General Lab Information



  1. Polyanskiy, M. (2024). Plasma electron acceleration driven by a long-wave-infrared laser. Nature Communications, 15(1)
  2. Pogorelsky, I. (2024). Terawatt-Class Femtosecond Long-Wave Infrared Laser. Frontiers in Physics, 12
  3. Polyanskiy, M. (2024). Nonlinear refraction and absorption properties of optical materials for high-peak-power long-wave-infrared lasers. Optical Materials Express, 14(3)
  4. Polyanskiy, M. (2024). database of optical constants. Scientific Data, 11, Article 94


  1. Chen, Y. & Polyanskiy, M. (2023). Proton acceleration in an overdense hydrogen plasma by intense CO2 laser pulses with nonlinear propagation effects in the underdense preplasma. Physics Of Plasmas, 30(5)
  2. Sakai, Y. & Pogorelsky, I. (2023). Electron beam controlled deflection of near infrared laser in semiconductor plasma. Journal of Applied Physics


Z. Chang, L. Fang, V. Fedorov, C. Geiger, S. Ghimire, C. Heide, N. Ishii, J. Itatani, C. Joshi, Y. Kobayashi, P. Kumar, A. Marra, S. Mirov, I. Petrushina, M. Polyanskiy, D. A. Reis, S. Tochitsky, S. Vasilyev, L. Wang, Y. Wu, F. Zhou, "Intense infrared lasers for strong-field science", Adv. Opt. Photonics . 14, 652–782, 2022

C. Zhang, Y. Wu, M. Sinclair, A. Farrell, K. A. Marsh, J. Hua, I. Petrushina, N. Vafaei-Najafabadi, R. Kupfer, K. Kusche, M. Fedurin, I. Pogorelsky, M. Polyanskiy, C.-K. Huang, W. Lu, W. B. Mori, C. Joshi, "Electron Weibel instability induced magnetic fields in optical-field ionized plasmas", Phys. Plasmas 29, 062102, 2022

M. Polyanskiy, "Multi-terawatt long wave infrared lasers: Status and perspectives", 23rd International Symposium on High-Power Laser Systems and Applications, Prague (Czech Republic) June 13–16, 2022

N. Polyanskiy, I. V. Pogorelsky, M. Babzien, R. Kupfer, M. A. Palmer, "The choice of materials for post-compression of high-peak-power long-wave infrared pulses", Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA (USA), May 15–20 2022 [summary]

Li, R. Kupfer, F. Wang, J. Wishart, M. Babzien, M. Polyanskiy, I. Pogorelsky, T. Rao, L. Cultrera, N. Vafaei-Najafabadi, M. Palmer, “Raman-based Wavelength Conversion for Seeding and Optical Pumping of CO2 Laser Amplifiers”, Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (AAC), Long Island, NY (USA), November 6–11, 2022

Petrushina, et al, “Characterization of the fields inside the CO2-laser-driven wakefield accelerators using relativistic electron beams” Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (AAC), Long Island, NY (USA), November 6–11, 2022

M. Polyanskiy, et al, “9.3 Microns: Toward a Next-Generation CO2 Laser for Particle Accelerators” Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (AAC), Long Island, NY (USA), November 6–11, 2022

N. Vafaei-Najafabadi , et al, “Experimental Evidence for Suitability of Krypton as a Plasma Source for Two-Color Ionization Injection” Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (AAC), Long Island, NY (USA), November 6–11, 2022

I. Pogorelsky, et al, “Fulfilling the mission of Brookhaven ATF as a DOE’s flagship user facility in Accelerator Stewardship” Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (AAC), Long Island, NY (USA), November 6–11, 2022

M. Polyanskiy, I. Pogorelsky, M. Babzien, R. Kupfer, W. Li, M. Palmer , "9.3 microns: Toward next-generation CO2 laser for particle accelerators", Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (AAC), Long Island, NY (USA), November 6–11, 2022


Polyanskiy, Mikhail N.; Pogorelsky, Igor, V; Babzien, Marcus; Kupfer, Rotem; Vodopyanov, Konstantin L.; Palmer, Mark A., Post-compression of long-wave infrared 2 picosecond sub-terawatt pulses in bulk materials, OPTICA, 29 (20), 31714 (2021)

P. Kumar, K. Yu, R. Zgadzaj, M. Downer, I. Petrushina, R. Samulyak, V. Litvinenko, N. Vafaei-Najafabadi, Evolution of the self-injection process in long wavelength infrared laser driven LWFA, Physics of Plasmas, 28 (1), 013102 (2021)

R. Samulyak, P. Kumar, A. Cheng, R.Kupfer, M. Downer, V. Litvinenko, N. Vafaei-Najafabadi, I. Petrushina, R. Zgadzaj, Simulation Studies of Electron Injection in CO2 Laser-driven Self-modulated and Blowout Regimes, 2021 Annual APS DPP meeting, Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2021)

D.F. Gordon, P. Grugan, R. Kupfer, Y.-H. Chen, A. Ting, A. Mamonau, L.A. Johnson, M. Babzien, “Seed source for plasma compression in the long wavelength infrared,” Phys. Plasmas 28, 033104 (2021)

M.N. Polyanskiy, I.V. Pogorelsky, M. Babzien, R. Kupfer, K.L. Vodopyanov, M.A. Palmer, "Post-compression of long-wave infrared 2 picosecond sub-terawatt pulses in bulk materials", Optics Express, (2021) Accepted

M.N. Polyanskiy, I.V. Pogorelsky, M. Babzien, R. Kupfer, N. Vafaei-Najafabadi , M.A. Palmer, High-Peak-Power Long-Wave Infrared Lasers with CO2 Amplifiers", MDPI Photonics (2021)

D. Tovey, J. J. Pigeon, S. Ya Tochitsky, G. J. Louwrens, I. Ben-Zvi, D. Martyshkin, V. Fedorov, K. Karki, S. Mirov, and C. Joshi. “10 µm lasing in multi-atmosphere CO2 optically pumped by a tunable 4.3 µm laser”. Optical Society of America, STh2L.6. (2021)

D. Tovey, J. J. Pigeon, S. Ya. Tochitsky, G. Louwrens, D. Maryshkin, V. Fedorov, K. Karki, S. Mirov, I. Ben-Zvi, and C. Joshi, “Lasing in 15 atm CO2 cell optically pumped by a Fe:ZnSe laser” accepted for publication, Optics Express (2021)


M. Polyanskiy, I. Pogorelsky, M. Babzien, M. Palmer, "Demonstration o a 2 ps, 5 TW long-wave infrared laser based on chirped-pulse amplification with mixed-isotope CO2 amplifiers", OSA Continuum, V3 issue 3, 459-472 (2020) (Editor's Pick)

N. Sudar, P. Musumeci, A. Ovodenko, A. Murokh, M. Polyanskiy, M. Fedurin, C. Swinson, K. Kusche, M. Babzien, M. Palmer, "Burst mode MHz repetition rate Inverse Free Electron Laser acceleration", Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 23, 051301 (2020)

J. Li, W. Wang, L. Wu, O. Delaire, J. Tao, Y. Zhu, "Selective phonon-mode excitation revealed by tracing the pathway of photo-induced structural-phase-transition in single-crystal VO2", in preparation to journal Thermal Transport in Thermoelectric Material, APS March Meeting (2020)

X. Yang, J. Tao, W. Wan, V. Smaluk, T. Shaftan, Y. Zhu, "Visualizing lattice dynamic behavior by acquiring a single time-resolved MeV diffraction image", (Submitted)


I. Gadjev, N. Sudar, M. Babzien, J. Duris, P. Hoang, M. Fedurin, K. Kusche, R. Malone, P. Musumeci, M. Palmer, I. Pogorelsky, M. Polyanskiy, Y. Sakai, C. Swinson, O. Williams, J.B. Rosenzweig, "An inverse free electron laser acceleration-driven Compton scattering X-ray source", Sci. Rep. 532 (2019)

X. Yang, L. Yu, V. Smaluk, G. Wang, Y. Hidaka, T. Shaftan, L. Doom, D. Padrazo, J. Li, M. Fedurin, W. Wan, Y. Zhu, " A compact turnable quadrupple lens for brighter and sharper ultra-fast electron diffraction imaging", Scientific Reports 9, 5115 (2109)

V. Fedorov, D. Martyshkin, K. Karki, S. Mirov, "O-seitched and gai-switched Fe:ZnSe lasers turnable over 3.60-5.15 um", Optics Express, v27, 13934 (2019)

D. Tovey, S. Ya Tochitsky, J.J. Pigeon, M.N. Polyanskiy, I. Ben-Zvi, C. Joshi, "Multi-atmoshere picosecond CO2 amplifier optically pumped at 4.3 um", Applied Optics, 58, 5756-5763 (2019)

J.J. Pigeon, D. Tovey, S. YA Tochitsky, G.J. Louwrens, I. Ben-Zvi, D. Martyshkin, V. Fedorov, K. Karki, S. Mirov, C. Joshi, "Resonant nonlinear refraction of 4.3-um light in CO2 gas", Physical Review A (R), 100, 011803 (2019)

P. Kumar, K. Yu, R. Zgadzaj, L.D. Amorim, M.C. Downer, J. Welch, V.N. Litvinenko, N. Vafaei-Najafabadi, R. Samulyak, "Simulation study of CO2 laser-plasma interactions and self-modulated wakefield acceleration", Physics of Plasmas 26, 083106 (2019) (Editor's Suggestion)

R. Ianconescu, A. Gover, A. Friedman, C. Emma, N. Sudar, P. Musumeci, C. Pellegrini, "Superradiant and stimulated-superradiant emission of bunched electron beams", Reviews of Modern Physics 91, 035003 (2019)

S. Tochitsky, E. Welch, P. Panagiotopoulos, M. Polyanskiy, I. Pogorelsky, M. Kolesik, S.W. Koch, J.V. Moloney, C. Joshi, "Elementaion of long-wave infrared pulses in the atmosphere (Invited)", J. Opt.Soc Am. B 36, G40-G51 (2019)

X. Yang, J. Li, M. Fedurin, V. Smaluk, L. Yu, L. Wu, W. Wan, Y. Zhu, T. Shaftan, "A novel nondestructive diagnostic methos from mega-electron-volt ultrafast electron diffraction", Scientific Reports 9, 17223 (2019)


S. Tochitsky, E. Welch, M. Polyanskiy, I. Pogorelsky, P. Panagiotopoulos, M. Kolesik, E.M. Wright, S. W. Koch, J.V. Moloney, J. Pigeon, C. Joshi, "Megafilament in air formed by self-guided terawatt long-wavelength infrared laser". Nat. Photon. 13, 41-46 (2018)

N. Sudar, P. Musumeci, I. Gadjev, et al., "Demonstration of Cascaded Modulator-Chicane Micro-Bunching of a Relativistic Electron Beam," Physical Review Letters, 120, 114802 (2018)

Hoang, P. D.; Andonian, G. Gadjev, I.; et al., “Experimental Characterization of Electron-Beam-Driven Wakefield Modes in a Dielectric-Woodpile Cartesian Symmetric Structure,” Physical Review Letters, 120, 164801 (2018)

J. Li; K. Sun; Q. Meng; et al, "Probiling the pathwayof an ultrafast structural phase transition to illuminate the transition mechanision in Cu 2 S", Applied Physics Letters, 113, 079902 (2018

Conference Proceedings 2018

SPIE-Ultrafast Bandgap Photonics III -Orlando, FL

S. Tochitsky, E. Welch, C. Joshi- Generation of a Centimeter Diameter Self-Guided Light Channel in Air Using a TW CO2 Laser

21st ATF User's Meeting - BNL Upton, NY

M. Polyanskiy - Status Report on the B820 CO2 Laser R&D Program

Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (AAC) - Breckenridge, CO

M. Polyanskiy, M. Babzien, I. Pogorelsky, M. Palmer - Delivery of 2 ps, 2 TW, 9.2 um laser beams at the ATF

J. Dawson, M. Polyanskiy - WG8 Summary

M. Babzien, C. Cullen, M. Fedurin, et al. - Evolution of LWFA experiments at the Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility

J. Yan, L. Amorim, P. Iapozzurto, et al. - Ivestigating laser instabilities for long, intense laser pulses in LWFAs

Y. H. Chen, D. Gordon, L. Johnson, et al. - Compression of terawatt long wavelength laser pulses through Raman backward amplification

J. Welch, R. Zgadzaj, M. Downer, et al. - Brookhaven ATF ecperiment AE-71: CO2 laser-driven wakefields

I. Pogorelsky, M. Polyanskiy, M. Babzien, et al. - Opportunities for ion acceleration research based on ultra-fast CO2 lasers at the ATF

M. Downer, J. Welch, R. Zgadzaj, et al. - CO2-laser-driven laser-wakefield acceleration experiments at Brookhaven's Accelerator Test Facility

M. Fedurin, M. Babzien, C. Cullen, et al. - Electron neam and diagnostic capabilities for e-beam driven experiments at BNL ATF

P. Iapozzuto, L. Amorim, M. Flament, et al. - Electron beam probing of plasma structures in CO2 laser driven wakefields

I. Pogorelsky, M. Polyanskiy, M. Babzien, et al. - Past, present and future research opportunities in CO2 laser-driven ICS sources

N. Sudar, P. Musumeci, I. Gadjev, et al. - Overview of Inverse Free Electron laser concepts and recent results

International Particle-Accelerator Conference (IPAC) - Vancouver, BC

M. Polyanskiy, M. Babzien, M. Palmer, I. Pogorelsky - CO2 CPA laser development for user experiements in advanced accelertion and raditation sources

60th Annual Meeting of APS Division of Plasma Physics - Portland, OR

N. Vafaei-Najafabadi, L. Amorim, J. Yim, et al. - Numerical study of long CO2 laser pulse internations with hydrogen plasma at ATF

J. Welch, R. Zgadzaj, M. Downer, et al. - CO2-laser-driven laser-wakefield accelertion experiments at Brookhaven's Accelertator Test Facility

S. Tochitsky, E. Welch, M. Polyanskiy, et al. - Observation of arrenst of Kerr self-focusing in a 10 um filament in air at 1 TW/cm2 clamped intensity

L. Amorim, P. Iapozzuto, J. Yan, et al. - Electron beam probing of plasma structures in CO2 laser driven wakefields

J. Yan, L. Amorim, P. Iapozzuto, et. al. - Investigation of CO2 long intense laser pulse plasma instabilities in LWFAs


Y. Sakai, I. Gadjev, P. Hoang, "Single Shot, Double Differential Spectral Measurements of Inverse Compton Scattering in the Nonlinear Regime," Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 20, 060701 (2017).

G. Andonian, S. Barber, F.H. O'Shea, et al., "Generation of Ramped Current Profiles in Relativistic Electron Beams Using Wakefields in Dielectric Structures," Physical Review Letters 118, 054802 (2017).

K. Bane, G. Stupakov, S. Antipov, et al., “Measurements of Terahertz Radiation Generated Using a Metallic, Corrugated Pipe”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 844, 121-128 (2017).

Conference Proocedings 2017

IBIC 2017- Grand Rapid, MI

C. Swinson, M. Fedurin, M.Palmer, et al.,- ATF Facilities Upgrades and Deflector Cavity Commissioning

IPAC'17 -Copenhagen, Denmark

M.G. Fedurin, M. Babzien, C. Folz, et al. - Commissioning and Operation of an Ultrafast Electron Diffraction Facility as Part of the ATF-II Upgrade at Brookhaven National Laboratory

Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics 2017- San Jose, CA

J. R. Welch, R. Zgadzaj, M. Polyanskiy, C. Zhang, et al.-Mid-IR, CO2-laser Driven, Self-modulated Wakes

S. Tochitsky, E. Welch, M. Polyanskiy, et al., - Self-Channeling of Terawatt-Power CO2 Laser Pulses in Air


I.V. Pogorelsky, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, et al., "Extending Laser Plasma Accelerators into the Mid-IR Spectral Domain with a Next-Generation Ultra-Fast CO2 Laser," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58, 034003 (2016).

