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Equipment Catalog
Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope (E-TEM)
Electron MicroscopyCategory: Electron Microscopy Full Catalog
The E-TEM instrument (FEI Titan 80-300) is an 80 – 300 kV field-emission transmission electron microscope with an objective-lens aberration corrector at spatial resolution of 0.08 nm. It has a differentially pumped environmental-cell for in-situ observation and gas-reaction experiments. The maximum gas pressure for the e-cell is ~20 mbar. The instrument has scanning transmission imaging, magnetic imaging, and chemical analysis capabilities. It has a Lorentz lens and a bi-prism for imaging electrostatic and magnetic potential or field in materials. It is also equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer and an electron energy-loss spectrometer. The instrument utilizes a unique in the world ‘direct electron detection’ system for low-dose / high frame rate image acquisition, added in 2013. A dedicated system for the controlled delivery of reactive gas streams is available in the microscope, enhancing its functionality for understanding nanoparticle catalysts. In addition, this microscope is equipped with a variety of in-situ sample holders, including a double-tilt DENS Solutions MEMS-based heating holder, a high tilt DENS Solutions MEMS-based heating holder for electron tomography experimentation, single and double-tilt furnace holders, a liquid electrochemistry holder, an atmospheric pressure gas holder and a cryo-transfer tomography holder for imaging of soft and bionanomaterials, all added since 2013.
Manufacturer: FEI Titan 80-300