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Completed / Terminated ATF Experiments
- AE01 – Micro–undulator FEL Experiment. Spokesperson: I. Ben–Zvi, BNL. (1992 – 1997)
- AE02 – Inverse FEL Accelerator. Spokesperson: A. van Steenbergen, BNL. [Yale, Columbia]. (1992–1997)
- AE03 – Laser Grating Accelerator Experiment. Spokesperson: R. Fernow, BNL. [Princeton, LANL]. (1992– 1996)
- AE05 –Nonlinear–Compton Scattering. Spokesperson: K. McDonald, Princeton (1992–)
- AE06 – Inverse Cherenkov Acceleration. Spokesperson: W. Kimura, STI Optronics. [UCSB,BNL]. (1992–1997)
- AE08 – Far Infrared Radiation Source. Spokesperson J. Walsh, Dartmouth. [Oxford, BNL]. (1992 – 1994)
- AE09 – Photocathode R&D. Spokesperson: T. Rao, BNL. (1992 – )
- AE10 – High Gain Harmonic Generation FEL. Spokesperson: L.H. Yu, BNL. [ANL] (1992 – 2001)
- AE11 – Study of Spiking Phenomena in FELs. Spokesperson: T. Marshall, Columbia. [BNL] (1992 – 1997)
- AE12 – Room temperature, pulsed Microwiggler. Spokesperson: H. Haus, MIT. [BNL] (1992 – 1997)
- AE13 – Smith–Purcell Effect Experiment. Spokesperson: J. Walsh, Dartmouth. [BNL, U. Colorado] (1994 – 2004).
- AE14 – Ultrafast Imaging System.. Spokesperson: M. Bardash, QEL Inc. (1994 – 1999)
- AE15 – New Generation Photocathode RF Gun Test Program. Spokesperson: R. Miller, SLAC. [BNL]. (1994 – 1997)
- AE17 – Intelligent Control System for Accelerators. Spokesperson: R. Westerveldt, Vista Control Systems. [BNL, Univ. New Mexico] (1996 –1999)
- AE19 – Stimulated Dielectric Wakefield Accelerator. Spokesperson: J. Hirshfield, Omega–P Inc. and Yale University and T. Marshall, Columbia University. (1997–2004)
- AE20 – STELLA– Staged Electron Laser Acceleration. Spokesperson: W. Kimura, STI Optronics. [BNL, UCLA, Stanford, Yale, UCSB] (1997 – 2004)
- AE22 – Study of Compton Scattering of Picosecond Electron and CO2 Beams. Spokespersons: T. Kumita, Tokyo Metropolitan University, and I. Pogorelsky, BNL. [Waseda University, KEK, UCLA, Princeton U.] (1998 – )
- AE23 – Ultra–fast Detection of Relativistic Charged particles by Optical Techniques. Spokesperson: T. Tsang, BNL. [Montclair State University, Univ. of Pittsburgh]. (1998 – )
- AE24 – A SASE–Free Electron Laser Experiment, VISA, at the ATF Linac. Spokespersons: J. Rosenzweig, C. Pellegrini, UCLA, I. Ben–Zvi, BNL. (1998 – )
- AE25 – Laser Driven Cyclotron Autoresonance Accelerator. Spokesperson: J. Hirshfield, Omega–P/Yale (2000–)
- AE26 – Electron Beam Pulse Compression Based Physics at the ATF. Spokesperson: J. Rosenzweig, UCLA (2000–)
- AE27 – Structure–based Laser Driven Acceleration in a Vacuum. Spokespersons: Y. C. Huang, National Tsinghua Univ., Taiwan and Vitaly Yakimenko, BNL (2000–)
- AE28 – MINOS Beam Monitoring Detectors. Spokesperson: M. Diwan, BNL.[FNAL, Northwestern, Pittsburgh, Wisconsin, CERN]. (2001–2001)
- AE29 – Optical Diffraction–Transition Radiation Interferometry Diagnostics for Low Emittance Beams. Spokesperson: R. Fiorito, TR Research Inc. (2002–)
- AE30 – Particle Acceleration by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (PASER).Spokesperson L. Schachter, Technion, Israel. (2002–)
- AE31 – Multi–bunch Plasma Wakefield Acceleration at ATF, Spokeperson: P. Muggli, Univ. Southern California [BNL] (2004).
- AE32 – Laser Wakefield Acceleration Driven by a CO2 Laser, Spokesperson W. Kimura, STI Optronics (2004 –).