I.V. Pogorelsky, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, et al., "BESTIA- The Next Generation Ultra-Fast CO2 Laser for Advanced Accelerator Research," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 829, 432-437 (2016).

N.P. Dover, N. Cook, O Tresca, et al., " Optical Shaping of Gas Targets for Laser-Plasma Ion Sources," Journal of Plasma Physics 82, 415820101 (2016).

I. V. Pogorelsky, M. N. Polyanskiy, et al., "Mid-Infrared Lasers for Energy Frontier Plasma Accelerators," Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 19, 0901001 (2016). 

S. Antipov, S.V. Baryshev, R. Kostin, et al., "Efficient Extraction of High Power THz Radiation Generated by an Ultra-Relativistic Electron Beam in a Dielectric Loaded Waveguide," Applied Physics Letters 109, 142901 (2016).

A. Ovodenko, R. Agustsson, M. Babzien, et al., "High Duty Cycle Inverse Compton Scattering X-Ray Source," Applied Physics Letters 109, 253504 (2016).

Conference Proocedings 2016

AAC 2016- National Harbor, MD

Y. Chen, M. Helle, A. Ting, et al. -Laser Acceleration of Protons with an Optically Shaped, Near-Critical Hydrogen Gas Target

A. Hanuka, W. Kimura, I.V. Pogorelsky, et al., -Quasi-Analytic Design of a Dielectric Acceleration Structure

I.V. Pogorelsky, M. Babzien, M.N. Polyanskiy, et al., -Mid-IR Lasers for Energy Frontier Plasma Accelerators and Colliders

M. Polyanskiy, M. Babzien, & I.V. Pogorelsky - BESTIA (Brookhaven Experimental Supra-Terawatt Infrared at ATF) Laser: A Status Report

A. Ting, B. Hafizi, M. Helle, et al. - Staging and Laser Acceleration of Ions in Underdense Plasma

58th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics- San Jose, CA

O. Ettlinger, A. Sahai, G, Hicks, et al. -Density Bunching Effects in a Laser-Driven, Near-Critical Density Plasma for Ion Acceleration

IBIC 2016 - Barcelona, Spain

G. Andonian, M.A Harrison, F.H. O'Shea, et al.-Electron Beam Longitudinal Diagnostic with Sub-Femtosecond Resolution

IPAC'16 - Busan, Korea

K.L.F. Bane, S. Antipov, M. Fedurin, et al.-Measurement of Terahertz Generation in a Metallic, Corrugated Beam Pipe

NAPAC'16- Chicago, IL

M.A. Palmer, M. Babzien, M.G. Fedurin, et al. -Installation and Commissioning of an Ultrafast Electron Diffraction Facility as Part of the ATF-II Upgrade

I.V. Pogorelsky, I. Ben-Zvi, M.A. Palmer, et al. -Fulfilling the Mission of Brookhaven ATF as DOE's Flagship User Facility in Accelerator Stewardship


Palmer, Charlotte A. J.; Dover, Nicholas P.; Pogorelsky, Igor; Streeter, Matthew J. V.; Najmudin, Zulfikar, Manipulation of laser-generated energetic proton spectra in near critical density plasma, Journal of Plasma Physics, 18

M. N. Polyanskiy, M. Babzien, and I. V. Pogorelsky, Chirped-pulse amplification in a CO2 laser, Optica, 2, 8, pp. 675

M. N. Polyanskiy, co2amp: A software program for modeling the dynamics of ultrashort pulses in optical systems with CO2 amplifiers, Applied Optics, 54, 16

Y. Sakai et. al., Observation of redshifting and harmonic radiation in inverse Compton scattering, Phys. Rev. ST-AB, 18, 6

Tresca, O.; Dover, N. P.; Cook, N.; Maharjan, C.; Polyanskiy, M. N.; Najmudin, Z.; Shkolnikov, P.; Pogorelsky, I., Spectral Modification of Shock Accelerated Ions Using a Hydrodynamically Shaped Gas Target, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 9

Chen, Y. H.; Helle, M. H.; Ting, A.; Gordon, D. F.; Polyanskiy, M. N.; Pogorelsky, I.; Babzien, M.; Najmudin, Z., Observation of monoenergetic protons from a near-critical gas target tailored by a hydrodynamic shock, Conference on laser acceleration of electrons, protons and ions III

Pogorelsky, Igor V.; Ben-Zvi, Ilan; Skaritka, John; Babzien, Markus; Polyanskiy, Mikhail N.; Dover, Nicholas; Najmudin, Zulfikar; Lu, Wei, New opportunities for strong-field LPI research in the mid-IR, Conference on relativistic plasma waves and particle beams as coherent and incoherent radiation sources

Polyanskiy, M.N.; Babzien, M.; Pogorelsky, I., Multi-terawatt CO 2 laser with chirped-pulse amplification, 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)

IPAC 2015, Richmond, VA

S. Antipov et. al., Experimental test of semi-conductor dechirper
S. Antipov et. al., THz Radiation Generation in Multimode Wakefield Structure
M. Fedurin et. al., BNL ATFII beamlines design
Y. Jing et. al., Design of bunch compressing system with suppression of CSR for ATF upgrade
D. Shchegolkov et. al., Dielectric Wakefield Experiments at ATF


G. Andonian, O. Williams, S. Barber, D. Bruhwiler, P. Favier, M. Fedurin, K. Fitzmorris, A. Fukasawa, P. Hoang, K. Kusche, B. Naranjo, B. O’Shea, P. Stoltz, C. Swinson, A. Valloni, and J.?B. Rosenzweig, Planar-Dielectric-Wakefield Accelerator Structure Using Bragg-Reflector Boundaries, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113.264801 – Published 30 December 2014

Y. Fang, V. E. Yakimenko, M. Babzien, M. Fedurin, K. P. Kusche, R. Malone, J. Vieira, W.?B. Mori, and P. Muggli, Seeding of Self-Modulation Instability of a Long Electron Bunch in a Plasma, PhysRevLett.112.045001

S. Antipov, S. Baturin, C. Jing, M. Fedurin, A. Kanareykin, C. Swinson, P. Schoessow, W. Gai, and A. Zholents, Experimental Demonstration of Energy-Chirp Compensation by a Tunable Dielectric-Based Structure
PhysRevLett. 112.114801

Pogorelsky, I.V.; Ben-Zvi, I., Brookhaven National Laboratory's Accelerator Test Facility: research highlights and plans, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 56 084017

Joseph Duris, Pietro Musumeci, Marcus Babzien, Mikhail Fedurin, Karl Kusche, Renkai Li, Joshua Moody, Igor Pogorelsky, Mikhail Polyanskiy, James Rosenzweig, Yusuke Sakai, Christina Swinson, Evan Threlkeld, Oliver Williams, and Vitaly Yakimenko, High Quality Electron Beams from a Helical Inverse Free Electron Laser Accelerator, Nature Communications 5 4928

Pogorelsky, Igor; Agustsson, Ronald; Campese, Tara; Ovodenko, Andrey; Polyanskiy, Mikhail; Shaftan, Timur; Murokh, Alex, High-repetition intra-cavity source of Compton radiation, submitted to Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

16th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (AAC 2014), San Jose, California

M. Babzien, I.V. Pogorelsky, M. Polanskiy, Solid-state Seeding of a High Power Picosecond Carbon Dioxide Laser
M. N. Polyanskiy, M. Babzien, I. V. Pogorelsky, 100-Terawatt CO2 Laser: Design and Current Status
Igor V. Pogorelsky and Alex Murokh, Future Compact Light Sources Driven by CO2 Lasers
Pogorelsky, I.V.; Ben-Zvi, I., In Service of Accelerator Stewardship: The BNL ATF and its Upgrade

IPAC2014, Dresden, Germany

I. Pogorelsky, Advances and Challenges in Compton Radiation Sources
S. Antipov, C. Jing, S. Baryshev, A. Kanareykin, Wang, W. Gai, A. Zholents and M. Fedurin, THz Radiation Generation in Multimode Wakefield Structures

ICXRL 2014, Colorado, USA

I.V. Pogorelsky, Progress and Prospects of a Compton X-ray Source Driven by a High-power CO2 Laser

HILAS 2014, Berlin, Germany

Marcus Babzien, Igor Pogorelsky, and Mikhail Polyanskiy , Design and Applications of the Brookhaven 100 TW CO2 Laser


L. Shao, D. Cline, X. Ding et al., Simulation prediction and experiment setup of vacuum laser acceleration at Brookhaven National Lab-Accelerator Test Facility, NIM-A, 701, pp 25-29

S. Antipov, C. Jing, P. Schoessow et al.  "High power terahertz radiation source based on electron beam wakefields", Rev. Sci. Instrum. , 82, 2, 022706

M. N. Polyanskiy, M. Babzien, I. Pogorelsky and V. Yakimenko "Ultrashort-pulse CO2 lasers: Ready for the race to petawatt?", Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8677, 86770G-1

Antipov, S.; Babzien, M.; Jing, C.; Fedurin, M.; Gai, W.; Kanareykin, A.; Kusche, K.; Yakimenko, V.; Zholents, A., Subpicosecond Bunch Train Production for a Tunable mJ Level THz Source, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 134802

NA-PAC'13, Pasadena, USA

D. Shchegolkov et. al. "Beam Pulse Shaping Experiments for Uniform High Gradient Dielectric Wakefield Acceleration"
S. Antipov et. al. "A Tunable Energy Chirp Correction"
M. Harrison et. al. "Removal of Residual Chirp in Compressed Beams Using a Passive Wakefield Technique"
S. Antipov et. al. "Subpicosecond Bunch Train Production for High Power Tunable THz Source"
S. Wu et. al. "Transverse Beam Profile Diagnostic Using Fiber Optic Array"
N. Cook et. al. "Scintillator Diagnostics for the Detection of Laser Accelerated Ion Beams"

PAC2013, Shanghai, China

G. Xu, S. Wandel, I. Jovanovic, E. Arab, P. Hoang, P. Musumeci, B. O'Shea, J. Rosenzweig, A. Murokh, A. Ovedenko, I. Pogorelsky, Progress Report on Development of a 5-Micron Drive Laser for Dielectric Laser Acceleration


M. N. Polyanskiy and M. Babzien, "Ultrashort pulses," in: CO2 laser – optimization and application, D. C. Dumitras (ed.), InTech, ISBN 978-953-51-0351-6, pp 139-162

S. Antipov, C. Jing, A. Kanareykin, J. E. Butler, V. Yakimenko, M. Fedurin, K. Kusche, and W. Gai "Experimental demonstration of wakefield effects in a THz planar diamond accelerating structure ", Appl. Phys. Lett. , 100, 132910

S. Antipov, C. Jing, M. Fedurin, W. Gai, A. Kanareykin, K. Kusche, P. Schoessow, V. Yakimenko, and A. Zholents "Experimental Observation of Energy Modulation in Electron Beams Passing through Terahertz Dielectric Wakefield Structures", Phys. Rev. Lett. , 108,144801

A.Gover, A.Nause, E. Dyunin & M.Fedurin " Beating the Shot-Noise Limit", Nature Physics 8, 877–880, doi:10.1038/nphys2443,

B. Allen, V. Yakimenko, M. Babzien, M. Fedurin, K. Kusche, and P. Muggli "Experimental Study of Current Filamentation Instability ", Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 185007

V. Yakimenko, M. Fedurin, V. Litvinenko, A. Fedotov, D. Kayran, and P. Muggli "Experimental Observation of Suppression of Coherent-Synchrotron-Radiation–Induced Beam-Energy Spread with Shielding Plates ", Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 164802

G. Andonian, D. Stratakis, M. Babzien, S. Barber, M. Fedurin, E. Hemsing, K. Kusche, P. Muggli, B. O’Shea, X. Wei, O. Williams, V. Yakimenko, and J. B. Rosenzweig "Dielectric Wakefield Acceleration of a Relativistic Electron Beam in a Slab-Symmetric Dielectric Lined Waveguide ", Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 244801

Golosio, Bruno; Endrizzi, Marco; Oliva, Piernicola; Delogu, Pasquale; Carpinelli, Massimo; Pogorelsky, Igor; Yakimenko, Vitaly, Measurement of an inverse Compton scattering source local spectrum using k-edge filters, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 164104

Tikhoplav, Rodion; Babzien, Marcus; Ovodenko, Andrey; Jovanovic, Igor, High-power pulse recirculation in a stable pseudo-confocal geometry, Optics Letters, 37, 4717

O'Shea, F. H.; Williams, O.; Andonian, G.; Barber, S.; Sakai, Y.; Rosenzweig, J. B.; Pogorelsky, I.; Fedurin, M.; Kusche, K.; Yakimenko, V., Single shot diffraction of picosecond 8.7-keV x-ray pulses, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 15, 020702

Antipov, S.; Jing, C.; Fedurin, M.; Gai, W.; Kanareykin, A.; Kusche, K.; Schoessow, P.; Yakimenko, V.; Zholents, A., Experimental Observation of Energy Modulation in Electron Beams Passing through Terahertz Dielectric Wakefield Structures, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 144801

15th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop

B. Allen et al.Seeding of the current filamentation instability for an accelerator beam in a capillary plasma
P. Muggli et al.Three regimes of relativistic beam - plasma interaction
B. O'Shea et al.Transformer ratio improvement for beam based plasma accelerators
J. B Rosenzweig et al.Plasma wakefields in the quasi-nonlinear regime: Experiments at ATF
J. Duris et al.Preparations for a high gradient inverse free electron laser experiment at Brookhaven national laboratory
J. B Rosenzweig et al.The GALAXIE all-optical FEL project
P. Muggli et al.Three regimes of relativistic beam - plasma interaction
I. Pogorelsky et al.Ion acceleration by laser hole-boring into plasmas
M. Polyanskiy et al.Next-generation ultrafast CO2 lasers for strong-field science
Y. Sakai et al.Angular spectrum characteristics of relativistic inverse compton harmonic X-rays
S. Antipov et al.Terahertz radiation source based on self-wake beam bunching

IPAC'12, New Orleans, USA

B. Allen et al. "Experimental Progress: Current Filamentation Instability Study"
S. Antipov et al. "Experimental Observation of Energy Modulation in Electron Beams Passing through Terahertz Dielectric Wakefield Structures"
S. Antipov et al. "Passive Momentum Spread Compensation by a Wakefield Silencer"
S. Antipov et al. "Experimental Demonstration of Wakefield Effects in a 250 GHz Planar Diamond Accelerating Structure"
L. Faillace et al. "Fabrication and Initial Tests of an Ultra-High Gradient Compact S-Band (HGS) Accelerating Structure"
Y. Fang et al. "Numerical Study of Self Modulation Instability of ATF Electron Beam."
M. Fedurin et al. "Generation and Characterization of 5-micron Electron Beam for Probing Optical Scale Structures"
P. Muggli et al. "Excitatuion of Plasma Wakefields with Designer Bunch Trains"
A.Y. Murokh et al. "Inverse Compton Scattering Experiment in a Bunch Train Regime Using Nonlinear Optical Cavity"
I. Pinayev et al. "Status of Proof-of-principle Experiment for Coherent Electron Cooling."
L. Shao et al. "Vacuum Laser Acceleration Experiment Perspective at Brookhaven National Lab-Accelerator Test Facility"
V. Yakimenko et al. "Positron Options for the Linac-ring LHeC"
V. Yakimenko et al. "Normal Conducting Radio Frequency x-band Deflecting Cavity Fabrication and Validation"


C. A. J. Palmer et al. "Monoenergetic Proton Beams Accelerated by a Radiation Pressure Driven Shock ", Phys. Rev. Lett. , 106, 014801, 2011

G. Andonian et al. "Resonant excitation of coherent Cerenkov radiation in dielectric lined waveguides", Appl. Phys. Lett. , 98, 202901, 2011

V. Yakimenko et al. "Proton-based driver for the plasma wake-field accelerator with TeV reach", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 53, 085010, 2011

M. Endrizzi et al. "Quantitative phase retrieval with picosecond X-ray pulses from the ATF" Optics Express, Vol. 19 Issue 3, pp.2748-2753, 2011

