2022 New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS)
Data-Driven Discovery in Science and Industry
Dates: October 19–20, 2022
This meeting will be held as a virtual event.
The New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS), established by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and led by its Computational Science Initiative, connects researchers, developers, and end-users from academia, industry, and government to exchange ideas, foster cross-disciplinary collaboration, and build a community around common data research interest.
As part of its continuing effort to accelerate data-driven discovery and innovation in science and industry, NYSDS 2022 will focus on the mathematical/algorithmic, technological/scientific, and high-performance computing challenges of the generation, transmission, and storage of energy. An emphasis is on the role of quantum information sciences in networking and energy systems.
Technical presentations will cover the mathematical/algorithmic, technological/scientific, and high-performance computing challenges that need to be overcome to make progress. In NYSDS 2022 we will continue the discussions on the domain areas covered in 2021, but the explicit focus will be on applications to energy systems and quantum information science.
Domain Areas
- Quantum communications and quantum networking
- Quantum computing for energy systems design
- Energy transmission
- Wind energy generation
- Energy storage
Cross-Cutting issues such as High-Performance Computing, Machine Learning/AI, Mathematical Foundations will appear throughout the 5 domain areas.
Program Committee
- Francis J. Alexander (BNL)
- Thomas Flynn (BNL)
- Annarita Giani (GE)
- Layla Hormozi (BNL)
- Shantenu Jha (BNL/Rutgers University)
- Ben Levine (SBU)
- Meifeng Lin (BNL)
- Yuewei Lin (BNL)
- Paul Parazzoli (IBM)
- Elisha Siddiqui (BNL)
- Nathan Urban (BNL)
- Tzu-Chieh Wei (SBU)
- Shinjae Yoo (BNL)
- Byung-Jun Yoon (BNL)
Administrative Support
- Eileen Pinkston (BNL)
- Nicole Medaglia (BNL)
- Lauri Peragine (BNL)
Confirmed Speakers
- Andrew Baczewski (Sandia)
- Anthony Brady (University of Arizona)
- Garbriella Carini (BNL)
- Santanu Chaudhuri (ANL)
- Xin Chen (MIT)
- Yousu Chen (PNNL)
- Sara Eftekharnejad (Syracuse University)
- Alejandro Franco (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)
- Liang Jiang (University of Chicago)
- Gavin Jones (IBM)
- Katie Klymko (LBL)
- Chen Ling (Toyota Research Institute)
- Quan Nguyen (PNNL)
- Noah Paulson (ANL)
- Sivaranjani Seetheraman (Purdue)
- Huang Tong (San Diego State University)
- Dexin Wang (PNNL)
- Yue Zhao (Stony Brook University)
Summit Format
Each day will focus on one topic and feature a panel discussion with the speakers and other invited panelists.
Organzied by
Event ID: 43752
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).
2021 New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS)
Data-Driven Discovery in Science and Industry
Dates: October 26–29, 2021
This summit will be held as an interactive virtual event
The New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS), established by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and led by its Computational Science Initiative, connects researchers, developers, and end-users from academia, industry, and government to exchange ideas, foster cross-disciplinary collaboration, and build a community around common data research interests.
As part of its continuing effort to accelerate data-driven discovery and innovation in science and industry, NYSDS 2021 will focus on the mathematical/algorithmic, machine learning/AI, and high-performance computational challenges of high-consequence decision-making in large-scale, complex, and highly uncertain systems.
Technical presentations will cover the mathematical/algorithmic, machine learning/AI, and high-performance computing challenges that need to be overcome to make progress. In NYSDS 2021 we will continue the discussions on the domain areas covered in 2020, but the explicit focus will be on decision making under uncertainty.
Domain Areas Include:
- Climate and Environmental Science
- Critical Infrastructures/Agriculture/Manufacturing (Power Grid, Transportation, Health Care, Supply Chain, etc.)
- Health and Medicine (Cancer, COVID-19, etc.)
- National Security
- Autonomous Systems
- Cross-Cutting Issues
- High-Performance Computing
- Machine Learning/AI
- Mathematical Foundations
The entire conference will be virtual. More information will be forthcoming. Please check back later for more details.
Program Committee
- Francis J. Alexander (BNL)
- Russell Bent (LANL)
- Qiang Du (Columbia)
- Omar Ghattas (U Texas)
- Gregory Goins (NCAT)
- Martial Herbert (CMU)
- Xiangmin (Jim) Jiao (SBU)
- Meifeng Lin (BNL)
- Vanessa Lopez-Marrero (BNL)
- Charity Plata (BNL)
- Nathan Urban (BNL)
- Hubertus van Dam (BNL)
- Shinjae Yoo (BNL)
- Byung-Jun Yoon (BNL)
Administrative Support
- Gina Liles (BNL)
- Nicole Medgalia (BNL)
- Lauri Peragine (BNL)
- Eileen Pinkston (BNL)
Summit Coordinators
- Gina Liles (BNL) - Summit Coordinator
- Meifeng Lin (BNL) - Abstract Submission Coordinator
Confirmed Speakers
- Arnab Bhowmik (NC A&T)
- Seth Blumsack (Penn State)
- Nan Chen (Wisconsin-Madison)
- Xuan (Sharon) Di (Columbia)
- Lori Diachin (LLNL)
- Jonathan Edelen (RadiaSoft)
- Fei Fang (CMU)
- Leila Hashemi-Beni (NC A&T)
- Thuc Hoang (NNSA)
- Jhi-Young Joo (LLNL)
- Kenneth Judd (Stanford)
- Michael Kapteyn (MIT)
- Doug Kothe (ORNL)
- Ramayya Krishnan (CMU)
- Robert Lempert (RAND)
- Phillip Maffettone (BNL)
- Sandeep Miryala (BNL)
- Marcus Noack (LBL)
- Noemi Petra (University of California Merced)
- Patrick Reed (Cornell)
- Roni Rosenfeld (CMU)
- Georg Schnabel (IAEA)
- Angela Sheffield (NNSA)
- Anze Slosar (BNL)
- Michael Tippett (Columbia)
- Nicholas Zabaras (Notre Dame)
- Minghua Zhang (Stony Brook)
- Sioan Zohar (BNL)
Summit Format
This event will be held virtually using online conferencing tools. To accommodate participants from different time zones, each day will begin at 9 a.m. PT / 12 p.m. ET. Each day will focus on one topic and feature a panel discussion with the speakers and other invited panelists.
