This version of Officescan has a firewall that is pre-configured for BNL's Wireless Networks. When clients are not connected to the BNL Wireless Network, they must download any updates directly from Trend Micro. Therefore, please be sure to uninstall your current version of Trend and then install it again according to the directions in the following link. If you have any problems with first removing and the installing of the Trend client, please contact the Help Desk at 631-344-5522.
Once you have moved into the External Wireless Zone, you will no longer have access to BNL resources unless you connect through VPN. Using VPN and obtaining a RSA token for access is a very simple process.
Wireless-Access Policy in Effect - As wireless technology advances to create a more mobile working environment, so do the threats to the safety of the Laboratory’s computing networks. To assure that Laboratory employees, guests, and contractors have access to a reliable, robust, and integrated wireless network, and to stay in compliance with the latest DOE policies, the Cyber Security Office has updated the Wireless Security Policy. Please take the time to read through the BNL Wireless Policy.