I. V. Pogorelsky, M. N. Polyanskiy, M. Babzien, V. Yakimenko, N. P. Dover, C. A. J. Palmer,Z. Najmudin, P. Shkolnikov, G. Dudnikova "Laser induced cavities and solitons in overcritical hydrogen plasma" Laser Physics, 21:1288-1294, 2011

Z. Najmudin et al. "Observation of impurity free monoenergetic proton beams from the interaction of a CO2 laser with a gaseous target", Phys. of Plasma ,18 ,056705, 2011

M. N. Polyanskiy et al. "Picosecond pulse amplification in isotopic CO2 active medium", Optics Express, Vol. 19 Issue 8, pp.7717-7725, 2011


Luigi Faillace et al. "Ultra-High Gradient Compact S-Band Accelerating Structure"
Aaron Tremaine et al. "Inverse Free Electron Laser Accelerators for Driving Compact Light Sources and Detection Applications"
Patric Muggli et al. "Resonant Excitation of Plasma Wakefields in the Linear and Nonlinear Regime"(Talk)
Massimo Carpinelli et al. "Phase Contrast Imaging Using a Single Picosecond X-ray Pulse of the Inverse Compton Source at the BNL Accelerator Test Facility"
Vitaly Yakimenko et al. "CSR Shielding Experiment"
Brian Allen et al. "Progress in Experimental Study of Current Filamentation Instability"
Gang Wang et al. "Proof-of-Principle Experiment for FEL-based Coherent Electron Cooling"
Alex Murokh et al. "Re-Circulated Inverse Compton Scattering X-ray Source for Industrial Applications"
Ronald Agustsson et al. "Normal Conducting Radio Frequency X-band Deflecting Cavity Fabrication and Validation"
M. N. Polyanskiy et al., "Prospects for proton accelerators driven by the radiation pressure from a sub-PW CO2 laser" (poster)
P. Muggli et al., "Witness Bunch Acceleration in Multi-bunch PWFA"

SPIE, Prague, Czech Republic

I. Pogorelsky et al., "Proton- and x-ray beams generated by ultra-fast CO2 lasers for medical applications"

IPAC'11, San Sebastian, Spain

M. Fedurin, C. Swinson, V. Yakimenko, "Optimal Parameters of the Photocathode Gun Space Charge to Improve Beam Quality"
M. Fedurin, R. Malone, V. Yakimenko, "Low RF Control Feedback and IQ Vector Modulator Compensation Functions"
Vladimir N. Litvinenko et. al. "Coherent Electron Cooling Demonstration Experiment"


G. Andonian, E. Hemsing, A. Murokh, M. Dunning, G. Marcus, J. Rosenzweig, O. Williams, V. Yakimenko, Transverse Beam Size Effects on Longitudinal Profile Reconstruction e-Print:arXiv:1002.1992 [physics.acc-ph]

P. Muggli, B. Allen, J. Park, M. Babzien, K.P. Kusche, W.D. Kimura, Vitaly Yakimenko, Simple method for generating adjustable trains of picosecond electron bunches Phys.Rev.ST Accel.Beams , 13:052803

P. Oliva, M. Carpinelli, and B. Golosio P. Delogu M. Endrizzi J. Park, I. Pogorelsky, and V. Yakimenko O. Williams and J. Rosenzweig, Quantitative Evaluation of Single-shot inline Phase Contrast Imaging using an Inverse Compton X-ray source Appl. Phys. Lett.

P. Oliva et al. "Quantitative evaluation of single-shot inline phase contrast imaging using an inverse Compton x-ray source", Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 134104

I.V. Pogorelsky, V. Yakimenko, M. Polyanskiy, P. Shkolnikov, M. Ispiryan, D. Neely, P. McKenna, D. Carroll, Z. Najmudin and L. Willingal. Ultrafast CO2 laser technology: Application in ion acceleration Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 620, p. 67

I.V. Pogorelsky Energy Calibration of Underground Neutrino Detectors using a 100 MeV electron accelerator e-Print:arXiv:1004.3068 [physics.ins-det]

Sebastian White and V. Yakimenko Energy Calibration of Underground Neutrino Detectors using a 100 MeV electron accelerator e-Print:arXiv:1004.3068 [physics.ins-det]

IPAC10, Kyoto, Japan, May 23 - 28, 2010

Efthymios Kallos , Patric Muggli, Thomas C. Katsouleas, Vitaly Yakimenko and Jangho Park "X-band Travelling Wave Deflector for Ultra-fast Beams Diagnostics" AIP Conf.Proc. 1086:580-585
Patric Muggli , Vitaly Yakimenko, Karl Kusche, Marcus Babzien, Efthymios Kallos and Jangho Park "Contrast of subpicosecond microelectron bunch trains" AIP Conf.Proc. 1086:683-688
I. Pogorelsky, M. Babzien, M.N. Polyanskiy, V. Yakimenko, N. Dover, Z. Najmudin, C.A.J. Palmer, J. Schreiber, G. Dudnikova, M. Ispiryan and P. Shkolnikov "Laser Energy Conversion to Solitons and Monoenergetic Protons in Near-critical Hydrogen Plasma " AIP Conf.Proc. 1086:4446

14th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Annapolis, Maryland, 13-19 June 2010

I.V. Pogorelsky and R. Johnson, Summary Report of Working Group 6: Ions and Leptons — Advanced Concepts, AIP Conf. Proc. 1299:110-117


G. Andonian, A. Cook, M. Dunning, E. Hemsing, G. Marcus, A. Murokh, S. Reiche, D. Schiller, J. B. Rosenzweig, M. Babzien, K. Kusche and V. Yakimenko "Observation of coherent terahertz edge radiation from compressed electron beams" Phys.Rev.ST Accel.Beams , 12:030701, 2009

E. Stolyarova, D. Stolyarov, K. Bolotin, S. Ryu, L. Liu, K. T. Rim, M. Klima, M. Hybertsen, I. Pogorelsky, I. Pavlishin, K. Kusche, J. Hone, P. Kim, H. L. Stormer, V. Yakimenko and G. Flynn "Observation of Graphene Bubbles and Effective Mass Transport under Graphene Films" Nano Lett, 9, pp 332–337, 2009

PAC09, Vancouver, Canada, May 4 - 8, 2009

L. Shao, D. Cline, X. Ding, I. Pogorelsky, V. Yakimenko, K. Kusche and J. Park "Vacuum Laser Acceleration at BNL-ATF" PAC09 Conf.Proc. PAC09-WE6RFP096, 2009

FEL 2009, Liverpool, UK, August 23 - 28, 2009

Vladimir N. Litvinenko and Vitaly Yakimenko "Experiment on Suppression of Spontaneous Undulator Radiation at ATF" FEL 2009 Conf.Proc. 204p


Efthymios Kallos, Tom Katsouleas, Wayne D. Kimura, Karl Kusche, Patric Muggli, Igor Pavlishin, Igor Pogorelsky, Daniil Stolyarov and Vitaly Yakimenko High-Gradient Plasma-Wakefield Acceleration with Two Subpicosecond Electron Bunches Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 074802

P. Muggli, V. Yakimenko, M. Babzien, E. Kallos and K. P. Kusche Generation of trains of electron microbunches with adjustable subpicosecond spacing Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 054801

M. N. Polyanskiy, I. V. Pogorelsky, V. E. Yakimenko and V. T. Platonenko. Development of a picosecond CO2 laser system for a high-repetition γ-source Proceedings of XVII International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High Power Lasers (GCL-HPL) Lisbon, Portugal, Sept.

Samer Banna, Amit Mizrahi, Levi Schachter PASER – particle acceleration by stimulated emission of radiation: theory, experiment, and future applications Laser & Photon Rev.3, 97-122, 2009, first published online 2008

13th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Santa Cruz, California, 27 Jul - 2 Aug, 2008

Efthymios Kallos , Patric Muggli, Thomas C. Katsouleas, Vitaly Yakimenko and Jangho Park Simulations of a high-transformer-ratio plasma wakefield accelerator using multiple electron bunches AIP Conf.Proc. 1086:580-585
Patric Muggli , Vitaly Yakimenko, Karl Kusche, Marcus Babzien, Efthymios Kallos and Jangho Park Contrast of subpicosecond microelectron bunch trains AIP Conf.Proc. 1086:683-688, 2009
Igor Pogorelsky , Mikhail N. Polyanskiy, Vitaly Yakimenko and Viktor T. Platonenko Development of a high-average-power Compton gamma source for lepton collidersAIP Conf.Proc.1 1086:726-735, 2009
Vitaly Yakimenko, Generating polarized high-brightness muon beams with high-energy gammas AIP Conf.Proc. 1086:720-725, 2009

EPAC08, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 June 2008

E. Kallos , T. C. Katsouleas, P. Muggli W. D. Kimura K. Kusche, J. H. Park, I. Pogorelsky, D. Stolyarov, V. Yakimenko "Experimental Results of a Plasma Wakefield Accelerator Using Multiple Electron Bunches"EPAC08 Conf.Proc.1912p
P. Muggli, E. Kallos M. Babzien, K. Kusche, V. Yakimenko "Generation of Electron Microbunches Trains with Adjustable Sub-picosecond Spacing for PWFA and FEL applications" EPAC08 Conf.Proc.2830p
A. Y. Murokh, R. B. Agustsson, S. Boucher, P. Frigola D. Alesini R. J. England, J. B. Rosenzweig, G. Travish V. Yakimenko "Design and Fabrication of an X-band Traveling Wave Deflection Mode Cavity for Longitudinal Characterization of Ultra-short Electron Beam Pulses" EPAC08 Conf.Proc.1215p

FEL08, Gyeongiu, Korea, August 24th - 29th, 2008

J. H. Park, M. Babzien, K. Kusche and V. Yakimenko "Experimental Approaches of Emittance Dilution Induced by Misalignments in a Photoinjector" FEL08 Conf.Proc.247p


Yoshifumi Ueno , Tatsuya Ariga, George Soumagne, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Shoichi Kubodera, Igor Pogorelsky, Igor Pavlishin, Daniil Stolyarov, Marcus Babzien, Karl Kusche, and Vitaly Yakimenko "Efficient extreme ultraviolet plasma source generated by a CO2 laser and a liquid xenon microjet target" Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 191503

PAC07, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, June 25th - 29th, 2007

G. Andonian , R. Agustsson, A. Cook, M. Dunning, E. Hemsing, A. Murokh, S. Reiche, J. Rosenzweig, M. Babzien, K. Kusche, R. Malone and V. Yakimenko "Chicane Radiation Measurements with a Compressed Electron Beam at the BNL ATF " PAC07 Conf.Proc. 1254p
X. Ding , D. Cline, M. Babzien, K. P. Kusche, V. Yakimenko, W. Kimura and F. Zhou "Generation and Analysis of Subpicosecond Double Electron Bunch at the Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility" PAC07 Conf.Proc. 4132p
M. Dunning , G. Andonian, E. Hemsing, S. Reiche, J. Rosenzweig, M. Babzien, V. YakimenkoPatric Muggli, Thomas C. Katsouleas, Vitaly Yakimenko and Jangho Park "Seeded VISA: A 1064 nm Laser-Seeded FEL Amplifier at the BNL ATF" PAC07 Conf.Proc. 1257p
E. Hemsing , G. Andonian, J. Rosenzweig, M. Babzien, V. Yakimenko and A.Gover "Characterization of Orbital Angular Momentum Modes in FEL Radiation" PAC07 Conf.Proc. 1263p
E. Kallos, T. Katsouleas, P. Muggli, I. Pavlishin, I. Pogorelsky, D. Stolyarov, V. Yakimenko and W. D. Kimura "Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Utilizing Multiple Electron Bunches" PAC07 Conf.Proc. 3070p
P. Muggli, W. D. Kimura, E. Kallos, T. C. Katsouleas, K. P. Kusche, I. V. Pavlishin, D. Stolyarov, and V. E. Yakimenko "Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments using Two Subpicosecond Electron Bunches" PAC07 Conf.Proc. 3073p
P. Muggli , E. Kallos, V. E. Yakimenko, M. Babzien, K. P. Kusche, and W. D. Kimura, "Generation and Characterization of the Microbunched Beams with a Wire Mesh Mask" PAC07 Conf.Proc. 3079p
I. Pavlishin , D. Stolyarov, M. Babzien, I. Pogorelsky, V. Yakimenko, A. Zholents and M. Zolotorev "Optical Parametric Amplifier Test for Optical Stochastic Cooling of RHIC" PAC07 Conf.Proc. 667p
I. V. Pogorelsky and V. E. Yakimenko "Experimental Demonstration of Feasibility of a Polarized Gamma-source for ILC Based on Compton Backscattering Inside a CO2 Laser Cavity" PAC07 Conf.Proc. 3208p
F. Zhou , R. B. Agustsson, G. Andonian, D. B. Cline, A. C. Kabel, A. Y. Murokh, J. B. Rosenzweig and V. Yakimenko "Experimental Characterization of the Transverse Phase Space of a 60-MeV Electron Beam through a Compressor Chicane" PAC07 Conf.Proc. 788p


Babzien, M; Ben-Zvi, I; Kusche, K; Pavlishin, IV; Pogorelsky, IV; Siddons, DP; Yakimenko, V; Cline, D; Zhou, F; Hirose, T; Kamiya, Y; Kumita, T; Omori, T; Urakawa, J; Yokoya, K "Observation of the second harmonic in Thomson scattering from relativistic electrons" Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 054802 (2006)

Kimura, WD; Andreev, NE; Babzien, M; Ben-Zvi, I; Cline, DB; Dilley, CE; Gottschalk, SC; Hooker, SM; Kusche, KP; Kuznetsov, SV; Pavlishin, IV; Pogorelsky, IV; Pogosova, AA; Steinhauer, LC; Ting, A; Yakimenko, V; Zigler, A; Zhou, F "Inverse free electron lasers and laser wakefield acceleration driven by CO2 lasers" Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, Volume 364, Issue 1840, Mar 2006, Pages 611 - 622

Shchelkunov, SV; Marshall, TC; Hirshfield, JL; Babzien, MA; LaPointe, MA "Experimental observation of constructive superposition of wakefields generated by electron bunches in a dielectric-lined waveguide" Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, 011301 (2006)

S. Banna, V. Berezovsky, and L. Schachter Experimental Observation of Direct Particle Acceleration by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 134801

S. Banna, V. Berezovsky, and L. Schachter Particle acceleration by stimulated emission of radiation: Theory and experiment Phys. Rev. E 74, 046501

FEL06, Berlin, Germany, August 27th - September 1st, 2006

G. Andonian, M. P. Dunning, A. Y. Murokh, C. Pellegrini, S. Reiche, J. B. Rosenzweig M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi and V. Yakimenko "Future FEL Studies at the VISA Experiment in the SASE and Seeded Modes" FEL06 Conf.Proc.443p
M. P. Dunning, G. Andonian, A. M. Cook, E. Hemsing, A. Y. Murokh, S. Reiche, J. B. Rosenzweig, D. Schiller M. Babzien, K. Kusche and V. Yakimenko "Magnetic Chicane Radiation Studies at the BNL ATF" FEL06 Conf.Proc.447p
V. Yakimenko, M. Babzien, K. Kusche E. K. Kallos, P. Muggli and W. D. Kimura "Generation and Characterization of the Microbunched Beams in the Range from 0.3 to 500 Femtoseconds" FEL06 Conf.Proc.481p


G. Andonian et al. Observation of Anomalously Large Spectral Bandwidth in a High-Gain Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission Free-Electron Laser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 054801 (2005)

G. Andonian et al. "Observation of Anomalously Large Spectral Bandwidth in a High-Gain Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission Free-Electron Laser", Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science -- August 2005, Volume 4, Issue 8

R. Fiorito et al. Observation of the interference of diffraction and transition radiation and its application as a beam divergence diagnostic., PRSTB, 2005

PAC 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, May 19-20, 2005

Gerard Andonian et al.Recent Results from and Future Plans for the VISA II SASE FEL.
Ilan Ben-Zvi et al.Extremely High Current, High-Brightness Energy Recovery Linac.
Ilan Ben-Zvi et al. Electron Cooling of RHIC.
Peter Cameron et al.Beam-Based Alignment in the RHIC eCooling Solenoids.
Ralph Fiorito et al.Advances in Optical Transition and Diffraction Radiation Emittance Diagnostics.
Efthymios Kallos et al. A Multibunch Plasma Wakefield Accelerator.
Vladimir N. Litvinenko et al.ERL Based Electron-Ion Collider eRHIC.
Vladimir N. Litvinenko et al. High Current Energy Recovery Linac at BNL.
Takahiro Watanabe et al.Beam Angle Measurement Using Cherenkov Radiation.
Feng Zhou et al.Experimental Characterizations of 4-D Transverse Phase-Space of a Compressed Beam.
Feng Zhou et al.Manipulations of Double Beams in One RF Period for STELLA SM-LWFA Experiment.


