General Lab Information

Lab Policies

Alcohol Consumption

The consumption or unauthorized possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all areas of the site except for the Brookhaven Center Club and the housing areas. The only exception to this rule is that alcohol may be served at after-hours functions, with prior approval by the Department Chair or Division Manager, the Assistant or Associate Laboratory Director, and a Deputy Laboratory Director. No Employee, Guest or Contractor may drink alcohol during the course of their work day. Consumption of alcohol during BERA-sponsored sporting events is prohibited; however, participants may request permission to serve alcohol after games. Employees who consume alcohol at after-hours events should not return to the work area following the function, nor should they drive if in an impaired condition.

Illegal Drugs and Controlled Substances

Individuals are strictly prohibited from using, possessing, selling, purchasing, distributing, or being under the influence of illegal drugs on the Laboratory site or while performing Laboratory business.

Individuals are prohibited from abusing controlled substances, and should consult their physicians for information regarding a prescription drug's potential to impair job performance.


When riding a bicycle on-site at BNL you must wear a helmet as REQUIRED by Laboratory policy. Ride in the same direction as the flow of traffic and single file. Walk your bike when using a crosswalk. Do not wear headphones on both ears while riding. Refrain from riding on sidewalks.

BERA provides the Borrow-a-Bike Program for those without a vehicle.

Computer Security

The U.S. Department of Energy and Brookhaven National Laboratory provide staff with computers, computing systems, and their associated communication systems to support the Laboratory's official business. Official business includes all authorized work connected with the design, construction, and operation of the Laboratory, and its authorized programs in research, development, education, and associated administrative and support activities.

Inappropriate use of computers, software and equipment may constitute fraud, waste, and abuse of government property.

Failure to comply with Brookhaven's computer policies may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

Contact ITD, Ext. 5522 or the Cyber Security Office, Ext. 8484 for more information.

For further information see the Computer Use Agreement

Equal Opportunity

The Lab has a long-standing commitment to a policy of equality of opportunity without regard to race, creed, color, sex, age, national origin, physical or mental disability or veteran status.


No person, except members of law-enforcement agencies, may bring or carry firearms on-site without special authorization.


All materials and services at the Laboratory, unless properly identified with another organization, are the property of the United States Government. Government tagged property is clearly identified.

The theft, misuse, or personal use of Government property is unlawful and is grounds for immediate discharge.

No property or material, except for personally owned goods, may be removed from the Laboratory site without an authorized Property Pass or Loan Agreement.

Property passes can be obtained from the Property Management representative of your division.

The BNL Safeguards and Security Division reserves the right to inspect and search vehicles entering or leaving the site.

Any stolen items must be reported to the BNL Safeguards and Security Division at Ext. 2238.

See the Property and Procurement Management website for more information.

Sexual Harassment

Brookhaven is committed to keeping its work environment free of threatening, intimidating, or harassing conduct, including sexual harassment.

If you believe you have experienced a possible sexual harassment situation, make it clear to the other party that their behavior is unwelcome, and contact your supervisor if you wish to take the matter further.

Professional conduct and ethical behavior are expected and required at all times.

Each individual is responsible for being aware of the appropriateness of his or her conduct and for respecting the rights of others.

Training and Qualification

Upon your employment/assignment, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) ensures that BNL employees, guests, users, and contractors are trained and qualified to perform their assigned tasks and job functions.

The Laboratory has established training requirements in accordance with regulatory requirements for work to be performed, hazards that may be encountered, areas that will be accessed, potential for risk, and general site requirements.

BNL has defined minimum training requirements for work to be performed, and monitors the completion of these requirements.

In addition to ensuring that personnel receive appropriate training, the Laboratory is committed to ensuring that its workers are qualified to perform their jobs.

See the Training and Qualifications website for more information.