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Research & Internships

Every year, ecological and wildlife research is conducted to assist in understanding how the natural environment works. The information gained from these projects is used to make management decisions at the Laboratory. Many of these projects are conducted with the assistance of interns. Interns are high school or undergraduate students participating in the BNL's Office of Education summer programs. During 10 weeks, the students conduct experiments, population surveys, ecological monitoring, and other natural resource investigations. Students are required to complete a paper and/or poster as part of their internship. The links below are some of the research projects completed at BNL.  Any students interested in interning should review the Office of Education website and contact the Natural Resource Manager, Dr. Timothy Green.  Many of the interns listed here have gone on to complete their Masters, Phd's and even Doctorate degrees.


Allen, Octavia, Murty Kambhampati, Russell L. Burke, Timothy Green. Ecological studies: Variations in habitat and clutch sizes of eastern box turtles in the northeastern United States

Alvarez, Scarlett, Sofia Vaca, Russell Burke, Timothy Green. Mark and recapture analysis of mammal density and its impact on tick prevalence and the spread of Lyme disease Paper | Poster

Cappelli, Laura, Megan Martin, Jennifer Higbie. The impact of wetlands on avian diversity and species richness at Brookhaven National Laboratory (Long Island, New York) Paper | Poster

Juers, Eric, Jennifer Higbie. Assessing preference by white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) for coarse woody debris Paper | Poster

Kapuvari, Julie, Claire O'Kane, Trevor McIntosh, Alexander Whittle, Tim Green. An assessment of bee diversity at “No-Mow” sites and the Long Island Solar Farm

Kashon, Free - research in progress

Kelley, Allison - research in progress

Kennedy, Katherine, Timothy Green. Microhabitat and vegetation selection of eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina)

Mann, Miriam Susanna, Kathy L. Schwager. Short term effects of a prescribed burn on the fuel loads in pine barrens ecosystem at Brookhaven National Laboratory Paper | Poster

Thalmann, Leanna, Jennifer Higbie. The effects of human-made disturbances on small mammal populations

Paper | Poster

Wise, Tre', Murty S. Kambhampati, Timothy Green. Impact of pine barrens forest vegetation on population density of small mammals at Brookhaven National Laboratory Paper | Poster


Alvarez, Scarlett, Sofia Vaca, Russel Burke, Breann Ross, Timothy Green. Mark and recapture analysis of mammal density and its impact on tick prevalence and the spread of Lyme disease Paper | Poster

Evans, Amber, William O'Connell, Timothy Green. Effects of global climate change on eastern box turtle site selection

Fontaine, Samantha, Jennifer Higbie, Timothy Green. Overwintering Site Fidelity of Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) at Brookhaven National Laboratory

Foote, Sean, Julia Riley, Kathy Schwager. Comparing vegetative fuel loading and developing custom fuel models for Brookhaven National Laboratory Paper | Poster

Gazerwitz, Lauren, Kathy Schwager, Jennifer Higbie. 10 years of change in the absence of fire: the Long Island Pine Barrens Paper

Hinton, Chelsea, Jennifer Higbie, Tim Green. Temporal and Spatial Site Fidelity of the Eastern Box Turtle Within a Fragmented Landscape at Brookhaven National Laboratory

Irwin, Kaitlyn, Claire O'Kane, Timothy Green, Nicole Miller-Struttmann. The effects of fire frequency on the reproductive success of buzz-pollinated blueberry (Vaccinium pallidum) and huckleberry (Gaylussacia baccata) Paper | Poster

Martin, Mary, Jennifer Higbie. Evaluating the impact of the Sewage Treatment Plant’s effluent discharge in the Peconic River on bird biodiversity Paper | Poster

Moore, Chloe, Jennifer Higbie. The effects of meteorological variation on daily eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) locomotion

O'Kane, Claire Yu Xue, Kaitlyn E. Irwin, Timothy Green, Nicole Miller-Struttmann. Assaying the effectiveness of acoustic monitoring for detecting bumblebee (Bombus spp.) abundance and diversity Paper | Poster

Squires, Emma, Timothy Green, Kathy Schwager. Relationship analysis between Order Chiroptera and burned forest areas Paper | Poster


Bernard, Matthew, Tim Green, Fred Rispoli, John Heiser. Wind Farm: Feasibility and Environmental Impacts. Paper | Poster

Canny, Jacqueline , Rachel N. Larson. Mesocarnivore Survey, Small Mammal Trapping, Turtle Telemetry and Frog Call Surveys at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

DiRienzo Brittany, Jaclyn Johnson, Jennifer Higbie. Analysis of the ecological influence of a solar photovoltaic power facility on native vegetation and Peromyscus leucopus.