M. Babzien et al. "Optical stochastic cooling for RHIC using optical parametric amplification" Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, 7, 1, 012801
Ilan Ben-Zvi, A machine for learning, CERN COURIER, 2004, link
W. D. Kimura et al. "Demonstration of High-Trapping Efficiency and Narrow Energy Spread in a Laser-Driven Accelerator", Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, No. 5, 054801
W. D. Kimura et al. "Detailed experimental results for high-trapping efficiency and narrow energy spread in a laser-driven accelerator", Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, 7, 091301
W. D. Kimura et al. "Pseudoresonant Laser Wakefield Acceleration Driven by 10.6 µm Laser Light", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 33, 1

FEL 2004: The 26th International Free-Electron Laser Conference and the 11th FEL User-Workshop, August 29 - September 3, 2004, Trieste, Italy.


AAC 2004: The 11th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, June 21-26, 2004, Stony Brook University

Xiangyun Chang et al., Compensation For Bunch Emittance In A Magnetization And Space Charge Dominated Beam, AIP 737, 462-468
Xiangyun Chang et al.,Design Considerations For Low Field Short Photo-Injected RF Electron Gun With High Charge Electron Bunch, AIP 737, 880-886
W.D. Kimura et al., Laser Wakefield Acceleration Driven by ATF CO2 Laser (STELLA-LW), AIP 737, 534-540
W.D. Kimura et al., Model Comparisons with STELLA Experimental Results, AIP 737, 335-341
I.V. Pogorelsky et al. Experiments on Laser and e-Beam Transport and Interaction in a Plasma Channel, AIP 737, 504-511
I.V. Pogorelsky, Gas Lasers for Strong-Field Applications, AIP 737, 109-125
Triveni Rao et al., Diamond Amplifier For Photocathodes, AIP 737, 178-190
S.V. Shchelkunov et al., A Nondestructive Method for Measuring the RMS Length of Charge Bunches Using the Wake Field Radiation Spectrum, AIP 737, 421-430
V. Yakimenko, The Accelerator Test Facility at Brookhaven: Main capabilities, AIP 737, 667-673
F. Zhou et al., Experimental Test For Novel Vacuum Laser Acceleration at the BNL-ATF, AIP 737, 349-355

EPAC 2004: The 9th European Particle Accelerator Conference, July 5 - 9, 2004, Lucerne, Switzerland

H. Bluem et al., High Brightness Electron Guns for Next-Generation Light Sources and Accelerators, 899-892
R. Calaga et al., High Current Superconducting Cavities at RHIC, 1120-1124
C. Montag et al., A Tomographic Technique for Magnetized Beam Matching, 2876-2880
V. Ptitsyn et al., eRHIC, Future Electron-ion Collider at BNL, 923-926


N. E. Andreev et al. “Modeling of Laser Wakefield Acceleration at CO2 Laser Wavelengths,” Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 6, 041301
M. Babzien et al. Optical Stochastic Cooling for RHIC, To be published in NIM.
M. Babzien et al. Optical Stochastic Cooling for RHIC, Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics, Mt. Fuji, Japan, May 19-23
I. Ben-Zvi R&D on Electron Cooling of RHIC Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics, Mt. Fuji, Japan, May 19-23
R. Calaga et al. Study of Higher Order Modes in High Current Multicell SRF Cavities, Proceeding 2003 Superconducting RF Workshop, September 8-12, Travemunde, Germany.
Y. Kamiya et al. X-ray Spectrometer for Observation of Nonlinear Compton Scattering, Joint 28th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on QUANTUM ASPECTS OF BEAM PHYSICS, Hiroshima University, Japan, Jan.7-11
W. D. Kimura et al. “First Demonstration of High-Trapping Efficiency and Narrow Energy Spread in a Laser-Driven Accelerator,” submitted to Physical Review Letters.
T. Kumita et al. Study of laser-Compton scattering in a plasma channel, Joint 28th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on QUANTUM ASPECTS OF BEAM PHYSICS, Hiroshima University, Japan, Jan.7-11
T. Kumita et al. Generation of intense Thomson X-ray in head-on collision of relativistic electrons with a CO2 laser beam, Submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
J. McDonald et al. Ionization Chambers for Monitoring in High-Intensity Neutrino Beams, Nucl. Instr.and Meth. in Phys. res. A 496 293
A. Murokh et al. Properties of the ultrashort gain length, self-amplified spontaneous emission free-electron laser in the linear regime and saturation , Phys. Rev. E 67, 066501, BNL-69067
A. Murokh et al. Results and Analysis of VISA SASE FEL Performance at 840 nm, to be published in NIM A.
I.V. Pogorelsky et al. “Transmission of high-power CO2 laser pulses through a plasma channel”.Appl.Phys. Lett., 83, 3459
I.V. Pogorelsky “Experiments on energy exchange in laser/e-beam interactions”submitted to Proceedings of International conference Lasers Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia
J. Sekutowicz et al. CW Energy Recovery Operation of XFEL, Proceeding 2003 Superconducting RF Workshop, September 8-12, Travemunde, Germany.
L. C. Steinhauer and W. D. Kimura, “Slow Waves in Microchannel Metal Waveguides and Application to Particle Acceleration,” Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 6, 061302.
A. Tremaine et al. Measurements of Nonlinear Harmonic Radiation and Harmonic Microbunching from a Visible SASE FEL, to be published in NIM A.
V.Yakimenko, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, R. Malone, X.-J. Wang, “Elecron beam phase-space measurement using a high-precision tomography technique” Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams volume 6, issue 12, 122801
V. Yakimenko et al. Observation of Cohesive Acceleration and Focusing of Relativistic Electrons in Overdense Plasma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 014802
F. Zhou, D. B. Cline, and W. D. Kimura, “Beam Dynamics Analysis of Femtosecond Microbunches Produced by the Staged Electron Laser Acceleration Experiment,” Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 6, 054201

2003 Particle Accelerator Conference, May 12-16, Portland Oregon

G. Andonian et al. Design and Status of the VISA II Experiment
I. Ben-Zvi et al. Towards Cooling of the RHIC Collider
J. Kewisch, I. Ben-Zvi, X. Chang, C. Montag, D. Wang, Layout and Optics for the RHIC Electron Cooler
W. D. Kimura et al. “Staged Laser Acceleration Using Upgraded ATF CO2 Laser - TPPG048.
W. D. Kimura et al. “STELLA-II: Demonstration of Monoenergetic Laser Acceleration
T. Srinivasan-Rao et al. Construction and Status of an All Niobium Superconducting Photoinjector at BNL
D. Wang et al. Design of a Superconducting Linac Cavity for High-Current Energy Recovery Linac Operation
D. Wang, I. Ben-Zvi, X. Chang, J. Kewisch, C. Montag and F. Zhou, Simulation of Magnetized Beams
F. Zhou, D. Cline, H. K. Ho and L. Shao, a proposal to experimentally demonstrate a novel regime of electron vacuum acceleration by using a tightly focused laser beam.


T. Hirose et al. , Counter-propagation of electron and CO2 laser beams in a plasma channel, To be published in the Proceedings of 17th International Conference on the Application of Accelerator in Research and Industry, Nov. 12-16, Univ. of North Texas
Y. Kamiya et al. , Experimental study of Laser-Compton scattering in the non-linear regime, 26th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Nanometre-Size Colliding Beams, Lausanne University, Switzerland, Sept.2-6, 2002
Kashiwagi, Y. Hama et al. , Status of Photo-injector System and its Application Experiments at Waseda University, Proceedings, EPAC 2002, Paris, France, 3 - 7 June
W. D. Kimura et al. , “STELLA-II: Staged Monoenergetic Laser Acceleration – Experiment Update,” in Advanced Accelerator Concepts, Jun. 23-28, AIP Conference Proceedings No. 647, p. 269-277.
I.V. Pogorelsky, "CO2 lasers in High Energy Physics", Proceedings of Lasers 2001, December 3-7, 2001, Tucson, AZ, STS Press, McLean, VA, pp.1-6
I.V. Pogorelsky et al. , "Relativistic Thomson Scattering Experiment at BNL, Status report", Proceedings of Lasers 2001, December 3-7, 2001, Tucson, AZ, STS Press, McLean, VA, pp.28-33
I.V. Pogorelsky et al. , "Primary Tests of Laser/e-Beam Interaction in a Plasma Channel", workshop Advanced Accelerator Concepts 2002, Oxnard, CA (submitted)
T. Srinivasan-Rao et al. , Novel single shot scheme to measure submillimeter electron bunch lengths using electro-optic technique, Phys. Rev. ST-Accel. Beams 5, (042801)
L. C. Steinhauer et al. , “Analysis of Laser Wakefield Acceleration Using ATF CO2 Laser,” in Advanced Accelerator Concepts, Jun. 23-28, 2002, Mandalay Beach, CA, AIP Conference Proceedings No. 647, p. 751-759.
A. Tremaine et al. , Experimental characterization of nonlinear harmonic radiation from a visible SASE FEL at saturation, Phys. Rev. Let. 88 no. 20, 4081
A.Tremaine et al. , Characterization of an 800 nm SASE FEL at Saturation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 483, 24, BNL 69369.
A.Tremaine et al. , Fundamental and Harmonic Microbunching Measurements in a High-Gain Self-amplified, Spontaneous Emission Free-Electron Laser, Phys. Rev. E 66, 036503, BNL-69068
X. Wang, I. Ben-Zvi, X.Y. Chang, Beam Dynamics Studies for a CW L-band Photoinjector Proceedings, EPAC 2002, Paris, France, 3 - 7 June
X. Wang et al. , S-band High Duty Photo-injection System, Proceedings, EPAC 2002, Paris, France, 3-7 June
V. Yakimenko, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, R. Malone and X.J. Wang, Submicron emittance and ultra small beam size measurements at ATF, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 483, 277
F. Zhou et al. , Emittance Growth due to the Laser Non-uniformity in a Photoinjector, Proceedings, EPAC 2002, Paris, France, 3 - 7 June
F. Zhou et al. , Surface Roughness Wakefield Measurements at the Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility, Proceedings, EPAC 2002, Paris, France, 3 - 7 June
F. Zhou et al. , Surface Roughness Wakefield Measurement at Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility, Physical Review Letters, 89 No. 17, 174801-1, (2002), BNL-69012
F. Zhou et al. , Experimental Characterization of Emittance Growth Induced by Non-uniform Transverse Laser Distribution in a Photoinjector. Physical Review ST-AB, 5 No. 9, 094203.

10th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts, Jun. 23-28, 2002, Oxnard, CA

W. D. Kimura et al. , “STELLA-II: Staged Monoenergetic Laser Acceleration – Experiment Update,”
L. C. Steinhauer et al. , “Analysis of Laser Wakefield Acceleration Using ATF CO2 Laser,”
V. Yakimenko et al. , “ICA Experiment as VLA Test,”


R. Agutsson and J.B. Rosenzweig, Chicane Compressor Developemnt for the BNL ATF - Application to SASE FEL, NIM A 475, II-31
M. Babzien et al. “Demonstration of a Laser-Driven Prebuncher Staged With a Laser Accelerator - The STELLA Program,” in AIP Conf. Proc. No. 569, p. 146-153.
I. Ben-Zvi and S. Krinsky, Future Light Sources Based upon Photo-injected Energy Recovery Linacs, Journal: Synchrotron Radiation News 14, 20
Roger Carr et al. Visible-infrared self-amplified spontaneous emission amplifier free electron laser undulator, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 4, 122402 (2001)
A. Doyuran et al. Characterization Of A High-Gain Harmonic-Generation Free-Electron Laser At Saturation, Phys. Rev. Let. 86 no. 26, 5902. BNL - 68031
P. Frigola et al. Initial Gain Measurements of an 800 nm SASE FEL, VISA, Nuc. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 475, 339
S. C. Gottschalk, D. H. Dowell, W. D. Kimura, “New Type of Permanent Magnet Beam Line Optics,” in Proceedings of 2001 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268C, 3218-3220.
W. D. Kimura et al. “First Staging of Two Laser Accelerators,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4041-4043.
W. D. Kimura et al. “Detailed Experimental Results for Laser Acceleration Staging,” Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 4, 101301
W. D. Kimura et al. “First Demonstration of Staged Laser Acceleration,”in Proceedings of 2001 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference Proceedings, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268C, 103-107
W. D. Kimura, “Generation of Femtosecond Electron Pulses,” in Proceedings of 21st ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Laser-Beam Interactions
W. D. Kimura, “Summary of Workshop on Staged Laser Acceleration (STELLA 2001 Workshop),” in Proceedings of International Conference on Lasers 2001, pp. 124-127. 
W. D. Kimura, “STELLA-II Experiment Update,” in Proc. International Conference on Lasers 2001, pp. 128-132.
A. Murokh et al. Intra-Undulator Measurements at VISA FEL, Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 475, II-35 (2001)
V. Parkhomchuk, I. Ben-Zvi; Electron Cooling for RHIC; C-A/AP/47
I.V. Pogorelsky et al. Nonlinear Relativistic Thomson Scattering Experiment, Proceedings of LASERS 2000, STS Press, McLean, 433 (2001)
I.V. Pogorelsky et al. Experimental Demonstration of Staged Laser Acceleration, Proceedings of LASERS 2000, STS Press, McLean, 500 (2001)
I.V. Pogorelsky et al. Reaching Ultra-High Peak Characteristics in Relativistic Thomson Backscattering, Proceedings of Workshop on Novel Photon Sources from Relativistic Electron Beams, November 2001, Pocatello, Idaho
I.V. Pogorelsky, "Strong-Field Physics with Mid-Infrared Lasers", in Proc. Superstrong Fields in Plasma, August 28- September 2, 2001, Varenna, Italy
I.V. Pogorelsky et al. Development of High-Brightness Laser Synchrotron Source at BNL ATF, 9th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts, AIP Conf. Proc. 569, 571 (2001)
D. C. Quimby, S. C. Gottschalk, and W. D. Kimura, “Magnetic Design and Performance Simulation for STELLA-II Experiment,” in Proc. of International Conference on Lasers 2001, pp. 133-140.
L. C. Steinhauer, W. D. Kimura, and R. N. Agarwal, “Stimulated Laser Wakefield Acceleration,” in Proc. International Conference on Lasers 2001, pp. 159-163. 
L. C. Steinhauer and W. D. Kimura, “Modeling of Bounded-Vacuum Acceleration,” in Proc. International Conference on Lasers 2001, pp. 147-152.
L. C. Steinhauer and W. D. Kimura, “Micro-Channel Acceleration in a Vacuum,” in Proc. International Conference on Lasers 2001, pp. 153-158.
A. Tremaine, A. Murokh and X.J. Wang, VISA Undulator Re-Alignment Using An Informal Report Optical Monitoring System, March 2001.BNL - 68170 

Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago IL. June 18-22, 2001

W. D. Kimura et al. First Demonstration of Staged Laser Acceleration,
T. Shaftan et al. High-Gain Harmonic Generation Free-Electron Laser at Saturation
J.H. Wu et al. Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Analysis for the Photoinjected Energy Recovery Linac and UVFEL Projects at the NSLS


