Dario Stacchiola
Group Leader, Interface Sciences/Catalysis, Center for Functional Nanomaterials

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Center for Functional Nanomaterials
Bldg. 735, Room 2043
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-7312
Our research focuses in surface chemistry studied by in-situ tools, and in particular on structure–reactivity relationships in catalysis. The use of well-defined model catalysts allows the characterization of systems at the molecular and atomic level. Studies of these model catalysts by complimentary in-situ ambient pressure spectroscopy and microscopy gives direct evidence of dynamically generated active phases and adsorbed surface species which are produced or stabilized only under reaction conditions.
Research | Education | Appointments | Publications | Highlights | Awards | Video
Research Activities
- Google Scholar (>190 publications)
- U.S. Department of Energy Announces $61 Million to Advance Breakthroughs in Quantum Information Science
- U.S. Patent: "Method for Trapping Noble Gas Atoms and Molecules in Oxide Nanocages"
- Chemist Darío Stacchiola of Brookhaven Lab Granted Tenure
- Humboldt Research Fellow: Fritz-Haber-Institute, Max-Planck-Society
- PhD: University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin, Physical Chemistry
- B.S.: UNSL, Argentina, Major: Physics; Surface Science
Professional Appointments
Affiliated Faculty at Stony Brook University:
Selected Publications
- Hu T, Karagoz B, Xu F, et al (2025) The surface chemistry of cuprous oxide. Surface Science 751:122622. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.susc.2024.122622
- Karagoz B, Carpena-Núñez J, Zhu Y, et al (2023) Adapting an Electron Microscopy Microheater for Correlated and Time-Resolved Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. Chemistry of Materials 35:5744–5751. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c00615
- Eads CN, Boscoboinik JA, Head AR, Hunt A, Waluyo I, Stacchiola DJ, Tenney SA (2021) Enhanced Catalysis under 2D Silica: A CO Oxidation Study. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60:10888–10894. doi: 10.1002/anie.202013801
- O'Connor CR, Duanmu K, Patel DA, Muramoto E, van Spronsen MA, Stacchiola D, Sykes ECH, Sautet P, Madix RJ, Friend CM (2020) Facilitating hydrogen atom migration via a dense phase on palladium islands to a surrounding silver surface. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117:22657–22664. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2010413117
- Eren B, Torres D, Karslioglu O, Liu Z, Wu CH, Stacchiola D, Bluhm H, Somorjai GA, Salmeron M (2018) Structure of Copper–Cobalt Surface Alloys in Equilibrium with Carbon Monoxide Gas. Journal of the American Chemical Society 140:6575–6581. doi: 10.1021/jacs.7b13621
- Zhong J-Q, Wang M, Akter N, Kestell JD, Boscoboinik AM, Kim T, Stacchiola DJ, Lu D, Boscoboinik JA (2017) Immobilization of single argon atoms in nano-cages of two-dimensional zeolite model systems. Nature Communications. doi: 10.1038/ncomms16118
- Graciani J, Mudiyanselage K, Xu F, Baber AE, Evans J, Senanayake SD, Stacchiola DJ, Liu P, Hrbek J, Sanz JF, Rodriguez JA (2014) Highly active copper-ceria and copper-ceria-titania catalysts for methanol synthesis from CO 2. Science 345:546–550. doi: 10.1126/science.1253057
- Stacchiola DJ, Senanayake SD, Liu P, Rodriguez JA (2012) Fundamental Studies of Well-Defined Surfaces of Mixed-Metal Oxides: Special Properties of MOx/TiO2(110) {M = V, Ru, Ce, or W}. Chemical Reviews 113:4373–4390. https://doi.org/10.1021/cr300316v
- Stacchiola D, Kaya S, Weissenrieder J, Kuhlenbeck H, Shaikhutdinov S, Freund H-J, Sierka M, Todorova TK, Sauer J (2006) Synthesis and Structure of Ultrathin Aluminosilicate Films. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 45:7636–7639. doi: 10.1002/anie.200602670
- Stacchiola D, Burkholder L, Tysoe WT (2002) Enantioselective Chemisorption on a Chirally Modified Surface in Ultrahigh Vacuum: Adsorption of Propylene Oxide on 2-Butoxide-Covered Palladium(111). Journal of the American Chemical Society 124:8984–8989. doi: 10.1021/ja025733t
Research Highlights
- Silica Films Mean Better Catalysts in Confined Two-Dimensional Spaces
- Making Big Leaps in Understanding Nanoscale Gaps
- Top-10 Areas of Amazing Science at Brookhaven Lab in 2021
- Brookhaven Lab and Small Business Partner to Advance Characterization Tools
- Toward Scaling Up Nanocages to Trap Noble Gases
- Chemistry Goes Under Cover
- Brookhaven and Forge Nano to Mature Noble Gas-Trapping Technology
- Atomic Defect Lines Suppress Deactivation of Iron Oxide Catalysts
- Optimizing the Growth of Coatings on Nanowire Catalysts
- Atomic Flaws Create Surprising, High-Efficiency UV LED Materials
- Top-10 Scientific Achievements at Brookhaven Laboratory in 2017
- Studying Argon Gas Trapped in Two-Dimensional Array of Tiny "Cages"
- Scientists Demonstrate New Real-Time Technique for Studying Ionic Liquids at Electrode Interfaces
- Nusnin Akter: A Role Model for Young Women and Underrepresented Minority Engineers
- The Play-by-Play of Energy Conversion: Catching Catalysts in Action
- Nanostructured Metal-Oxide Catalyst Efficiently Converts CO2 to Methanol
- PLD of delafossite oxide thin films as solar water splitting photocathodes
- Reduction at Cuprous Oxide–Copper Interfaces
- Ultrathin TiO2 layers in solar energy
- Xenon Trapping in Metal-Supported Silica Nanocages
- ALD Thin-Film Growth followed by In Situ XAS
- Size-selected titanium oxide nanoclusters
- 2D-(Alumino)Silicate-Noble Clathrates
- Room-Temperature in Vacuo Chemisorption of Xenon Atoms
- Inverse oxide/metal catalysts
- Potassium activation of CO2 on copper oxides
- Epoxidation of Propylene over Stabilized Cu+
Awards & Recognition
Featured Video
Catching Catalysis in the Act: In Situ Studies With X-Rays and Electrons
May 4, 2015
During the 504th Brookhaven Lecture, Dario Stacchiola provides an introduction to catalysis and in situ studies to watch catalysts in action. He then discusses his research, highlighting important catalytic processes essential for producing industrial quantities of cleaner fuels to help meet the world's energy needs.
During the 504th Brookhaven Lecture, Dario Stacchiola provides an introduction to catalysis and in situ studies to watch catalysts in action.

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Center for Functional Nanomaterials
Bldg. 735, Room 2043
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-7312