Gazerwitz, Lauren, Taylor Ruhle, Kathy Schwager. Impacts of white-tailed deer on forest health in the Pine Barrens on Long Island. Paper | Poster

Gosselin, Tayelor, Tim Green. The efficiency of 4-poster tick management stations on three tick species populations within Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Gotthardt, Zachary, Allison Kelley, Kathy Schwager. Bat species surveys in pine and oak forests; a comparison with conservation implications. Paper | Poster

Hall, Shelby, Chad Wilhite, Tim Green. Micro movements and the accuracy of eastern box turtle home range analysis.

King, Meghan, Karann Putrevu, Jennifer Higbie. Analysis of small mammal populations inside and outside of a large scale solar facility.

Larson, Rachel N., Jennifer Higbie. Effects of different baits, commercial dog food, and commercial scent lure, on attracting carnivores to remote camera traps. Paper | Poster

Price, Lucas, Jennifer Higbie. An evaluation of methods for surveying weasels (Mustela sp.) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Skinner, Aaron, Jennifer Higbie. Herpetofauna abundance and diversity in vs. around the solar farm at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Vesia, Raffaele, Timothy Green, Jennifer Higbie, Fred Rispoli. Effects of deer overabundance on bird populations in the Long Island Central Pine Barrens. Paper | Poster


Bornhoft, Erica, Tim Green, Bernadette Uzzi. Impacts of the Long Island Solar Farm on wildlife in the Pine Barrens.

Brink, Virginia, Jillian Fleming, Emily Malkauskas, Jennifer Higbie. Determining the implications of predator pressure for small mammal species residing inside and outside of an 80-hectare solar facility.

Exner, Meghan, Kevin Lee, Jennifer Higbie, Tim Green. Environmental impacts of the Long Island Solar Farm on understory vegetation.

Fasano, Thomas A, Timothy Green, Fred Rispoli. Environmental factors linked to tree regeneration within the Long Island Pine Barrens. Paper | Poster

McGhee, Devon, Kyle Seewald, Timothy Green. Movement ecology of Eastern Box Turtles: a multi-year analysis of home-range size at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Miller, Dulaney, Tim Green. The effectiveness of the 4-Poster tick management system in controlling three tick species at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Mulligan, Jeffrey, Katie Schober, Jennifer Higbie. Evaluating the effectiveness of removing raccoons from small mammal trapping sites at a large scale solar facility.

Pomeroy, Alicia, Lindsey Smith, Jennifer Higbie. Factors affecting small mammal abundance within, and surrounding, a solar farm at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Syas, Makayla, Tim Green, Kathy Schwager. The comparison of manual and software based species identification acoustic recordings of bat vocalizations. Paper | Poster

Vescovi, Amanda, Kathy Schwager. Determining Species Occurrence and vegetation Preference of Foraging Chioptera: An Acoustic Survey Using Driving Transects and Geographic Information Systems. Paper | Poster

Zeng, Suhua, Timothy Green, Fred Rispoli. Change in bird biodiversity trends due to environmental events at the Long Island Central Pine Barrens. Paper | Poster


Bristol, Jessica, Kathy Schwager. Acoustic identification of Chiroptera species in eastern Suffolk County and Brookhaven National Laboratory using full spectrum call analysis. Paper | Poster

Curtin, Patrick, Megan Girsch, Dylan O’Leary, Jennifer Higbie. Ecological impacts of a large scale solar farm on native wildlife and vegetation at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Daub, Jenna, Patrick Wightman, Jennifer Higbie. Determining animal utilization and preference of man-made and natural openings in fencing surrounding a large scale solar facility.