- AE33 – X–ray transition radiation generated by MeV electrons in a multilayer solid target, P. Shkolnikov, SUNY SB (2005–)
- AE34 – Extreme UV source based on CO2 laser interaction with Xe micro–droplets, T. Ariga, EUVA, Japan (2005–)
- AE35 – High–brightness picosecond ion beam source based on BNL TW CO2 laser.Spokesperson: P. Shkolnikov, SUNY SB (2005)
- AE36 – Quad–Cavity Beam Monitor. (2005 –)
- AE37 – An X–band, traveling wave, deflection mode cavity for ultra–fast beam manipulation. Spokesperson: A. Murokh, Radiabeam (2007–2015)
- AE39 – DWA – High Gradient, high field dielectric wakefield acceleration experiments at the ATF. Spokesperson: J. Rosenzweig, UCLA (2010)
- AE38 – Delta Undulator. Cornell
- AE40 – Inverse Gamma source. Spokesperson: Salime Boucher, Radiabeam
- AE41 – RUBICON – 220 MeV/m –130 MeV energy gain helical IFEL experiment at BNL. Spokesperson: P. Musumeci, UCLA (2009–2015)
- AE42– Extreme UV source based on CO2 laser interaction with Xe micro–droplets, T. Ariga, EUVA, Japan (2005–)
- AE43 – PWFA Holography.Spokesperson: M. Downer/P. Muggli (2009)
- AE44 – Study of shielding effects of coherent synchrotron radiation at BNL ATF. Spokesperson: A. Fedotov/Dmitry Kayran, BNL/CAD (2009 – 2011)
- AE45 – Advanced imaging and ultra–fast material probing with inverse Compton scattering. Spokesperson: M. Carpinelli, INFN (2009–2015)
- AE48 – Experimental study of electron–beam microbunching dynamics. Spokesperson: A. Gover, Tel–Aviv U. (2010)
- AE49 – Measurement of coherent terahertz radiation using a real–time interferometer. Spokesperson: Andonian/Rosenzweig/Musumeci, UCLA (2010)
- AE50 – Plasma Wakefields in the Quasi–Nonlinear Regime. Spokesperson: J. Rosenzweig/S. Barber, UCLA (2012–2015)
- AE51 – Study of wall roughness effects at BNL ATF. Spokesperson: A. Fedotov, BNL/CAD (2012)
- AE52 – Beam Manipulation by Self–Wakefield at the ATF. Spokesperson: S. Antipov/A. Kanareikin (2012)
- AE55 – Single Electron Experiment. Spokesperson: Sebastian White, Columbia and Kirk McDonald, Princeton (2010)
- AE56 – A High–resolution Transverse Diagnostic Based on Fiber Optics. Spokesperson: A. Murokh, Radiabeam (2013)
- AE59 – Inverse Compton Source for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, Spokesperson: A. Murokh, Radiabeam (2013)
- AE60 – Ultrafast High–Brightness Electron Source. Spokesperson: J. Park, Advanced energy systems (2012)
- AE61 – Transient Noise of MCT Detector Array Due to 70 MeV Electrons. PI: R. Green, Jet Propulsion Lab. (2014)
- AE62 – Sub–Femtosecond Beam Line Diagnostics, PI: G. Andonian, UCLA (2014)
- AE63 – Stony Brook Accelerator Laboratory Course, CASE@ATF, PI: Litvinenko, Stony Brook (2014)
- AE64 – Surface Wave Accelerator and Radiation Source Based on Silicon Carbide, PI: G. Shvets, U. Tex. (2010)
- AE65 – NOCIBUR: an inverse free electron laser decelerator experiment, PI: P. Musumeci, UCLA (2014)
- AE66 – Modification of Gas Jet Density Profile with Hydrodynamic SHocks for CO2 Laser Ion Acceleration Experiment.PI: A. Ting/Z. Najmudin, NRL/Imperial College (2014)
- AE67 – Space Radiation Effects Experiments, PI: Wousik Kim, NASA (2014)
- AE68 – Ramped Beam Generation Using Dielectric Wakefield Structures, PI: G. Andonian, RadiaBeam (2014)
- AE69 – Key Physics Study of LPI with NCD Plasma Using Laser Machined Plasma Structure, PI: Wei Lu, Tsinghua Univ., China (2014)
- AE70 – Nonlinear Inverse Compton Scattering, PI: J. Rosenzweig, UCLA (2014)
- AE71 – CO2–Laser–Driven GeV Wakefield Accelerators with External Injection/ Key Physics Study of Laser Wakefield Acceleration Utilizing Ultrafast CO2 Laser and Electron Beam, PI: V. Litvinenko/W. Lu, SUNY SB/Tsinghua Univ. (2014)
- AE73 – Energy Chirp Compensation in Plasma, PI: J. Osterhoff, DESY (2015)
- AE74 – Self–Channeling of CO2Laser in Air, PI: S. Tochitsky, UCLA (2015)
