconductivity in layered cuprates. Neutron Scattering Layered Copper-Oxide Superconductors, A. Furrer, Editor, pp. 225-260 (Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1998). BNL 65377
  • Tranquada, J.M., Ichikawa, N., and Uchida, S. Glassy nature of stripe ordering in La1.6-xNd0.4SrxCuO4. Phys. Rev. B59, 14712-14722 (1999). BNL 65993
  • Tranquada, J.M., Ichikawa, N., Kakurai, K., and Uchida, S. Charge segregation and antiferromagnetism in high-Tc superconductors. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 60, 1019-1023 (1999). BNL 66130
  • Tranquada, J.M. Experimental evidence for topological doping in the cuprates. High Temperature Superconductivity, S.E. Barnes et al., Editors, pp. 336-340 (American Institute Institute of Physics, 1999). BNL 66434
  • Tsukada, I., Sasago, Y., Uchinokura, K., Zheludev, A., Maslov, S., Shirane, G., Kakurai, K., Ressouche, E. BaCu2Si2O7: a new quasi 1-dimensional S = 1/2 antiferromagnetic chain system. Phys. Rev. B 60, 6601-6607 (1999). BNL 66435
  • Uchiyama, Y., Sasago, Y., Tsukada, I., Uchinokura, K., Zheludev, A., Hayashi, T., Miura, N., Böni, P. Spin-vacancy-induced long-range order in a new Haldane-gap antiferromagnet. Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 632-635 (1999). BNL 66436
  • Wakimoto, S., Shirane, G., Endoh, Y., Hirota, K., Ueki, S., Yamada, K., Birgeneau, R.J., Kastner, M.A., Lee, Y.S., Gehring, P.M., Lee, S.H. Observation of incommensurate magnetic correlations at the lower critical concentration for superconductivity in La2-xSrxCuO4 (x = 0.05). Phys. Rev. B60, R769-R772 (1999). BNL 66132
  • Wakimoto, S., Yamada, K., Ueki, S., Shirane, G., Lee, Y.S., Lee, S.H., Kastner, M.A., Hirota, K., Gehring, P.M., Endoh, Y., and Birgeneau, R.J. Neutron scattering study of elastic magnetic signals in superconducting La1.94Sr0.06CuO4. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 60, 1079-1081 (1999). BNL 66344
  • Wakimoto, S., Birgeneau, R.J., Kastner, M.A., Lee, Y.S., Erwin, R., Gehring, P.M., Lee, S.H., Fujita, M., Yamada, K., Endoh, Y., Hirota, K., Shirane, G. Direct observation of a one dimensional static spin modulation in insulating La1.95Sr0.05CuO4. Phys. Rev. B (submitted BNL 66764
  • Yamada, K., Kurahashi, K., Endoh, Y., Birgeneau, R.J., Shirane, G. Neutron scattering study on electron-hole doping symmetry of high-Tc superconductivity. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 60, 1025-1030 (1999). BNL 66865
  • Yokoo, T., Raymond, S., Zheludev, A., Maslov, S., Ressouche, E., Zaliznyak, I., Erwin, R., Nakamura, M., and Akimitsu, J. Magnetic ordering, spin waves, and Haldane gap excitations in (NdxY1-x)2BaNiO5 linear-chain mixed-spin antiferromagnets. Phys. Rev. B 58, 14424-14435 (1998). BNL 65432
  • Zarestky, J., Stassis, C., Goldman, A., Canfield, P., Shirane, G., Shapiro, S. Phonon profiles in superconducting Yni2B2C and LuNi2B2C. Phys. Rev. B (submitted). BNL 65818
  • Zheludev, A., Maslov, S., Shirane, G., Tsukada, I., Masuda, T., Uchinokura, K., Zaliznyak, I., Erwin, R., and Regnault, L.P. Magnetic anisotropy and low-energy spin waves in the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya spiral magnet Ba2CuGe2O7. Phys. Rev. B59, 11432-11444 (1999). BNL 66044
  • Zheludev, A., Maslov, S., Tsukada, I., Zaliznyak, I., Regnault, L.P., Masuda, T., Uchinokura, K., Erwin, R., and Shirane, G. Experimental evidence for Kaplan-Shekhtman-Entin-Wohlman-Aharony (KSEA) interactions in Ba2CuGe2O7. Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5410-5413 (1999). BNL 66039
  • Zheludev, A. Haldane spin chains in a staggered field: 2-1-1-5 rare earth nickelates. Neutron News 10, 16-19 (1999). BNL 66062