Dell’Isola, William, Kendall Harris, Jennifer Higbie. Evaluating small mammal diversity within the Long Island Solar Farm Upton, New York.

Foley, Molly, Diana McGrath, Timothy Green. Gestation and Nest Site Selection Impacts on Eastern Box Turtle Home Range.

Glass, Kristen, Jennifer Higbie. Shedding light on Herptofauna: the state of Herptofauna populations within the Long Island Solar farm at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Langan, Sarah, Timothy Green. The use of mark-recapture techniques to study migration and population densities of Odonate species on a utility scale solar farm.

Price, Lucas, Timothy Green. Tick Population Analysis and the Use of 4-poster Devices by White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Paper | Poster

Zeng, Suhua, Fred Rispoli, Jennifer Higbie, Tim Green. Monitoring the bird population at Brookhaven National Laboratory by using point count bird surveys. Poster


Buckley, Courtney, Jennifer Higbie. Radio telemetry and home range analysis of Southern Flying Squirrels at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Cambria, Staci, Tim Green, Fred Rispoli. Statistical Analysis of Point Count Bird Surveys and Measuring Biodiversity. Paper | Poster

Confortin, Kristi, Jennifer Higbie. Distribution of Small Mammals within a Large Solar Installations at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Gray, Charlene, Jennifer Higbie. Report and summary of the fall analysis of wildlife and vegetation response to a solar facility post-reconstruction.

Heiser, Katie, Jeremy Feinberg, Tim Green. Chytrid fungus and Ranavirus in Long Island Frog Populations. Paper | Poster

Jackson, Nichelle, Kathy Schwager. Identification of bat species in Suffolk County. Paper | Poster

Jenkins, Jasmin, Timothy Green. Solar Farm Effects on Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) Home Range.

Latario, Luke, Lucas Loffredo, Cal Wilkens, Vishal Shah, Timothy Green. Isolation of radiation-resistant microorganisms from the Pine Barrens Forest. Paper | Poster

Loffredo, Lucas, Luke Latario, Cal Wilkens, Vishal Shah, Timothy Green. Isolation of microorganisms from the Long Island Pine Barren Forests with resistance to high doses of gamma radiation. Paper | Poster

Maggio, Joseph, Vasilis Fthenakis, Timothy Green. The effects of soiling on the electrical output of silicon crystalline photovoltaics.

Stasiewicz, Amanda, Timothy M. Green. Revegetation success of a solar facility: an analysis of the first year post construction.

Watt, Alyssa A., Jennifer Higbie. A Geographic Information System (GIS) Analysis of Ecological Effects from the Solar Farm at Brookhaven National Laboratory


Buckley, Courtney, Jennifer Higbie, and Tamer Marshood. Analysis of Nighttime Movement and Home Range of Southern Flying Squirrels using Radio Telemetry at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Cane, John and Timothy Green. Species Identification of Bats on Long Island and Their Associated Habitats. Paper | Poster

Ellinger, Rachel and Timothy Green. A Survey to Assess the Diversity and Speciation of the Bat Population at the Sands Point Preserve. Poster

Henderson, Kiara and Dr. Yetunde Ogunkoya. The Population Assessment of Threatened Enneacanthus obesus in Zeke’s Pond Between 2005 to 2011. Paper | Poster

Hernon, Brittany and Timothy Green. Analysis and Quantification of Forest Health using Understory Composition and Establishment of Deer Exclosures. Paper | Poster

Jarrell, Amber and Dr. Yetunde Ogunkoya. Distribution of Enneacanthus obesus (Banded Sunfish) in the Central Pine Barrens of Long Island. Paper | Poster

Jenkins, Jasmin, Murty S. Kambhampati, Alex Mancuso and Timothy Green. Distribution of Enneacanthus obesus (Banded Sunfish) in the Central Pine Barrens of Long Island. Poster

Mancuso, Alex and Timothy Green. Factors Affecting the Home Range of Eastern Box Turtles at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Marshood, Tamer, Courtney Buckley and Jennifer Higbie. A Sampling of Habits and Movement: The Southern Flying Squirrels at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

