General Lab Information

User Guide

Proprietary Research Agreements and Sponsored Research Activities

While the Department of Energy is the primary sponsor of research at Brookhaven National Laboratory, several paths exist along which companies can work with Brookhaven’s scientific talent to accelerate innovation in their commercial and industrial fields. Brookhaven has a streamlined process to facilitate research engagement, with both non-proprietary and proprietary user agreements available. Companies may obtain patent rights subject to the retention of certain rights by the government. More information on how to establish a Research Agreement.

Full-Cost-Recovery Charge Rates


Proprietary User Agreements

Kathleen Nasta
Guest, User, Visitor (GUV) Center Contact
(631) 344-3333

Agreement Legal Issues

Dorene Price
Chief Intellectual Property Counsel
(631) 344-4153

Budget Administration, Procurement, Vendors, and External Proposal Coordination

Rita Nicholaides
Business Ops POC
Sr. Research & Budget Administrator
(631) 344-7271