This workshop will launch the process of identifying the next wave of
beamlines at the DOE light source NSLS-II. The goals of this workshop will
be to identify the current grand scientific challenges, review the ability
of the current suite of NSLS-II beamlines to address these challenges, and
develop concepts for world-leading capabilities and novel approaches to fill
the identified gaps.
The breakout sessions on Day 2 will include an open discussion session
during which five-minute 'soundbite' presentations are encouraged. To
contribute such a soundbite, please email a title and abstract, including
your name and affiliation and the breakout session name, to by
October 7, 2019.
Post Workshop Report (PDF)
Science Areas
- Biosystems, Earth, and Environment
Leads: Ryan Tappero and Antonio Lanzirotti
- Catalysis and Chemical Sciences
Leads: Eli Stavitski and Ayman Karim
- Materials and Engineering Sciences
Leads: Eric Dooryhee and Paul Evans
- Molecular and Cell Biology
Leads: Sean McSweeney and Sandra Gabelli
- Quantum Materials
Leads: Ignace Jarrige and Andrew Wray
- Soft Matter Research
Leads: Ron Pindak and Dean DeLongchamp
Session Information
Day 1: October 21 (Stony Brook University, Charles B. Wang Center, Theater)
- Morning: Plenary talks for overview of
science areas.
- Afternoon: NSLS-II beamline program overview.
Day 2: October 22 (Brookhaven Lab)
- 6 breakout sessions focusing on the science areas.
- Open discussion sessions with contributed 'soundbite' presentations.
Day 3: October 23 (Brookhaven Lab)
- Morning: Report writing session, and
close-out presentations.
Organizing Committee
- Qun Shen (chair)
- Ignace Jarrige (co-chair)
- Juergen Thieme (co-chair).
NSLS-II Facility Tour
Registered participants will tour the National Synchrotron Light Source II on Tuesday, October 22, 2019. More...
Confirmed Speakers
- Peter Abbamonte (Univ. of Illinois)
- Jean Daillant (SOLEIL)
- Darby Dyar (Mount Holyoke Coll.)
- David Ginley (NREL)
- Sossina Haile (Northwestern Univ.)
- Zahid Hasan (Princeton)
- Wayne Hendrickson (Columbia Univ.)
- Heather Jamieson (Queen’s Univ.)
- Axel Knop-Gericke (Fritz-Haber-Inst.)
- Carolyn Larabell (UC San Francisco)
- Bob Leheny (John Hopkins Univ.)
- Lyle Levine (NIST)
- Chinedum Osuji (Univ. of Penn.)
- Susannah Scott (UC Santa Barbara)
- Brandy Toner (Univ. of Minnesota)
- Moniek Tromp (Univ. of Groningen)
- Michael Wiener (Univ. of Virginia)
- Amir Yacoby (Harvard)
Last Modified: October 29, 2021