McCabe, Lyndsay and Timothy Green. Analyzing Tree Regeneration as an Indicator of The Health of the Long Island Pine Barrens. Paper | Poster

Norman, Michael and Jennifer Higbie. Characteristics of the Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) population at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Pensa, Nicole and Timothy Green. Comparison of Litter Depths from 2005 and 2011 of the Long Island Central Pine Barrens in Order to Assess Forestry Health. Paper | Poster

Porche, Tiaria, Murty S. Kambhampati, Fred Rispoli, Vishal Shah, and Timothy Green. Are the Regression Models Published in the Field of Environmental Science are Reproducible? Poster

White, Caitlin and Timothy Green. A Preliminary Species Census of Chiroptera in Central Suffolk County. Paper | Poster



Bloch, Alshley, David Knuffke, Daniel Williams, Timothy Green, and Jennifer Higbie.A Preliminary Study of Tiger Beetles at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Poster

Buckallew, Bradley and Jennifer Higbie. Radio Telemetry of Southern Flying Squirrels at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Delao, Carlos and Timothy Green. Monitoring the Diversity and Speciation of Low Canopy Bees. Poster

Falodun, Dorcas, Dominique Townsend, Murty S. Kambhampati, Richard Wilkens, Megan Bourassa, Ryan Tappero, and Timothy Green. Beyond Folivory: Three Types of Interactions Between Plants and Insects in the Pine Barrens Community of Long Island, New York. Paper | Poster

Hernon, Brittany and Timothy Greeen. The Effect of Overstory Composition and Cover on Understory Make-up in the Long Island Solar Farm Area. Paper | Poster

Knuffke, David, Ashley Bloch, Daniel Williams, Timothy Green, and Jennifer Higbie. A Transect Approach to Mapping Tiger Beetle Colonies on the Brookhaven Firebreak. Poster

Mackey Jr., Herman, Murty S. Kambhampati, Vishal Shah, Shreya Shah, and Timothy Green. Exploring the Microorganisms Present in the Pine Barren Soil. Paper | Poster

Mancuso, Alexandra and Timothy Green. The Effects of the Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Soil on the Growth of Vegetation in the Long Island Solar Farm. Paper | Poster

Robateau, Natasha, Murty S. Kambhampati, and Timothy Green. Understory Vegetation Analysis in the Proposed Long Island Solar Farm of Pine Barrens Forest, NY. Paper | Poster

Soehl, Diana, Keith Jones, Bob Selvey, and Tim Green. Environmental Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Air: Model for Student Air Quality Inquiries. Poster

St. Cyr, Jerilyn, Murty Kambhampati, Joseph Dvorak, and Timothy Green. Application of Near-Edge X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy to Detect Nitrogen in Solar Farm Soils in Long Island, New York. Paper | Poster

Townsend, Dominique, Murty S. Kambhampati, and Timothy Green. Baseline Survey on Biomass Distribution in the Long Island Solar Farm. Paper | Poster

Wick, Alexander and Timothy Green.Effect of Ambient Light on Understory Composition in a Pine Barrens Ecosystem at Brookhaven National Laboratory's Proposed Solar Array: Establishing a Baseline for Future Studies. Paper | Poster

Williams, Daniel, Ashley Bloch, David Knuffke, and Timothy Green. Coastal Plain Pond Comparison: Introducing Inquiry into the Classroom. Poster



Ambrose, Jeffery, Joseph Dvorak, Murty S. Kambhampati, Joe Omojola, and Timothy Green.Nitrogen Quantification: Long Island Pine Barren Forest Soil, NY. Poster

Bloch, Ashley. The Affect of the Lunar Cycle on the Nocturnal Viewing of Birds at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Poster

Bornhoft, Glen, Vicky Giese, and Mellissa Winslow.The Effects of Physical and Chemical Water Quality Parameters on the Distribution of Aquatic Invertebrates within the Carmans River on Long Island, New York. Paper | Poster