N. E. Andreev, S. V. Kuznetsov, and I. V. Pogorelsky, "MONOENERGETIC LASER WAKEFIELD ACCELERATION", Phys. Rev. STAB, 3, 021301
I. Ben-Zvi, J. Kewisch, J. Murphy and S. Peggs,Accelerator Physics Issues in eRHIC,To be published in the proceedings of EPAC 2000
L.P. Campbell et al. Inverse Cerenkov Acceleration and Inverse Free-Electron Laser Acceleration Results for Staged Electron Laser Acceleration, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 28, 1143
M. Cole et al. Development of a Novel Superconducting RF Photocathode Electron Gun Proceedings of LINAC 2000, Monetery CA August 21-25, 2000
M. Ferrario, T. C. Katsouleas, L. Serafini and I. Ben Zvi Adiabatic Plasma Buncher, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 28, 1152
S. Kashiwagi et al. "OBSERVATION OF HIGH INTENSITY X-RAYS IN INVERSE COMPTON SCATTERING EXPERIMENT", Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Phys. Res. A 455, 36
S. Krinsky et al. Workshop on NSLS Upgrades, (Conference), Berkner Hall, BNL, Upton-NY, October 23, 2000. BNL - 67839
R. Kuroda et al. High-quality beam generation using as RF gun and a 150 MeV microtron, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 2000
L. Merminga, G.A. Krafft, V.A. Lebedev and I. Ben-Zvi, An Energy Recovery Elecron Linac on Ring Collider, Proceedings of Second Workshop on Physics with a Polarized-Electron Light-ion Collider, September 14 -16, 2000, MIT Cambridge, MA USA. To be published as AIP Conference Proceedings. BNL 67849.
A. MUROKH, J. ROSENZWEIG,V. YAKIMENKO, E. JOHNSON, X.J. WANG, “Limitations on the Resolution of YAG:Ce Beam Profile Monitor for High Brightness Electron Beam" in The Physics of High Brightness Beams, World Scientific (2000), p. 564.
I.V. Pogorelsky et al. "Demonstration of 8x1018 photons/second peaked at 1.8 Ã in relativistic Thomson scattering experiment", Phys. Rev. ST-AB, 3, Issue 9, 090702, (27 September 2000)
I.V. Pogorelsky, "GAS LASER TECHNOLOGY FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS", Proceedings of LASERS' 99, Quebec, Canada, December 13-16, 1999, STS Press, McLean, 288 (2000).
I.V. Pogorelsky, N. E. Andreev, and S. V. Kuznetsov, "MULTISTAGE MONOCHROMATIC LASER WAKEFIELD ACCELERATOR", Proceedings of LASERS' 99, Quebec, Canada, December 13-16, 1999, STS Press, McLean, 313 (2000)
I.V. Pogorelsky, I. Ben-Zvi, X.J. Wang, T. Hirose, "FEMTOSECOND LASER SYNCHROTRON SOURCES BASED ON COMPTON SCATTERING IN PLASMA CHANNELS", Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Phys. Res. A 455, 176 (2000)
S. Pottorf and X.J. Wang, Harmonic Inverse Free Electron Laser Micro-Buncher, Conference, Workshop on Quantum Aspects of Beam Physics, Capri-Italy, October 15, 2000 thru October 20, 2000. BNL - 68013
X.J. Wang et al. Informal Report Design Studies For The LCLS 120 Hz RF Gun, November, 2000. BNL - 67922
X.J. Wang, I. Ben-Zvi, R. Malone, V. Yakimenko, High Resolution Beam Profile Monitor R&D at the BNL ATF, Proceedings of LINAC 2000, BNL 67636
X.J. Wang et al. FEL Technologies R&D and SASE Gain Enhancement Observation at the BNL ATF, Proceedings of LINAC 2000, BNL 67635
L.-H. Yu et al. First Lasing of a high-gain harmonic generation free-electron laser experiment, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 445, 301, (2000) BNL 66792.
L.-H. Yu et al. High-Gain Harmonic-Generation Free-Electron Laser,Science, 289 (2000) 932


P. Catravas et al. "Measurement of electron beam bunchlength and emittance using shot noise-driven fluctuations in incoherent radiation", Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 no. 26, 5261,

R. B. Fiorito, D. W. Rule, and W. D. Kimura, "Noninvasive Beam Position, Size, Divergence, and Energy Diagnostics Using Diffraction Radiation," in Advanced Accelerator Concepts, AIP Conference Proceedings No. 472, p. 725-734.

S. Kashiwagi et al. "Observation of High Intensity X-rays in Inverse Compton Scattering Experiment", International Symposium on New Visions in Laser-Beam Interactions, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo Japan, October 11-15, 1999. BNL 66934

I.V. Pogorelsky et al. "Femtosecond laser synchrotron sources based on Compton scattering in plasma channels", Nuclear Instrum. & Methods A

I.V. Pogorelsky et al. "MONOCHROMATIC LASER WAKEFIELD ACCELERATION", Proceedings of LASERS' 98, STS Press, McLean , p. 898


X.J. Wang et al. "The FEL Development at the Advanced Photon Source, Reprinted From: Free-Electron Laser Challenges II", Proceedings of SPIE, pgs. 86-95,

R. Malone and X.J. Wang, "Using a Commercial Mathematics Software Package For On-line Analysis at the BNL Accelerator Test Facility", Conference: 11th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Real Time Conference, June 1999. BNL - 67832 

R. Malone and X.J. Wang, "Using a Commercial Mathematics Software Package For On-line Analysis at the BNL Accelerator Test Facility", Journal: IEEE Transactions On Nuclear Science, June 1999. BNL - 67831 

D. W. Rule, R. B. Fiorito, and W. D. Kimura, "The Effect of Detector Bandwidth on Microbunch Length Measurements Made With Coherent Transition Radiation," in Advanced Accelerator Concepts, AIP Conference Proceedings No. 472, p. 745-754. 

L. C. Steinhauer and W. D. Kimura, "Longitudinal Space Charge Debunching and Compensation in High Frequency Accelerators," Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 2, 081301 .

1999 Particle Accelerator Conference

Y. Aoki et al. "A High-duty 1.6 Cell s-Band RF Gun Driven By a psec Nd:YAG Laser", p2018
M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, R. Malone, X.-J. Wang, V.Yakimenko, "Recent progress in emittance control of the photoelectron beam using transverse laser shape modulation and tomography technique" , p2158
W. D. Kimura et al. "Progress on STELLA Experiment", p3722, BNL 66960
M. Libkind , L. Bertolini, P. Duffy,  R. Carr, G. Rakowsky, J. Skaritka, "MECHANICAL DESIGN OF THE VISA UNDULATOR", p2477
A. Murokh et al. "Photon Beam Diagnostics for the VISA FEL", p2480
G. Rakowsky et al. Measurement and Optimization of The VISA Undulator,, 2698, BNL 66499.
T. Srinivasan-Rao et al. "Simulation, Generation,and Characterization of High Brightness Electron Source at 1 GV/m Gradient", p75, BNL 66464
A. Tsunemi et al. "Ultra-Bright X-Ray Generation Using Inverse Compton Scattering of Picosecond CO2 Laser Pulses", p2552, BNL 66961
X.J. Wang. I. Ben-Zvi, J. Sheehan And V. Yakimenko, "Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility 100 MeV Energy Upgrade", p3495
Li-Hua Yu et al. "The Status of the High-Gain Harmonic Generation Free-Electron Laser Experiment at the Accelerator Test Facility", p2471


M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, P. Catravas, J.-M. Fang, Y. Liu, T.C. Marshall, X.-J. Wang, J.S. Wurtele, V. Yakimenko and L.-H. Yu, "First Observation of Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission at 1.064 m m", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A407, 267 (1998).

M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, P. Catravas, J.M. Fang, T.C. Marshall, X.J. Wang, J.S. Wurtele, V. Yakimenko, L.H. Yu, "Observation of Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission in the Near-Infrared and Visible", Phys. Rev E57 No. 5, 6093 (1998) BNL 65065

K. Batchelor, J. P. Farrell, G. Dudnikova, I. Ben-Zvi, T. Srinivasan-Rao, J. Smedley, V. Yakimenko, "A High Current, High Gradient, Laser Excited, Pulsed Electron Gun", 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC), June 22-26, 1998, Stockholm, Sweden. P791

I. Ben-Zvi, M. Babzien, R. Malone, X.-J. Wang and V. Yakimenko, "Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environment-Conscious Innovative Materials Processing System With Advanced Energy Sources", Kyoto, Japan, Published by the High Temperature Society of Japan, 1998, page 186. BNL 66228.

Roger Carr, Max Cornaccia, Paul Emma, Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, Robert Ruland, Erik Johnson, George Rakowsky, Steve Lidia, Lou Bertolini, Pedro Frigola, Claudio Pellegrini, Janes Rosenzweig, "The VISA FEL Undulator", FEL98, Williamsburg, VA, August 16-21, 1998. BNL 65842

P. Catravas, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, Z. Segalov, X.-J. Wang, J.S. Wurtele, V. Yakimenko, M. Zolotorev, "Single shot non-purturbative electron beam characterization with a microwiggler", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A407, II-111 (1998),

W. D. Kimura, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, D. B. Cline, R. B. Fiorito, J. R. Fontana, J. C. Gallardo, S. C. Gottschalk, P. He., K. P. Kusche, Y. Liu, R. H. Pantell, I. V. Pogorelsky, D. C. Quimby, K. E. Robinson, D. W. Rule, J. Sandweiss, J. Skaritka, A. van Steenbergen, and V. Yakimenko, "Design and Model Simulations of Inverse Cerenkov Acceleration Using Inverse Free Electron Laser Prebunching," in 1997 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference Proceedings, IEEE Cat. No. 97CH36167, Vol. I, 675-677 (1998).

I.V. Pogorelsky, "PROSPECTS FOR LASER WAKEFIELD ACCELERATORS AND COLLIDERS USING CO2 LASER DRIVERS", Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Phys. Res. A, 410, 524-531 (1998) BNL-63684

I.V. Pogorelsky, "ULTRA-BRIGHT X-RAY AND GAMMA SOURCES BY COMPTON BACKSCATTERING OF CO2 LASER BEAMS", Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Phys. Res. A, 411, 172-187 (1998) BNL-63985

T. Srinivasan-Rao, J. Schill, I. Ben Zvi and M. Woodle, "Sputtered magnesium as a photocathode material for RF Injectors", Review of Scientic Instruments 69, 2292, (1998), BNL 65315

L. C. Steinhauer et al. "Particle Acceleration by Laser Fields in a Dielectric Disk-Loaded Waveguide," J. Appl. Phys. 83, 5636-5643 (1998).

X.J. Wang, I. Ben-Zvi, J. Smedley, T. Srinivasan-Rao and M. Woodle,  "High-Yield Metal Materials for Photocathode RF Gun", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A407, II-82 (1998), BNL 65002

V. Yakimenko, M. Babzien, I. Be-Zvi, R. Malone, X.-J. Wang, "Emittance Control of a Beam by Shaping the Transverse Charge Distribution, Using a Tomography diagnostic", Proceedings of EPAC'98, June 22-27, Stockholm, Sweden, page 1641, BNL 65675. 

Li-Hua Yu "Power Spectrum Calculation for the Cornell Wiggler A SASE Experiment at BNL", FEL98, Williamsburg, VA, August 16-21, 1998. BNL 65854

1998 Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop

A.Ts. Amatuni and I.V. Pogorelsky, Microbunch Temporal Diagnostic by Compton Scattering in Interfering Laser Beams, p. 765
I. Ben-Zvi et al. "STELLA Experiment: Hardware Issues", p. 573, BNL-66297
P. Catravas et al. "Electron Bunchlength Measurement from Analysis of Fluctuations in Spontaneous Emission", p. 803
P. He et al. "STELLA Experiment - Microbunch Diagnostic", p. 755
W. D. Kimura et al. "STELLA Experiment: Design and Model Predictions", p. 563
I.V. Pogorelsky, Terawatt Picosecond CO2 Laser technology for High energy Physics Applications, p. 86, BNL-66205
I.V. Pogorelsky,  N.E. Andreev and S.V. Kuznetsov, Practical Approach to Monochromatic LWFA, p. 444
L.C. Steinhauer and W.D. Kimura, Space Charge Compensation in Laser Particle Accelerators , p. 599


M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, P. Catravas, J-M. Fang, T.C. Marshall, X.J. Wang, J.S. Wurtele, V. Yakimenko, L.H. Yu "Observation of Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission in the Near-Infrared and Visible", Phys. Rev. E. 57, 5 p6093 (1998)

M. Babzien, I. V. Pogorelsky, I. Ben-Zvi, J. Skaritka (NSLS), and I. Moskovsky (Optoel Co.), Terawatt Picosecond CO2 Lasers and Applications, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 1997 (CLEO 97), May 18-23, 1997, Baltimore, MD BNL 64418.

Ilan Ben-Zvi, Joe X. Qiu and Xijie Wang, "PICOSECOND-RESOLUTION ‘SLICE’ EMITTANCE MEASUREMENT OF ELECTRON-BUNCHES" , Invited talk at the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference, May 12-16, 1997, Vancouver, BC Canada, page 1971. BNL 64755

I. Ben-Zvi, W. Graves, R. Heese, E. D. Johnson, S. Krinsky, and L-H. Yu, "BNL Source Development Laboratory, Free-Electron Laser Challenges", San Jose, CA, February 13-14, 1997. BNL 64145

Ilan Ben-Zvi, Richard Fernow, Juan Gallardo, Michael Hart, Jerome Hastings, Erik Johnson, Samuel Krinsky, Robert Palmer, Li-Hua Yu, "Lepton Accelerators and Radiation Sources: R&D Investment at BNL", Informal Report, March 1997. BNL 64214

W.S. Graves, I. Ben-Zvi, E.D. Johnson, S. Krinsky, J. Skaritka, M.H. Woodle, and L.H. Yu, "Design of the Source Development Lab Bunch Compressor", Presented at the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference, May 12-16, 1997, Vancouver, BC, Canada. BNL 65005

W.D. Kimura, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, D.B. Cline, R.B. Fiorito, J.R. Fontana, J.C. Gallardo, S.C. Gottschalk, P. He, K.P. Kusche, Y. Liu, R.H. Pantell, I.V. Pogorelsky, D.C. Quimby, K.E. Robinson, D.W. Rule, J. Sandweiss, J. Skaritka, A. vanSteenbergen, and V. Yakimenko, "Design and Model Simulations of Inverse Cerenkov Acceleration Using Inverse Free Electron Laser Prebunching", Proceedings 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference, M. Comyn, M.K. Craddock, M. Reiser, J. Thomson, editors, Page 675. BNL 64817

W.D. Kimura, I.V. Pogorelsky, Y. Liu, K.P. Kusche, A. van Steenbergen, J.C. Gallardo, J. Sandweiss, D.B. Cline, D.C. Quimby and M. Babzien. "Inverse Cerenkov Acceleration Using an IFEL Prebuncher", Proc. Advanced Accelerator Concepts Seventh Workshop, October 13-18, 1996, Editors, S. Chattopadhyay, J. McCullough and P. Dahl, CP398, pp. 608-17, AIP Press, NY, 1997. BNL 65237

W. D. Kimura, M. Babzien, D. B. Cline, R. B. Fiorito, J. R. Fontana, J. C. Gallardo, S. C. Gottschalk, K. P. Kusche, Y. Liu, I. V. Pogorelsky, D. C. Quimby, R. H. Pantell, D. W. Rule, J. Skaritka, J. Sandweiss, A. van Steenbergen, and V. Yakimenko "New Advances in Inverse Cerenkov Acceleration", in New Modes of Particle Acceleration - Techniques and Sources, Santa Barbara, CA, AIP Conference Proceedings No. 396, Z. Parsa, Ed., (American Institute of Physics, New York, 1997), p. 31-39.

Y. Liu, D. Cline, I. Ben-Zvi, X. J. Wang, J. Sheehan, K. Batchelor, R. Malone and M. Issapour. "A Modified Feed-Forward Control System at the ATF", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68 (2), 1137 (1997). BNL 63384

Y. Liu, X.J.Wang, D.B. Cline,M. Babzien, J.M. Fang,J. Gallardo, K. Kusche,I. Pogorelsky, J. Skaritka, A. van Steenbergen, "Experimental Observation of Femtosecond Electron Beam Microbunching by Inverse Free-Electron-Laser Acceleration", Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 4418, BNL-64647

Y. Liu, D. B. Cline, X. J. Wang, M. Babzien, J. M. Fang, J. Gallardo, K. Kusche, I. Pogorelsky, J. Skaritka, A. van Steenbergen, "Experimental Observation of IFEL Micro-Bunching using Coherent Transition Radiation", 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference, May 12-16, 1997, Vancouver, BC, Canada BNL 64465.

