General Lab Information

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council


Brookhaven Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Office

The Brookhaven National Laboratory Diversit, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) Office facilitates the development of a pipeline of qualified, diverse candidates by recommending policies and procedures that ensure equitable treatment and opportunities for all employees, promote an environment free from harassment, and encourage respect for individual differences. This website includes information on the Lab’s strategic plan for diversity, Lab demographics ,and useful resources about employee resource groups, associations, diversity programs, and training in DE&I matters.

CERN Ombudsperson Blog  

The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) offers guidance on personal interactions occurring at the professional environment. This is provided as a resource and is not necessarily reflective of Brookhaven Lab policy.

Project Implicit

The product of a team of scientists whose research produced new ways of understanding attitudes, stereotypes and other hidden biases that influence perception, judgment, and action. All NPP staff are encouraged to explore the Project Implicit website.

Avoiding Gender Bias in Reference Writing

Got a great student? Planning to write a super letter of reference? Don't fall into these common traps based on unconscious gender bias.

Being Happy at Work Matters

People used to believe that you didn’t have to be happy at work to succeed. And you didn’t need to like the people you work with, or even share their values. “Work is not personal,” the thinking went. This is bunk.

Why Diversity Programs Fail

Despite a few new bells and whistles, courtesy of big data, companies are basically doubling down on the same approaches they’ve used since the 1960s—which often make things worse, not better.

Video: Inclusion Starts with I

Accenture discussed the importance of a positive, inclusive work environment to all of us.

Are We Underselling the Promise of Women in STEM Leadership Roles?

The future workforce will be dominated by a surge in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). STEM jobs are already a major engine of economic growth, and not just for traditional technology companies, as the impact of “tech” and digital disruption continues to grow in all industries. The problem? There is a huge talent shortage in tech—one that is primarily female.

What Does it Take to Make an Institution More Diverse?

Besides honing their strategies to draw more women and people of ethnic-minority groups, some organizations are also expanding opportunities for people from economically disadvantaged areas and those with physical disabilities. Nature spoke to six people on the front lines of diversity efforts for insights into what works.

Women in Tech: The Facts

The latest findings from recent research on technical women including the current state of affairs for technical women, a summary of the key barriers to women's participation in technology, promising practices for addressing these barriers, and tools to support your organization's change efforts. 

These Labs Are Remarkably Diverse — Here’s Why They’re Winning at Science

Nature talked to three groups that have prioritized diversity in their ranks to ask about the benefits they have seen and the challenges and trade-offs they have to accept as part of the sometimes-difficult job of being inclusive.