Brown, Maria, Dan Willilams, Diana Soehl, Timothy Green, Jennifer Higbie, Scott Bronson, and Mike Blewitt. Analysis of mtDNA of Teneral Odonate Species Between Two Ponds, Brookhaven, New York: A Model for High School Research. Poster

Buckallew, Bradley. Population and Home Range Survey of Southern Flying Squirrels at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Dowd, Linda, Maria Metzger, and Caroline Singler. Bathymetric Survey of Lake Arrowhead at Camp Baiting Hollow, Long Island, New York. Poster

Falodun, Dorcas, Ray Marino, Forrest Lipp, Selam Workeneh, Richard T. Wilkens, Murty S. Kambhampati, Ryan Tappero, and Timothy Green. An Exploration of the Natural History of the Scrub Oak Gall-Maker. Poster

Messina, Kyle. Vegetation Preferences of Southern Flying Squirrels at Brookhaven National Labs. Poster

Miller, Michele. Editing Topographic Contour and Sanitary Map Layers in ArcMapTM. Poster

Paladino, Carol. An Eight-Week Survey to Quantify the Small Mammal Population Levels at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Smith, Nyesha, Glen Bornhoft, Vicky Lynn Giese, Mellissa Winslow, and Murty S. Kambhampati. Comparison of the Effects of Water Quality and Substrate on the Distribution of Invertebrates in the Carmans River, New York. Poster

Soehl, Dianna and Maria Brown. Comparing Odonate Biodiversity, Water Quality, and Vegetation of Natural, Man-made and Modified Ponds at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Poster

Workeneh, Selam, Shreya Shah, Jeffery Ambrose, Dorcas Falodun, Vishal Shah, Murty S. Kambhampati and Timothy Green. Microbial Community Analysis of the Gamma Forest Soil at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Currently Unavailable.



Ambrose, Jeffery, Nyesha Smith, and Dr. Murty S. Kambhampati.Microbial Community Mapping of Long Island’s Pine Barren Forest Soil.Paper | Poster

Bornhoft, Glen, Vicky Giese, and Mellissa Winslow.The Effects of Physical and Chemical Water Quality Parameters on the Distribution of Aquatic Invertebrates within the Carmans River on Long Island, New York. Paper | Poster

Bueten, Dane.Distribution of the Iridovirus in Free-Ranging Eastern Box Turtles at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Bunch, Tyra and Carmen Maldonado.A Distribution Survey of the New York State Threatened Banded Sunfish, (Enneacanthus obesus) in the Peconic River Drainage on Long Island, NY. Paper | Poster

Dowd, Linda and Caroline Singler.Characterization of Tiger Beetle Habitats at Brookhaven National Laboratory and a Link to High School Earth Science. Poster Examination of the Characteristics of a Freshwater Wetland at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Poster

Fallier, Renee.Home Range and Population Estimation of Red and Gray Foxes at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Friedman, Kaitlin.The Effect of Phragmites australis Invasion on Southern Leopard Frog Tadpole Survival on Long Island. Paper | Poster

Millings, Rachael.Statistical Variations in Bird Survey Data From 2000 – 2007.Paper | Poster

Miloski, Sarah.Translocation of Radio-implanted Eastern tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum) at Brookhaven National Laboratory.Paper | Poster

Rodriguez, Dianna.The Use of Visual Surveys To Determine Odonate Species and Abundance at Vernal Pools At Brookhaven National Lab. Paper | Poster

Van Scoyoc, Amy.Using Non-invasive DNA analysis to assess Territory of Red and Gray Fox Populations at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Poster

Zitvogel, Stephanie. Techniques Used in Determining the Presence of the Iridovirus in Samples from Eastern Box Turtles at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Poster



Ballester, Ann, Linda Dowd, Maria Metzger, and Caroline Singler. Has the American burying beetle [Nicrophorus americanus] been extirpated from Brookhaven National Laboratory? Poster A Comparison of Efficacies of Pitfall Trapping to Netting of Tiger Beetles. Poster Using NOREMARK to Estimate Populations of Tiger Beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Poster Influence of Physical Factors on Occurrence and Distribution of Tiger Beetles at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Poster