D. T. Palmer, X. J. Wang, R. H. Miller, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, C. Pellegrini, J. Sheehan, J. Skaritka, H. Winick, M. Woodle, V. Yakimenko, "Emittance Studies of the BNL/UCLA 1.6 cell Photocathode rf Gun", 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference, May 12-16, 1997, Vancouver, BC, Canada BNL 64466.

D. T. Palmer, X. J. Wang, I. Ben-Zvi, R. H. Miller, "Beam Dynamics Enhancement due to Accelerating Field Symmetrization in the BNL/SLAC/UCLA 1.6 cell S-Bank Photocathode RF Gun", Proceedings 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference, M. Comyn, M.K. Craddock, M. Reiser, J. Thomson, editors, page 2846 BNL 64467.

D. T. Palmer, X. J. Wang, I. Ben-Zvi, R. H. Miller, J. Skaritka, "Experimental Results of a Single Emittance Compensation Solenoidal Magnet", Proceedings 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference, M. Comyn, M.K. Craddock, M. Reiser, J. Thomson, editors, page 2843, BNL 64469.

I. V. Pogorelsky and I. Ben-Zvi, "Emerging Terawatt Picosecond CO2 Laser Technology and Possible Applications in Accelerator Physics", 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference, May 12-16, 1997, Vancouver, BC, Canada BNL 64473.

I.V. Pogorelsky, A. Van Steenbergen, R. Fernow, W.D. Kimura, S.V. Bulanov, CO2 LASER TECHNOLOGY FOR ADVANCED PARTICLE ACCELERATORS

I. V. Pogorelsky, "Terawatt Picosecond CO2 Laser Technology for Future TeV Colliders", Laser and Particle Beams, March 1997. BNL 64281

I.V. Pogorelsky, A. vanSteenbergen, J.C. Gallardo, V. Yakimenko, M. Babzien, K.P. Kusche, J. Skaritka, W.D. Kimura, D.C. Quimby, K.E. Robinson, S.C. Gottschalk, L.J. Pastwick, L.C. Steinhauer, D.B. Cline, Y. Liu, P. He, F. Camino, I. Ben-zvi, R.B. Fiorito, D.W. Rule, R.H. Pantell, and J. Sansweiss, "Staged Electron Laser Accelerator (STELLA) Experiment at Brookhaven ATF", Presented at the First JAERI-Kansai International Workshop, July 14-18, 1997, Kyoto, Japan. BNL 64789

I.V. Pogorelsky, "Emerging Picosecond CO2 Laser Technology", Presented at the First JAERI-Kansai International Workshop, July 14-18, 1997, Kyoto, Japan BNL 64790.

I.V. Pogorelsky, "Prospects for Laser Wakefield Accelerators and Colliders Using CO2 Laser Drivers", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A, Submitted. BNL 64791

I.V. Pogorelsky, I. Ben-Zvi, J. Skaritka, Z. Segalov, M. Babzien, K. Kusche, I.K. Meshkovsky, V.A. Lekomtsev, A.A. Dublov, Yu. A. Boloshin,"The First Terawatt Picosecond CO2 Laser for Advanced Accelerator Studies at the Brookhaven ATF", Proc. Laser’97, New Orleans, LA December 15-19, 1997, BNL-65240

I.V. Pogorelsky. "Optimization of Laser Wakefield Accelerator Parameters", Presented at LASERS >97, December 15-19, 1997, New Orleans, LA. BNL 65239

F. Sakai, X.J. Wang, H. Kotaki, K. Nakajima, T. Watanabe, K. Kinoshita, S. Kondo, M. Kando, H. Dewa, T. Ueda, K. Yoshii, M. Uesaka, A. Ogata, H. Nakanishi, M. Washio, A. Endo, I. Ben-Zvi, J. Skaritka, and M. Woodle, "Development of High Duty Operation RF Photoinjector", Presented at the 1997 Japan Particle Accelerator Conference - Spring 8, Kyoto, Japan, November 20-25, 1997. BNL 65003

L. C. Steinhauer, R. D. Romea, and W. D. Kimura, "Inverse Transition Acceleration," in Advanced Accelerator Concepts, Lake Tahoe, CA, AIP Conference Proceedings No. 398, S. Chattopadhyay, Ed., (American Institute of Physics, New York, 1997), p. 673-686.

A. vanSteenbergen and J.C. Gallardo, "Inverse Free Electron Laser Accelerator Development", Proceedings 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference, M. Comyn, M.K. Craddock, M. Reiser, J. Thomson, editors, page 616, BNL 64818

X. J. Wang and I. Ben-Zvi, "Longitudinal Emittance Compensation in a Photocathode RF Gun Injector", Proceedings 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference, M. Comyn, M.K. Craddock, M. Reiser, J. Thomson, editors, page 2793. BNL 64468

X.J. Wang, I. Ben-Zvi, J. Smedley, T. Srinivasan-Rao and M. Woodle, "High-Yield Metal Materials for Photocathode RF Gun", Presented at the 1997 International Free-Electron Laser Conference, Beijing, China, August 18-22, 1997. BNL 65002

X. J. Wang and D. Kehne, "Measurements of Emittance Growth Through the Achromatic Bend at the BNL Accelerator Test Facility", Informal Report, BNL 64646, July 1997. BNL 64646

Li-Hua Yu and Ilan Ben-Zvi. "High-Gain Harmonic Generation of Soft X-Rays with the Fresh Bunch Technique". Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 393, 96 (1997). BNL-63639


M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, P. Catravas, J. M. Fang, A. Fisher, W. S. Graves, X. Z. Qui, Z. Segalov, and X. J. Wang. Optical aligment and diagnostics for the ATF microundulator FEL oscillator. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 375, 420 (1996). BNL 63811

I. Ben-Zvi. Recent Progress in Photo-injectors. Proc. 7th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Lake Tahoe, Oct. 13-18, 1996. AIP Conference Proceedings 398, 40 (1997), BNL 63597.

Brownell, J.H., Walsh, J., Kirk, H.G., Fernow, R.C. and Robertson, S.H. "Smith-Purcell Radiation from a 50 MeV Beam." Proceedings of the 18th International Free Electron Laser Conference and 3rd FEL Users' Workshop, Rome, Italy, Aug. 26-31, 1996. (submitted) BNL 63616

S.V. Bulanov, T.J. Esirkepov, N.M. Naumova, F. Pegoraro, and I.V. Pogorelsky, and A.M. Pukhov, "Controlled Wake Field Acceleration via Laser Pulse Shaping", IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci., 24, 393, (1996), BNL 62847.

S.V. Bulanov, G.I. Dudnikova, N.M. Naumova, F. Pegorao, I.V. Pogorelsky, V.A. Vshivkov. Charged Particle Acceleration in Nonuniform Plasmas. 7th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Lake Tahoe, CA, October 12-18, 1996. November 1996. BNL 63685

G. Dattoli, L.Giannessi, A. Torre, G. Altobelli and J.C.Gallardo, "Compton backscattering of intracavity storage ring FEL", J.Appl. Phys. 79 (2) (1996) 570-572

G.Dattoli, L. Giannessi,A.Torre, G.Altobelli and J.C.Gallardo, "Compton backscatteing of intracavity storage ring FEL radiation", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A375 (1996) 543-546 BNL 62428

Fernow, R.C., Kirk, H.G., Robertson, S.H., Brownell, J.H., Walsh, J.E. "Observation of 10 um Smith-Purcell Radiation from 45 MeV Electrons." Proceedings of the 7th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Lake Tahoe, CA, Oct. 12-18, 1996. (submitted) BNL 63790

Gallardo, J.C., Kirk, H.G., Meyerer, T. "A Comparison of L- Band and C-Band RF Guns as Sources for Inline-Injection Systems." Proceedings of IEEE 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference and International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Dallas, TX, May 1-5, 1995, pp. 995-997. BNL 62840

G. Ingold, I. Ben-Zvi, L. Solomon, and M. Woodle, "Fabrication of a High-Field, Short-Period Superconducting Undulator", Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res., A375, 451, (1996), BNL

Y. Liu, D. Cline, I. Ben-Zvi, X.J. Wang, J. Sheehan, K. Batchelor, R. Malone and M. Issapour "A Modified Feed-Forward Control System at the ATF Review of Scientific Instrumentation" 68 (2), 1137 (1997). BNL-63384

Y. Liu, D.B. Cline, X.J. Wang, M. Babzien, J.M. Fang, and V. Yakimenko. Micro-Bunching Diagnostics for the IFEL by Coherent Transition Radiation. VII Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts, Lake Tahoe, CA, Oct. 13-18, 1996. October 1996. BNL 63584

D. T. Palmer, X. J. Wang, R. H. Miller, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, C. Pellegrini, J. Sheehna, J. Skaritka, H. Winick, M. Woodle, and V. Yakimenko. Commissioning results of the next generation photoinjector. Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Lake Tahoe, CA, October 13-18, 1996. December 1996. BNL 63808

Palmer, R.B. and Gallardo, J.C. Future Colliders. "Proceedings of the XXVIII International Conference on High Energy Physics", Warsaw, Poland, July 25-31, 1996. (submitted) BNL 63601

Palmer, R.B. and Gallardo, J.C. "High Energy Colliders." Proceedings of the 250th Anniversary Conference on Critical Problems in Physics, Princeton, N.J., Oct. 31-11/2, 1996.

Parsa, Z. and Ko, S.K. "Optimization of Parameters for the In-line-Injection System at Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility." Informal Report, BNL# 62222.

I. Pogorelsky, A. van Steenbergen, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, R. Fernow, J. Gallardo, K. Kusche, T. Srinivasan-Rao, X.-J. Wang, "Inverse Cerenkov and Inverse FEL Accelerator Experiments at the Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility", Lasers ’95, Charleston SC. December 4-8, 1996. BNL 62846.

I.V. Pogorelsky, "Relativistically Strong CO2 Laser Driver for Plasma-Channeled Particle Acceleration", STS Press, pp. 104-111, (1996), BNL 62845.

I.V. Pogorelsky, A. vanSteenbergen, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, R. Fernow, J. Gallardo, K.P. Kusche, T. Srinivasan-Rao, X.J. Wang, W.D. Kimura, G.H. Kim, R.D. Romea, Y. Liu, D. Cline, J.R. Fontana, A. Fisher, J. Sandweiss, X.J. Qui, and J.-M. Fang, "Inverse Cherenkov and Inverse FEL Accelerator Experiments at the Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility", STS Press, pp. 96-103, (1996), BNL 62846.

I.V. Pogorelsky, A. van Steenbergen, R. Fernow, W.D. Kimura, S.V. Bulanov. CO2 laser technology for advanced particle accelerators. 7th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Lake Tahoe, CA, October 12-18, 1996. October 1996. BNL 63649

I.V. Pogorelsky, I. Ben-Zvi, J. Skaritka, Z. Segalov, M. Babzien, K. Kusche, I.K. Meskovsky, V.A. Lekomtsev, A.A. Dublov, Yu A. Boloshin, G.A. Baranov. The first terawatt picosecond CO2 laser for advanced accelerator studies at the Brookhaven ATF. 7th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Lake Tahoe, CA, October 12-18, 1996. October 1996. BNL 63650

I.V. Pogorelsky. Prospects for Compact High-Intensity Laser Synchrotron X-ray and Gamma Sources. 7th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Lake Tahoe, CA, October 12-18, 1996. November 1996. BNL 63684

X. Qiu, P. Catravas, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, J.-M. Fang, w. Graves, Y. Liu, R. Malone, I. Mastovsky, Z. Segalov, J. Sheehan, X.-J. Wang, J.S. Wurtele. Experiments in Non-Perturbative Electron Beam Characterization with the MIT Microwiggler at the Accelerator Test Facility at BNL. 18th International Free-Electron Laser Conference, Rome, Italy, August 25-30, 1996. November 1996. BNL 63687

X. Qui, K. Batchelor, I. Ben-Zvi, and XJ Wang, Demonstration of Emittance Compensation Through the Measurement of the Slice Emittance of a 10 Picosecond Electron Bunch, Phys. Rev. Lett., 76/20, 3723, (1996), BNL 62386.

Smith, D.R., Li, D., Vier, D.C., Kroll, N., Schultz, S. and Wang, H. "Recent Progress on Photonic Band Gap Accelerator Cavities", Proceedings of the 7th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Lake Tahoe, CA, Oct. 12-18, 1996. (submitted) BNL 64108

L. Solomon, W.S. Graves, I. Ben-Zvi, S. Krinsky, D. Lynch, P. Mortazavi, G. Rakowsky, J. Skaritka, M. Woodle, L.H. Yu, I. Lehrman and F. Tepes, "Magnetic Measurements of the BNL HGFEL", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A375, ABS63 (1996),

van Steenbergen, A., Gallardo, J., Sandweiss, J., Babzien, M., Fang, J-M., Qiu, X., Skaritka, J., Wang, X-J. "First Experimental Results of the BNL Inverse Free Electron Laser Accelerator." Proceedings of the XVIII International Linear Accelerator Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, Aug. 26-30, 1996, pp. 461-463 BNL 63636

van Steenergen, A., J. Gallardo, J. Sandweiss, J.-M. Fang, M. Babzien, X. Qui, J. Skaritka and X.-J. Wang, Observation of Energy Gain at the BNL Inverse Free-Electron-Laser Accelerator, Phys. Rev. Letts. 77(13), 2690-93 (1996). BNL 63335 (Rev. 1/98)

van Steenbergen, A., J. Gallardo, J. Sandweiss, M. Babzien, J.-M. Fang, K. Kusche, R. Malone, I. Pogorelsky, X. Qiu, T. Romano, J. Sheehan, J. Skaritka, X.-J. Wang. Status of the BNL IFEL Accelerator. VII Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Lake Tahoe, October 13-18, 1996, October 1996. BNL 63635

X.J. Wang, X. Qiu and I. Ben-Zvi, "Experimental Observation of High-Brightness Micro-Bunching in a Photocathode RF Gun", Phys. Rev. E54 No. 4 R3121 (1996) BNL 62820.

X.J. Wang, M. Babzien, K. Batchelor, I. Ben-Zvi, R. Malone, I.V. Pogorelsky, X. Qui, J. Sheehan, J. Skaritka, and T. Srinivasan-Rao, "Experimental Chararacterization of High Brightness Electron Photoinjector", Nucl. Instrum. & Meths., A375, 82, (1996), BNL 62623.

Wang, H., Fernow, R.C., Kirk, H.G., Palmer, R.B., Zhao, Y. Solenoid Fringe Field Compensation for the Cluster Klystron. Proceedings of the "Pulsed RF Sources for Linear Collider Workshop (RF96), Shonan Village, Japan, April 8-12, 1996. (submitted) BNL 63617

X. J. Wang, Beam Monitoring and Conditioning Working Group IV Report, Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop, Lake Tahoe, CA, October 13-18, 1996. BNL63973

X. J. Wang and I. Ben-Zvi. High-Brightness Electron Beam Diagnostics at the ATF. Proc. of the AIP Conference, Vol. 390, pp.232-39, 1996. BNL 63151

X. J. Wang, I. Ben-Zvi and Z. Segalov. Experimental Characterization of ATF Beam Position Monitor. Proc. of the European Particle Accelerator Conference, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1576-78, 1996. BNL 63214

Li-Hua Yu and Ilan Ben-Zvi, "High-Gain Harmonic Generation of Soft X-rays with the ‘Fresh Bunch’ Technique", Proceedings, 1996 International FEL Conference, Rome, Italy

Zhao, Y., Palmer, R., Wang, H., Fernow, R.C., Gallardo, J., Kirk, H., Ulc, S. T"he Pulse Modulator for the Mod-Anode of the Cluster Klystron". Proceedings of the "Pulsed RF Sources for Linear Collider Workshop (RF96), Shonan Village, Japan, April 8-12, 1996. (submitted) Informal Report BNL#63107

Zhao, Y. and Wang, H-p. "A High Voltage Pulse Generator for the Mod-Anode of the Cluster Klystron". Informal Report BNL# 62419.

