Brookhaven physicists and engineers are participating in one of the most ambitious scientific projects in the world—helping to operate a machine the size of a seven-story building that has opened new frontiers in the pursuit of knowledge about elementary particles and their interactions. The machine, dubbed ATLAS, is designed to detect particles created by proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. ATLAS has already completed one of its main goals, the discovery of a particle called the Higgs boson, which gives mass to the elementary particle building blocks of matter. Now running at even higher energy, ATLAS may offer breakthrough insights into other new particles and new physics theories that provide a better understanding of the origin of the universe. More...
Brookhaven scientists and engineers designed and constructed 20 of the 1,200 superconducting magnets for the LHC and built key parts of the ATLAS detector. More...
Brookhaven Lab is the sole Tier-1 computing facility for ATLAS in the United States, and the largest ATLAS computing center worldwide. More...
Brookhaven Lab leads various technical coordination efforts for the upgrade of the LHC and ATLAS detector. More..