Bunch, Tyra and Carmen Maldonado. Population Assessment of the New York State Threatened Enneacanthus obesus (Banded Sunfish) Conducted in Zeke’s Pond and the Peconic River. Paper | Poster

Efstration, Emily. Testing Vegetation Sampling Methods of Central Pine Barren Freshwater Wetlands in Preparation of the Wetland Protocol. Paper | Poster

Jaggi, Shirin. Genetic Techniques used in Detecting Wildlife Diseases. Poster

Mallin, Patrick. Non-Invasive Indexing of Red and Gray Fox Populations at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Miloski, Sarah. Assessing Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling Procedures for the Development of the Freshwater Wetland Health Monitoring Protocols of Long Island’s Central Pine Barrens. Paper | Poster

Pinder, Shakera. Long Island Pine Barren Ponds: Water Quality. Paper | Poster

Rodriguez, Dianna. The Use Of Mark-Recapture To Estimate Odonate Populations At Vernal Pools At Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Snyder, Sarah. Spatial distribution of Iridovirus in the Eastern box turtle population at Brookhaven National Laboratory: Implications for transmittance based on home range size. Paper | Poster

St Cyr, Ha'Wanna, LaTonya Stemley, and Dr. Murty Kambhampati. Comparative Ecological Study: Long Island Pine Barren Ponds, NY. Paper | Poster



Azcona, Wendolie. The Role of Dead Trees in a Healthy Forest: Quantifying the Abundance of Snags in Six of the Central Pine Barrens Communities. Paper | Poster

Brungard, Jamie, Nina Kean, Georgia Sawyer, and Dr. Roy Coomans. A Study of Variations in Soil and Water Chemistry of Selected Ponds at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Camacho, Chris. A Survey for the Southern Leopard Frog (Rana sphenocephala) on Long Island. Paper | Poster

Davis, Shurrita. A Comparison of the Chemistry of Soil Surrounding Natural and Anthropogenic Ponds at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Efstration, Emily. A Study of Seedling and Sapling Numbers in Relation to Canopy Cover in Six Long Island Pine Barren Community Types. Paper | Poster

Finn, Wendy. Non-Invasive Species Confirmation of Fox Populations at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Gutleber, Kathryn. A Comparative Study of the Age Class Structures of Quercus alba, Quercus coccinea, Quercus velutina and Pinus rigida as an Indicator of Forest Health within the Long Island Pine Barrens Core Area. Paper | Poster

Heiser, Katie. Chytrid fungus and Ranavirus in Long Island Frog Populations. Poster

Jack, Neal. Baseline pH and the Variability of pH within Plots and Community Types of the Central Pine Barrens. Paper | Poster

Jwo, Doris. Developing Techniques to Determine Associations Between Tiger Salamander and Small Mammal Burrow Use. Poster

Leahy, Chauncey. Investigation of the Characteristics of Ponds and Vernal Pools used by Eastern Tiger Salamanders and their affects on Juvenile Recruitment. Paper | Poster

Metzger, Maria and Murty S. Kambhampati. Effects of Gypsy Moth on Black Oak [Quercus velutina (L.)] in Pine Barren Forest of Long Island, NY. Awaiting Publication.

Randolph, Priscilla. A Comparison of Water Quality between Natural, Modified, and Manmade Ponds within Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Rodriguez, Dianna. The Use Of Mark-recapture to Estimate a Population of Cherry-faced Meadowhawk (Sympetrum internum) at a Vernal Pool on Brookhaven National Laboratory. Poster

St Cyr, Ha'Wanna, LaTonya Stemley, and Dr. Murty Kambhampati. Environmental Health Studies on Peconic River Headwaters: Water and Sediment Chemistry. Paper | Poster

Snyder, Sarah. Spatial distribution of Iridovirus in the Eastern box turtle population at Brookhaven National Laboratory: Implications for transmittance based on home range size. Paper | Poster

Tievsky, Dana. A Comparison of Litter Densities in Six Community Types of the Long Island Central Pine Barrens. Paper | Poster



Camacho, Chris. Use of the Program DISTANCE to Assess Population Size of the Eastern Hognose Snake (Heterodon platirhinos) at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Poster