Zhao, Y. "The Waveform Analysis for Zarem Type High Voltage Pulse Generator". Informal Report BNL# 62418.


Babzien, M., Ben-Zvi, I., Fischer, J.; Fisher, A.S.; Kusche, K.; Pogorelsky, I.V., Srinivasan-Rao, T. "A High Power Picosecond Nd:YAG/CO2 Laser System for Electron Guns, Laser Acceleration and FEL." Proc. Of Lasers '94 Conference, Quebec, Canada, Dec. 12-16, 1994. BNL 61399. Feb. 1995.

Babzien, M., A. Fisher, I. Pogorelsky, T. Srinivasan-Rao. A High Stability Nd: YAG Photocathode Drive Laser, Proc. of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO ‘95), Baltimore, MD,"Technical Digest Conference" Vol. 15, pp. 218, 1995. BNL 63263

I. Ben-Zvi, "Milestone Experiments for Single Pass UV/XRay FELs. Nucl. Instrum. & Method in Phys." Res A358, 54 (1995). BNL 60827.

I. Ben-Zvi, Blum, E., Johnson, E., Krinsky, S., Murphy, J.B., Yu, L.H., "NSLS Source Development Laboratory. Sub. to SPIE, Electron Beam Sources of High-Brightness Radiation", San Diego, CA, July 9-14, 1995. BNL 62173. Sept. 1995.

I. Ben-Zvi and S. Krinsky, Guest editors, "Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Free Electron Laser Conference", New York, NY, USA, August 21-25, 1995, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1996, "Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research" volume A375 BNL 61982. Informal Report. October 1995

P. Catravas, R. Stoner, J. Blastos, D. Sisson, I. Mastrovsky, G. Bekefi, and X.J. Wang, A. Fisher. MIT Microwiggler for Free Electron Laser Applications. Proc. of the 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference, pp. 192-94, 1995. BNL 61957

R.C. Fernow. "Far field acceleration." BNL-62048, 1995.

Liu, Y., Pogorelsky, I.V. "Gas Breakdown Limits for Inverse Cherenkov Laser Accelerators." BNL 61876, June 1995.

Liu, Y., S. A. Bogacz, D. B. Cline, X. J. Wang, I. V. Pogorelsky, and W.D. Kimura. Micro Bunching Diagnostics for the ICA by Coherent Transition Radiation, Proc. of the AIP Conference "Micro Bunches Workshop", Upton, NY, Vol. 367, pp. 445-54, 1995. BNL 62387

D.T. Palmer, R.H. Miller, H. Winick, X.J. Wang, K. Batchelor, M. Woodle, and I. Ben-Zvi, "Microwave Measurements of the BNL/SLAC/UCLA 1.6 Cell Photocathode RF Gun", 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference, (1995), BNL 61851.

D.T. Palmer, R.H. Miller, H. Winick, X.J. Wang, K. Batchelor, M. Woodle, and I. Ben-Zvi, "Simulations of the BNL/SLAC/UCLA 1.6 Cell Emittance Compensated Photocathoce RF Gun Low Energy Beam Line", 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference, p.2432, (1995), BNL 61852.

Pogorelsky, I.V. "Electron Acceleration in Plasma Channels with Terawatt CO2 Laser." Informal Report. BNL 61482. February 1995.

Pogorelsky, I., "High Intensity Laser Synchrotron Xray Source", Informal Report, BNL 62447, November 1995.

Pogorelsky, I., I. Ben-Zvi, W.D. Kimura, N.A. Kurnit, and F. Kannari, "Picosecond CO2 Laser for Relativistic Particle Acceleration", Infrared Phys. and Tech., 36/1, 341-354, (1995), BNL 60452.

Qui, X.Z., Wang, X.J., Batchelor, K., Ben-Zvi, I. "Conceptual Design of a Charged Particle Beam Energy Spectrometer Utilizing Transition Radiation Grating." 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference, Dallas, TX, April 1995. BNL 61849, May 1995.

Qiu, X.Z., X.J. Wang, K. Batchelor, and I. Ben-Zvi, "Conceptual Design of a Charged Particle Beam Energy Spectrometer Utilizing Transition Radiation Grating", Proceedings 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference, p. 2411, (1995), BNL 61743.

Qui, X.Z., X.J. Wang, K. Batchelor, and I. Ben-Zvi, "Transition Radiation Electron Beam Diagnostic Study at the ATF", 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference, p. 2530, (1995), BNL 61850.

X.J. Wang, T. Srinivasan-Rao, K. Batchelor, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, R. Malone, I. Pogorelsky, X. Qui, J. Sheehan, and J. Skaritka, "Experimental Results of the ATF In-Line Injection System", 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference, p. 890, (1995), BNL 61743.

X.J. Wang, T. Srinivasan-Rao, K. Batchelor, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, J. Fischer, R. Malone, I. Pogorelsky, X. Qiu, J. Sheehan, J. Skaritka, "High Brightness Electron Beam Generation Using Emittance Compensation in a High Gradient Photocathode RF Gun." BNL 62336, Informal Report, October 1995.

K.J. Woods, J.E. Walsh, R.E. Stoner, H.G. Kirk, R.C. Fernow. "Forward directed Smith-Purcell radiation from relativistic electrons." Phys. Rev. Lett. 74:3808-11, 1995. BNL-61708.


Armendariz, J., Gallardo, J., Romano, T., van Steenbergen, A. "Fast Excitation Wiggler Field Measurement Results." BNL 47928, December 1992.

Batchelor, K." National Synchrotron Light Source Operations Policies, Operational Safety Limits and Facility Upgrades." BNL Informal Report 49214 (Rev. 12/93).

Batchelor, K., Babzien, M., Ben-Zvi, I. Fernow, R., Fischer, J., Fisher, A., Malone, R., Pogorelsky, I., Srinivasan-Rao, T., Sheehan, J., Wang, X. "Operational Experience on the Brookhaven National Laboratory Accelerator Test Facility." Proc. Fourth European Particle Accelerator Conference, London UK, June 27-July 1 1994.V. Suller and Ch. Pette-Jean-Genez, Editors, Vol. 1, pp. 736--8, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 1994. BNL-60739

Ben-Zvi, I. and Qiu, Xu Z. "High precision beam alignment of electromagnet wigglers." SPIE Conference Proc. Vol. 2013, Electron Beam Sources of High-Brightness Radiation p. 44 (1993), BNL 49180

Ben-Zvi, I., and Winick, H. "Towards Short Wavelength FELs Workshop" , BNL 49651. October 1993

Ben-Zvi, I." Milestone Experiments for Single Pass UV/X-Ray FELs.", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A358, 54 (1995) BNL 60827

Fisher, A.S., Gallardo, J.C., van Steenbergen, A., Ulc, S., Woodle, M., Sandweiss, J. Fang, J.M. "An Inverse Free-Electron Laser Accelerator." BNL 49213. Submitted to IEEE 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, DC, May 17-20, 1993.

Fisher, A., Gallardo, J., van Steenbergen, A., Sandweiss, J. "Inverse Free Electron Laser Development". Presented at the Xvth Intl. Free Electron Laser Conference, The Haag, The Netherlands, August 23-27, 1993. BNL 49609, October 1993.

Fontana, J.R., Kimura, W.D., Steinhauer, L.C., Pogorelsky, I. "Design Analysis for a 100 MeV Inverse Cerenkov Laser Accelerator." Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, DC, May 17-20, 1993, BNL 60092, February 1994.

J.C.Gallardo and H.G.Kirk,"Optimization of the BBL ATF inline-injection system utilizing PARMELA", BNL-61313 CAP 111-ATF-94C June 1994

J.C.Gallardo , H.G.Kirk and T. Meyerer, "A comparison of L-band and C-band RF guns as sources for inline-injection systems", BNL -52448 CAP 108 -94R Dec 1994

J.C.Gallardo, "Hard X-ray production ina visible-wavelength FEL", Nucl.Instr. and Meth. A341 (1994) ABS74-75

Kimura, W.D., Kim, G.H., Romea, R.D., Steinhauer, L.C., Pogorelsky, I., Kusche, K.P., Fernow, R.C., Wang, X., Liu, Y. "Laser Accelerator of Relativistic Electrons Using the Inverse Cerenkov Effect." Submitted for publication in Physical Review Letters, May 1994. PRL 74:546-9, 1995. BNL 60522, June 1994.

Kimura, W.D., Steinhauer, L.C., Kim, G.H., Tidwell, S.C., Pogorelsky, I., Kusche, K.P. "Update on the ATF Inverse Cerenkov Laser Acceleration Experiment." BNL 60093, February 1994.

Leung, K.P., Yu, L.H. and Ben-Zvi, I. "RF phase stabilization for RF photocathode gun through electro-optical monitoring." SPIE Conference Proc. Vol. 2013, Electron Beam Sources of High-Brightness Radiation (1993) p. 147, BNL 49276.

Pogorelsky, I., Fischer, J., Fisher, A.S., Srinivasan-Rao, T, Kurnit, N.A., Bigio, I.J., Harrison, R.F., Shimada, T., Kusche, K., Babzien, M. "10-GW CO2 Laser System at the Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility." Presented at the Intl. Conf. on Lasers, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, Dec. 6-9, 1993, BNL 60088, Feb. 1994.

Pogorelsky, I., Kura, W.D., Fisher, C.H., Kannari, F., Kurnit, N.A. "Approach to Compact Terawatt CO2 Laser System for Particle Acceleration." Presented at the 6th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, June 12-18, 1994. BNL 60826, September 1994.

Pogorelsky, I., Ben-Zvi, I., Kimura, W.D., Kurnit, N.A., Kannari, F. "Picosecond CO2 Laser for Relativistic Particle Acceleration." CIRP6, Ascona, Switzerland, May 29-June 3, 1994. BNL 60452. May 1994.

Pogorelsky, I., Fischer, J., Kusche, K. "et al. Subnanosecond Multi-Gigawatt CO2 Laser." IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. May 1994. BNL 60399.

Pogorelsky, I., Kimura, W.D., Liu, Y. "Waveguiding by Axicon-Focused Laser Beams." Presented at the 6th Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, June 12-18, 1994. BNL 60774, September 1994.

Qiu, X.Z., Wang, X.J., Ben-Zvi, I. "Proposal for using optical transition radiation for electron beam alignment and emittance measurement for the free electron laser experiments at ATF." BNL 60999. November 1994.

Stoner, R.E. "Radiation from Relativistic Electron Beams in Periodic Structures." BNL 60740, August 1994.

Wang, X.J., Srinivasan-Rao, T., Batchelor, K., Ben-Zvi, I., Fischer, J. "Measurements on Photoelectrons from a Magnesium Cathode in a Microwave Electron Gun. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research" A356, 159(1995), BNL-60738

Wang, X.J., Pogorelsky, I., Kusche, K., Liu, Y., Fernow, R. "Inverse Cerenkov Laser Acceleration Experiment at the ATF." Submitted to the 16th Intl. Free Electron Laser Conference, Stanford, CA, August 21-26, 1994. BNL 60737, August 1994.

Wang, X.J., Batchelor, K., Ben-Zvi, I., Woodle, M. "Proposal for Testing a New Generation Photocathode RF Gun at Accelerator Test Facility." BNL 60979. October 1994

Wang, X.J., Srinivasan-Rao, T., Batchelor, K., Ben-Zvi, I., Fischer, J. "Photoelectrons Beam Measurement from a Magnesium Cathode in a RF Electron Gun." 16th Intl. Free Electron Laser Conference, Stanford, CA, August 21-26, 1994. BNL 60738, August 1994.


Ben-Zvi, I. "Performance of Photocathode RF Gun Electron Accelerators". BNL 49168, IEEE 93CH3279-7 pp. 2962-2966. BNL 49168.

Ben-Zvi, I., Hung, "C.-M. Determination of Beam Position Offset in Focusing Wigglers." BNL 48676, September 1992.

Ben-Zvi, I., Qiu, X.Z. "High Precision Beam Alignment of Electromagnetic Wigglers." SPIE Conference Proc. Vol. 2013, Electron Beam Sources of High-Brightness Radiation p. 44 (1993), BNL 49180

Ben-Zvi, I. "UV Free-Electron Laser Preliminary Design Report." BNL 48565. February 1993.

Ben-Zvi, I. "Performance of Photocathode RF Gun Electron Accelerators." BNL 48576 Abs. Proc. 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington DC, May 17-20 1993. IEEE 93CH3279-7 pp. 2962-2966. BNL 49168.

Ben-Zvi, I., Jain, A., Noe, J.W., Paul, P., Wang, H., Lombardi, A. "Design and Test of a Superconducting RFQ for Heavy Ions."  Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A328, 251, (1992), BNL 48571.

Eidelman Yu. I. and Yakimenko V.E., Calculation of the Lie operators for beam transport elements. CERN Preprint SL/93-52, Geneva, (1993).

Eidelman Yu. I. and Yakimenko V.E., Calculation of the HERA polarization using computer code SpinLie Proc. of the V Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics, Protvino, (1993).

R.C. Fernow, H.G. Kirk, S. Ulc. "ATF beamline 1 analysis spectrometer." BNL-48559, 1993.

Gallardo, J.C., Romano, T., van Steenbergen, A. "Magnetic Performance of a Fast Excitation Wiggler." BNL 48675, March 1993.

Gallardo, J.C., van Steenbergen, A. "Eddy Current Shielding Due to a Waveguide in a Fast Excitation Wiggler." BNL 48276, December 1992.

Gallardo, J.C., Romano, T., van Steenbergen, A. "Magnetic Performance of a Variable Period, Fast Excitation Wiggler." Thirteenth Intl. Conference on Magnet Technology. Victoria B.C. Canada, Sept. 20-24, 1993. BNL 49551, September 1993.

Ingold, I., Solomon, L., Ben-Zvi, I., Krinsky, S., Li, D., Lynch, D., Sheehan, J., Woodle, M., Qiu, X.Z., Yu, L.H., Zhang, X., Sampson, W., Gardner, M., Robins, K., Lehrman, I., Heur, R., Weissenburger, D. "A Superconducting Short Period Undulator for a Harmonic Generation FEL Experiment." BNL 49144. SPIE Conference Proc. Vol. 2013, Electron Beam Sources of High-Brightness Radiation (1993) p. 68.

Jain, A., Wang, H., Ben-Zvi, I., Paul, P., Noe, J.W., Lombardi, A. "Fabrication and Test of a Superconducting RFQ. " Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B79, 711, (1992) BNL 48570.

Lehrman, I.S., Birnbaum, I.A., Fixler, S.Z., Heuer, R.L., Siddiqi, S., Sheedy, E., Ben-Zvi, I., Batchelor, K., Gallardo, J.C., Kirk, H.G., Srinivasan-Rao, T., Warren, G.D. "Design of a High Brightness, High-Duty Factor Photocathode Electron Gun." BNL 48633. Nucl. Instrum. & Method. In Phys. Res. A318, 1992.

Leung, K.P., Yu, L.H., Ben-Zvi, I. "RF Phase Stabilization of RF Photocathode Gun Through Eleco-Optical Monitoring", SPIE Conference Proc. Vol. 2013, Electron Beam Sources of High-Brightness Radiation (1993) p. 147, BNL 49276.

Malone, R., Bottke, I., Fernow, R., Ben-Zvi, I. "The BNL Accelerator Test Facility Control System." Eight Conference on Real-Time Computer Applications in Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, Vacncouver B.C. Canada June 8-11 1993, TRIUMF publication TRI-93-1, BNL-49179

Rogers, J.T., Warren, J.B., Gary, A.S. "Stripline Beam Position Monitor for the Accelerator Test Facility." NSLS Informal Report 47145, March 1992.