- AE75 – MEMS Undulator for EUV Lasers, PI: I. Gadjev, UCLA (2015)
- AE76 – High Duty Cycle FEL, PI: A. Murokh, Radiabeam (2015)
- AE77 – Advanced IFEL (Part 1), PI: N.Sudar, UCLA (2016)
- AE78 – eRHIC BPM
- AE79 – Non–Scaling FFAG Arc Test, PI: Brooks, BNL
- AE85 – Multi atmospheric CO2 Amplifier Optically Pumped by a 4.3 micron FeZnSe Laser, PI: Tochitsky, UCLA (2017)
- AE86 – Plasma Ion Channel Undulator (PICU) using Electron Beam in CO2 Laser–Driven Channel, PI: A. Sahai/Z. Najmudin, ICL (2017)
- AE87 – Hard X–ray ICS, PI: Y. Sakai, UCLA (2017)
- AE88 – Electron Beam Formation via Ionization Injection for Next Generation Accelerator R&D,PI: M. Fedurin, M. Babzien, BNL (2018)
- AE92 – Clearing a Path Through Fog Droplets using a Short–Pulse (sub–nsec) CO2 Laser, PI: R. Fischer, NRL (2018)
- AE93 – Direct Measurement of Fields and Radiation in the Self-Modulated Plasma Wakefield Regime, PI: N. Vafaei-Najafabadi, SUNY-SB (2018)
- AE95 – Optical Diagnosis of Self-Modulated CO2-laser Driven Plasm a Wakes, PI: M. Downer, UT-Austin (2018)
- AE98 – Probing electron Weibel instability in optical field-ionized plasmas using ultrashort electron bunches, PI: C. Zhang, UCLA (2019)
- AE99 – Directional X-ray radiation produced by an ultra-short period plasma magneto-static undulator, PI: C. Joshi - UCLA (2019)
- AE101 – Optical Materials for Ultrahigh-Power Long-Wave Infrared Lasers, PI: M. Polyanskiy - BNL (2019)
- AE102 – Collinear wakefirled accelerator based on corrugated waveguide, PI: A. Zholents – Argonne National Laboratory (2019)
- AE120 – Characterization of the Collinear Wakefield Accelerator Module, PI: A. Zholents, ANL (2021)
- AE122 – Remote Detection of Radioactive Materials Using Long Wave Infrared Laser–driven Avalance Breakdown, PI: H. Milchberg, U. Maryland–College Park (2021)
- AF106 – Detector with Adjustable Aperture for Electron Beam Monitoring, PI: V. Konovalov, Applied Diamond Inc. (2020)
- AF107 – Suppression of Microbunch Instability by Laser Modulated Microbunching Compression, PI: Q. Marksteiner, LANL (2020)
- UE109 – Study of ultrafast Light Induced Structural Phase Transition (SPT) and ultrafast modulation of domains in Weyl Semimetal, MoTe2, PI: B. Freelon, U. Houston (2020)
- UE80 – Non–Equilibrium Phenomena w/UED, PI: Tao, BNL (2016)
- UE81 –Phase 1 LDRD for UED, PI: Yu, BNL
- UE82 –Thermal Transport in Thermoelectric Materials, PI: Li, BNL (2016)
- UF83 – Change Order Formation, PI: Konstantinov, SUNY SB (2016)
- UE84 – UED Thin Film Melting, PI: Robinson, BNL (2016)
- UE94 – Study of Nonequilibrium Lattice Dynamics in Low Dimensional 3D–Dirac Semimetals, PI: T. Konstantinova/J. Tao, BNL (2018)
- UF96 – UEM Timing Stability Study, PI: Xi Yang, BNL (2019)
- UE97 – Demonstration of Feasibiity of Sub–nm, Picosecond Electron Microscope for the Life Sciences, PI: XI Yang – BNL (2019)
- UE103 – Structural phase transition and phonon excitation in non–equilibrium Cu2s, PI: J. Tao (2019)
- UE104 – Structure phase transition on Weyl semimetal MoTe2, PI: J. Li – BNL (2019)
- UE105 – Change Order and Lattice Dynamics in Photoexcited Cuprates and Iridates, PI: J. Tao – BNL (2019)
- UE111 – Ultrafast Electron Microscopy with Flux Concentrator Objective Lens, PI: E. Montgomery, Euclid Techlabs (2020)
- UF112 – Conduction Cooled SRF Gun for UED/UEM, PI: R. Kostin, Euclid Techlabs (2020)
- UE113 – Permanent Magnet Quadrupoles for Microscopy Systems, PI: G. Andonian, Radiabeam (2020)
- UF114 – Unraveling the origin of helicity–dependent coherent phonon oscillations in the van der Waals ferromagnet CrI3, PI: Prasankumar, LANL
- UF118 – Crystal Structure Dynamics of Graphite and Graphene Coated Alkali Photocathodes, PI: Moody, LANL (2020)
- UE123 – Development of Actinide Studies using MeV Ultrafast Electron Diffraction, PI: M. Fazio, UNM (2021)