Cluett, Rachel. Eastern Tiger Salamander Tracking and Monitoring Techniques. Poster

Davis, Miranda. Understory composition of the Long Island Pine Barrens. Paper | Poster

Finn, Wendy. Home Range and Spatial Ecology of Eastern Hognose Snakes (Heterodon platirhinos). Paper | Poster

Gill, Cassandra, Sonya Lamb, and Dr. Rita Hagevik. The Relationship of Soil and Water Chemistry to the Preservation of Salamander Habitats in the Long Island Pine Barrens. Paper | Poster

Gutleber, Kathryn. A Study of the Age Class Structure of Quercus alba, Quercus coccinea and Quercus velutina: A Comparative Analysis of Quercus Species Reproduction as an Indicator of Forest Succession within the Long Island Pine Barrens Core Area. Paper | Poster

Heiser, Katie. Survey and Analysis of Banded Sunfish Population in Zeke’s Pond. Paper | Poster

Kull, Matthew. Evaluation of canopy estimation techniques and repeatability of the Monitoring Protocols for Central Pine Barrens Field Plots. Paper | Poster

Leahy, Chauncey. Comparison of Snag Dynamics in Four Forest Community Types of the Central Pine Barrens. Paper | Poster

Quezada, Saneddy. Odonate Species Survey in Correlation with Air Temperature and Precipitation at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Rao, Kavitha. Survey of Invasive Species Surrounding Brookhaven National Laboratory. Poster

Sears, Jennifer. Effects of Local Precipitation and Temperature on the Emergence of Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum, Eastern Tiger Salamander, From Vernal Pools at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Siefert, Andrew. Effects of Changes in Canopy Cover on Understory Vegetation in the Long Island Pine Barrens. Paper | Poster

Smith, Frank. Home Range Estimates and Habitat Preferences of Spotted Turtles (Clemmys guttata) Assessed Through the Utilization of Radio Telemetry, GPS, and GIS Technology. Poster

Tievsky, Dana. A Comparison of Litter Densities in Four Community Types of the Long Island Central Pine Barrens. Paper | Poster



Bosshart, Elisa and Ivan Suarez. Limnological Studies of BNL Ponds. Poster

Costa, Susan. Distribution, and Species Richness of Odonates at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Finn, Wendy. Assessment of Vegetation Along Peconic River Post Remediation. Paper | Poster

Florendo, Esperanza. Seasonal meal patterns affecting radiocesium levels in white-tailed deer at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Goodyear, Stephan. Home range and activity patterns of the eastern hognose snake, Heterodon platyrhinos, in Upton Ecological Reserve at Brookhaven National Lab. Currently Unavailable

Hoffmann, Kristine. An Analysis of the Success of Head Started Hatchling Spotted Turtles (Clemmys guttata) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Currently Unavailable

Sears, Jennifer. Effects of Local Precipitation and Temperature on the Emergence of Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum, Eastern Tiger Salamander, From Vernal Pools at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Sierra, Rafael. Distribution and localization of the Eastern Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum) egg masses in vernal pools at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper

Smith, Frank. Amphibian Species Richness and Abundance at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Poster



Costa, Susan. Qualitative Investigation and Identification of Odonate Larvae at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Dyer, Megan. Identification and Distribution of Various Species of Adult Odonata at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Hoffmann, Kristine. Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum) Emergence in Natural and Man-Made Ponds. Paper | Poster

Walters, Tim. Mapping Some Invasive Plant Species of Long Island. Paper | Poster



Burgos,Yuleska and Jahaira Rivera. Patterns of Oak Recruitment in Selected BNL Woodland Communities. Poster

Dyer, Megan. The Utilization and Evaluation of Different Techniques for the Calculation of the Odocoileus virginianus Population at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Paper | Poster

Kling, Heather. Monitoring Amphibians at Brookhaven National Laboratory: Evaluating the Effects of Weather Conditions on Population Fluctuations and Microhabitat Conditions. Paper | Poster



Kling, Heather. Emergent Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum) Use of Coverboards at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Poster