Solomon, L., Ingold, G., Ben-Zvi, I., Krinsky, S., Yu, L.H., Sampson, W., Robins, K. "Magnetic Field Measurements of a Superconducting Undulator for a Harmonic Generation FEL Experiment at the NSLS."  Proceedings 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington DC, May 17-20 1993. BNL 49153.

van Steenbergen, A. "Electron Beam Optics for the FEL Experiment and IFEL Experiment. NSLS Informal Report" BNL 46840, December 1991.

van Steenbergen, A. "Fast Excitation Wiggler Field Measurement Results." NSLS Informal Report BNL 47928, August 1992.

Wang, X.J., Batchelor, K., Ben-Zvi, I., Lynch, D., Sheehan, J., Woodle, M. "Design and Construction a Full Copper Photocathode RF Gun." Proceedings 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington DC, May 17-20 1993, BNL 49165.

Wang, X.J., Malone, R., Batchelor, K., Ben-Zvi, I. "Automatic Emittance Measurement at the ATF." Proceedings 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington DC, May 17-20 1993, BNL 49169.

Yu, L.H., Ben-Zvi, I., Krinsky, S. (Abstract) "An Harmonic Generation FEL Experiment at GBNL." Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, April 20-24, 1992, BNL 47466, May 1992.

Zhang, X., Ben-Zvi, I., Ingold, G., Krinsky, S., Yu, L.H. "Analysis of the Superconducting Wiggler Magnets for the ATF Harmonic Generation FEL Experiment." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A331, 689 (1993), BNL 47673, (1992).

Zhang, X., Gallardo, J.C. "Low Energy Beam Transport in the NSLS UV-FEL." , Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, DC, May 17-20, 1993. BNL 48678

Zhang, X., Gallardo, J.C. "The UV-FEL at the NSLS: Straight Injection Configuration." Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, DC, May 17-20, 1993. PAC93 3081-3083 (1993) BNL 49172

J.C.Gallardo and H.G.Kirk, "An injection scheme for the BNL ATF: Utilizing space-charge emittance growth compensation" PAC93 3615-3617 (1993)


Aleshaev al. "VEPP4 collider commissioning", Proc of XII All union workshop on charged particles, Dubna 1992.

Batchelor, K. "The Brookhaven National Laboratory Accelerator Test Facility." Presented at the XVth Intl. Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Hamburg, Germany, 7/20-24/92, BNL 47784, August 1992.

Batchelor, K., Ben-Zvi, I., Bottke, I., Chou, T.S., Fernow, R., Fischer, J., Fisher, A., Gallardo, J., Ingold, G., Malone, R., Palmer, R., Parsa, Z., Pogorelsky, I., Rogers, J., Sheehan, J., Srinivasan-Rao, T., Tsang, T., Ulc, S. "Operation of the Brookhaven National Laboratory Accelerator Test Facility." 1992 Linear Accelerator Conference, Ottawa, Canada, Aug. 24-28 1992, AECL-10728, 178 (1992) BNL 47909.

Batchelor,K., I. Ben-Zvi, R.C. Fernow, A.S. Fisher, A. Friedman, J. Gallardo, G. Ingold, H. Kirk, S. Kramer, L. Lin, J.T. Rogers, J.F. Sheehan, A. van Steenbergen, M. Woodle, J. Xie, L.H. Yu R. Zhang and A. Bhowmik, "Status of the Visible Free-Electron Laser at the Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility,"Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A318,159 (1992). BNL 46681.

Batchelor,K., I. Ben-Zvi, R.C. Fernow, J. Fischer, A.S. Fisher, J. Gallardo, G. Ingold, H. Kirk, L. Lin, R. Malone, K. McDonald, I. Pogorelsky, D. Russel, T. Srinivasan-Rao, J.T. Rogers, J.F. Sheehan, T. Tsang, J. Sheehan, S. Ulc, X.J. Wang, M. Woodle, J. Xie, and R. Zhang, "Performance of the Brookhaven Photocathode rf Gun", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A318, 372 (1992). BNL 46679.

Ben-Zvi, I., R. Fernow, J. Gallardo, G. Ingold, W. Sampson, M. Woodle," Theoretical Analysis of Iron-Bore Superconducting Undulators", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A318, 775 (1992). BNL 46702.

Ben-Zvi, I., K.M. Yang and L.H. Yu, "The 'Fresh-Bunch' Technique in FELs", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A318, 726 (1992). BNL 46688.

Ben-Zvi, I., L.F. Di Mauro, S. Krinsky, M.G. White, L.H. Yu, K. Batchelor, A. Friedman, A.S. Fisher, H. Halama, G. Ingold, E.D. Johnson, S. Kramer, J.T. Rogers, L. Solomon, J. Wachtel and X. Zhang, "Proposed UV-FEL User Facility at BNL", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A318, 201 (1992). BNL 46673.

Ben-Zvi, I., A. Friedman, C.M. Hung, G. Ingold, S. Krinsky, L.H. Yu, I. Lehrman and D. Weissenburger, "Design of a Harmonic Generation FEL Experiment at BNL", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A318, 208 (1992). BNL 46682.

Ben-Zvi, I., and C.-M. Hung,"Determination of Beam Position Offset in Focusing Wigglers", BNL 46682, 1992.

Ben-Zvi, I., A. Jain, J. Noe, P. Paul, H. Wang, and A. Lombardi, "Design and Test of a Superconducting RFQ for Heavy Ions". Int. Electrostatics Accelerator and Associated Booster Conf. Legnaro, Italy, June 1992. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A328, 251, (1992), BNL 48571.

Ben-Zvi, I., Yu, L.H., Govil, R., Sessler, R. "A Proposed Experiment for Beam Conditioning". Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A331, ABS1 (1993), BNL 47857, (1992).

Ben-Zvi, I., Corbett, J., Johnson, E., Kim, K.J., Sheffield, R. "Summary of the Linac Based Radiation Sources Working Group". Presented at the Workshop on Fourth Generation Light Sources, Stanford, CA, Feb. 23-27, 1992. BNL 47856. September 1992.

Ben-Zvi, I., Palmer, R.B., Sessler, A.M., Yu, L.H. "A Proposed Experiment for Beam Conditioning". Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A331, ABS1 (1993), BNL 47857 (1992).

Ben-Zvi, I. "The BNL Accelerator Test Facility and Experimental Program." AIP Conference Proceedings 279, 590 (1993), BNL 47785 (1992).

Ben-Zvi, I. "Free-Electron Laser Research and Development at BNL." Third NSF QEWB Workshop on Plasma Science June 4-5 1992, A. K. Sen, Editor, Columbia University, p. 77. BNL 47888.

R.C. Fernow, J. Claus. "The foxhole accelerating structure". BNL-52336, 1992.

R.C. Fernow, J. Claus." Properties of the foxhole accelerating structure." BNL-47910, 1992.

R.C. Fernow. "Magnetic design for the ATF beamline #1". BNL-47117, 1992.

Fisher, A., Gallardo, J., Sandweiss, J., van Steenbergen, A. "Inverse Free Electron Laser Accelerator." AIP Conference Proceedings 279, 299 (1993), BNL 47785 (1992) BNL 47974, September 1992.

Jain, A., Ben-Zvi, I., Paul, P., Wang, H., Lombardi, A. "Status of the SUNY Superconducting RFQ." 1991 Particle Accelerator Conference, San Francisco, CA, 5/6-9/91, BNL 46662, September 1991.

Jain, A., H. Wang, I. Ben-Zvi, P. Paul, J. Noe and A. Lombardi, "Fabrication and Test of a Superconducting RFQ." Conf. on Applications of Particle Accelerators, Denton, Texas, Oct. 1992.Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B79, 711, (1992)

I.S. Lehrman, I.A. Birnbaum, S.Z. Fixler, R.L. Heuer, S. Siddiqi, I. Ben-Zvi, K. Batchelor, J.C. Gallardo, H.G. Kirk, T. Srinivasan-Rao, "Design of a High Brightness, High Duty Factor Photocathode RF Gun", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A318,247 (1992).

Pogorelsky, I., "High Power Picosecond CO2 Laser System for ATF Electron Accelerator Project." Proceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Accelerator Concepts, Port Jefferson, New York, 6/16-20/92, BNL 47827. September 1992.

Pogorelsky, I.,and I. Ben-Zvi, "Laser Diagnostics for Picosecond e-Beams", AIP Conference Proceedings 279, 796 (1993), BNL 47970 (1992)

Wang, H., Ben-Zvi, I., Jain, A., Paul, P., Lombardi, A. "Numerical Simulation of a Short RFQ Resonator Using the MAFIA Codes". 1991 Particle Accelerator Conference, San Francisco, CA, 5/6-9/91, BNL 46640, September 1991.

X.J. Wang, T. Tsang, H. Kirk, T. Srivivasan-Rao, J. Fischer, K. Batchelor, P. Russell, R.C. Fernow. "Intense electron emission due to picosecond laser-produced plasmas in high gradient electric fields". J. Appl. Phys. 72:888-94, 1992.

Zhang, R., Ben-Zvi, I., Xie, J. "A Self-Adaptive Feedforward RF Control System for Linacs. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research" A324, 421 (1993).BNL 47899, September 1992.

Zhang, X., Ben-Zvi, I., Ingold, G., Krinsky, S., Yu, L.H. "Analysis of the Superconducting Wiggler Magnets for the ATF High Gain Harmonic Generation Experiment". Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics ResearchA331 689 (1993), BNL 47673, (1992)


Batchelor, K., Ben-Zvi, I., Fernow, R.C., Fischer, J., Fisher, A.S., Gallardo, J., Ingold, G., Kirk, H.G., Leung, K.P., Malone, R., Pogorelsky, I., Srinivasan-Rao, T., Rogers, J., Tsang, T., Sheehan, J., Ulc, S., Woodle, M., Xie, J., Zhang, R.S., Lin, L.Y., McDonald, K.T., Russell, D.P., Hung, C.M., Wang, X.J. "Performance of the Brookhaven Photocathode RF Gun. 1991 International Free Electron Laser conference", Santa Fe, NM, NIM A318:372-6, 1992. BNL 46679, September 1991.

Batchelor, K., Ben-Zvi, I., Fernow, R.C., Fisher, A.S., Friedman, A., Gallardo, J., Ingold, G., Kirk, H., Kramer, S., Lin, L., Rogers, J.T., Sheehan, J.F., vanSteenbergen, A., Woodle, M., Xie, J., Yu, L.H., Zhang, R., Bhowmik, "A. Status of the Visible Free-Electron Laser at the Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility". 1991 International FEL Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 8/26-30/91, NIM A318:159-64, 1992. BNL 46681, September 1991.

Batchelor, K., Ben-Zvi, I., Fernow, R., Gallardo, J., Kirk, H., Pellegrini, C., vanSteenbergen, A., Bhowmik, A. "A  Microwiggler Free Electron Laser at the Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A296 (1990) p. 239-243, BNL 46639, September 1991

Ben-Zvi, I., DiMauro, L.F., Krinsky, S., White, M.G., Yu, L.H., Batchelor, K., Friedman, A., Fisher, A.S., Halama, H., Ingold, G., Johnson, E.D., Kramer, S., Rogers, J.T., Solomon, L., Wachtel, J., Zhang, X. "Proposed UV-FEL User Facility at BNL." 1991 FEL Conference, Santa Fe, NM, BNL 46673, September 1991.

Ben-Zvi, I., Friedman, A., Hung, C.M., Ingold, G., Krinsky, S., Yang, K.M., Yu. L.H., Lehrman, I., Weissenburger, D., "Design of a Harmonic Generation FEL Experiment at BNL". 1991 International Free Electron Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 8/26-30/91, BNL 46682, September 1991.

Ben-Zvi, I., Yang, K.M., Yu, L.H. "The "Fresh-Bunch" Technique in FELS." 1991 International Free Electron Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 8/26-30/91, BNL 46688, September 1991.

Ben-Zvi, I., Xie, J., Zhang, R. Feed "Forward RF Control System of the Accelerator Test Facility." 1991 Particle Accelerator Conference, San Francisco, CA, 5/6-9/91, BNL 46643, September 1991.

Ben-Zvi, I., Lombardi, A., Paul, P. "Design of a Superconducting RFQ Resonator." Particle Accelerators, 1991, Vol. 35, p. 177-192, BNL 46607, September 1991.

Ben-Zvi, I. "The BNL Accelerator Test Facility and Experimental Program." 1991 Particle Accelerator Conference, San Francisco, 5/6-9/91. BNL 46641, September 1991.

Ben-Zvi, I., Fernow, R., Gallardo, J., Ingold, G., Sampson, W., Woodle, M. "Theoretical Analysis of Iron-Bore Superconducting Undulators." 1991 International Free Electron Laser Conference, Santa Fe, NM. NIM A318:775-80, 1992. BNL 46702, September 1991.

Ben-Zvi, I., Fernow, R., Gallardo, J., Ingold, G., Sampson, W., Woodle, M. "Performance of a Superconducting, High Field Subcentimeter Undulator." 1991 International Free Electron Laser Conference, Santa Fe, NM. NIM A318:775-80, 1992. BNL 46713, September 1991.

Bhowmik, A., Lordi, N., Ben-Zvi, I. , Gallardo, J. "Resonator Design for a Visible Wavelength Free Electron Laser." International Conference on Lasers, San Diego, BNL 46644, Sept. 1991.

R.C. Fernow. "The grating as an accelerating structure." BNL-52285, 1991.

R.C. Fernow. "Acceleration using total internal reflection." BNL-52290, 1991.

J.C.Gallardo and R.B.Palmer," Emitance Correction of Photocathode Gun, Nucl.Instr. and Meth." A304 345-347 (1991)

Yu Eidelman and V. Yakimenko, "Code SpinLie - the Code For Calculation of Polarization in Collider Using Lie Operator Method" , Proc. of the IV Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics, Protvino, (1991)

Yu Eidelman and V. Yakimenko, "The orbital motion calculation for collider’s nonlinear field by means of Lie operators technique" , Preprint INP 91-6, Novosibirsk, (1991).


Batchelor, K. "Operational Status of the Brookhaven National Laboratory Accelerator Test Facility."  1990 European Particle Accelerator Conference, Nice, France, June 1216, 1990. BNL 43923, September 1990.

Batchelor, K., The BNL Accelerator Test Facility, 1990 Linac Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 10-14, 1990. BNL 45171, September 1990.

Batchelor, K., Blumberg, L.N., Dickinson, T., Godel, J., Heese, R., Keane, J., Larson, R., Rohrig, N., Seifert, A., Sylvester, C. "Superconducting X-Ray Lithography Source Phase I (XLS) Safety Analysis Report." Informal Report BNL 45116, August 1990.

Ben-Zvi, I., Lombardi, A., Paul, P. "Design of a Superconducting RFQ Resonator." Particle Accelerators 35,177 (1991) BNL 44640, June 1990.

Ben-Zvi, I., Jain, A., Wang, H., Lombardi, A. "Electrical Characteristics of a Short RFQ Resonator."  1990 LINAC Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 10-14, 1990. BNL 45170, September 1990.

Ben-Zvi, I. "Linac Boosters for Electrostatic Machines. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research" A287 (1990) 216223. BNL 44704, June 1990.

Ben-Zvi, I., Jiang, Z.Y., Ingold, G., Yu, L.H., Sampson, W.B. "The Performance of a Superconducting MicroUndulator Prototype." CAP Report. BNL 44677, May 1990.

Ben-Zvi, I., DiMauro, F., Krinsky, S., White, M.G., Yu, L.H. "Proposed UV FEL User Facility at BNL. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research" A304, 181 (1991). BNL 45161, September 1990.

Ben-Zvi, I. "A Short Superconducting RFQ Resonator for Slow Ion Beams. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research" A287 (1990) 306308. BNL 44705, June 1990.

J.C.Gallardo and R.B.Palmer. "Preliminary Study of Gun Emittance Correction." QE-26 1328-1331 (1990)

J.C.Gallardo, "Control of non-linear space-charge emittance growth", BNL-522246 CAP 58 -90R

Yu Eidelman and V. Yakimenko, "The Spin Motion Calculation Using Lie Method in Collider Nonlinear Magnetic Field" Preprint INP 90-127, Novosibirsk, (1990)

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