Summit Talks & Posters
October 26-29, 2021
Opportunities and Challenges for AI-Enhanced Decision
Making in Nuclear Proliferation Detection
Angela M. Sheffield, Eisenhower School, National Defense
University, National Nuclear Security Administration,
Department of Energy
Presentation | Video Recording
Large-Scale, Data-Driven Methods and Applications
Developed as Part of the Exascale Computing Project
Dr. Lori Diachin, Deputy Director, Exascale
Computing Project, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Presentation | Video Recording
Applying HPC and AI/ML Capabilities for Stockpile
Stewardship Mission
Ms. Thuc Hoang, National
Nuclear Security Administration, Department of Energy
Presentation | Video Recording
Decision Support for Wicked Problems
Robert Lempert, Principal Researcher, RAND Corporation, and
Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for Longer Range
Global Policy and the Future Human Condition
Presentation | Video Recording
Behaviors of People and Systems: Decision Problems and
Data Driven Analysis
Dr. Ramayya Krishnan, W.
W. Cooper and Ruth F. Cooper Professor of Management Science
and Information Systems at Heinz College and the Department
of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University
Conflict, Coordination & Control: Do We Understand the
Actual Rules Used to Balance Flooding, Energy, and
Agricultural Tradeoffs in River Basins?
Patrick Reed, Joseph C. Ford Professor of Engineering,
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell
Presentation | Video Recording
Anomaly Detection for Identifying Fire Hazards in Power
Distribution Systems
Dr. Jhi-Young Joo,
Distribution Automation Lead Engineer, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory
Video Recording
Panel Discussion: Decision Making in Complex Systems -
Challenges and Opportunities for Applied Math, HPC, and
Machine Learning
Moderator: Dr. Francis J.
Alexander, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Video Recording
Modeling sea-level rise and its uncertainties under climate
Dr. Minghua
Zhang, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Sciences , State
University of New York at Stony Brook
Presentation | Video Recording
Assimilation and Its Connections with Uncertainty
Quantification, Forecast and Machine Learning
Dr. Nan Chen, Assistant Professor, Department of
Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Presentation | Video Recording
Tropical cyclone risk modeling
Dr. Michael Tippett, Associate Professor, Department of
Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University
Presentation | Video Recording
Microbial controls of climate-smart soil health management
Dr. Arnab
Bhowmik, Assistant Professor of Soil Science and Soil
Microbiology, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental
Design, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, North
Carolina A&T State University
Presentation | Video Recording
model-based to data-driven remote sensing in environmental
Dr. Leila
Hashemi-Beni, Assistant Professor of Geomatics and the Director
of Geospatial Science and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Department
of Built Environment at College of Science and Technology, North
Carolina A&T State University
Presentation | Video Recording
Planning for Spatially Correlated Failures in Coupled Natural
Gas and Power Transmission via Stochastic Optimization
Dr. Seth Blumsack, Professor of Energy Policy and
Economics, and Director, Center for Energy Law and Policy,
Pennsylvania State University
Video Recording
Discussion: Decision Making in Complex Systems - Challenges and
Opportunities for Applied Math, HPC, and Machine Learning
Moderator: Dr. Nathan Urban, Brookhaven National
Video Recording
Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Traffic State Estimation and
Fundamental Diagram Discovery
Dr. Xuan (Sharon) Di, Associate Professor, Department
of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Smart Cities
Center, Data Science Institute, Columbia University in the City
of New York
Presentation | Video Recording
Machine Learning and Game Theory for Societal Challenges
Dr. Fei Fang, Assistant Professor, Institute for
Software Research, Carnegie Mellon University
Video Recording
Generative Surrogate Modeling and Inversion in Subsurface Flows
Prof. Nicholas Zabaras,
Scientific Computing and Artificial Intelligence (SCAI) Laboratory, University of
Notre Dame
Video Recording
Propagation of Uncertainty from Data to Inference for
Large-Scale Inverse Problems with Application to Ice Sheet Flow
Dr. Noemi Petra, Associate Professor of Applied
Mathematics, School of Natural Sciences, University of
California, Merced
Presentation | Video Recording
probabilistic graphical model foundation to enable predictive
digital twins at scale
Dr. Michael Kapteyn, Postdoctoral Fellow, Oden
Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences
Presentation | Video Recording
Tracking and Forecasting Epidemics
Dr. Roni Rosenfeld, Professor and Head,
Machine Learning Department,
of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University
Video Recording
Discussion: Decision Making in Complex Systems - Challenges and
Opportunities for Applied Math, HPC, and Machine Learning
Moderator: Dr. Qiang Du, Columbia University
Video Recording
Perspective on Autonomous Experimentation and Discovery
Dr. Marcus Noack,
Applied Mathematics, Research Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory
Presentation | Video Recording
Co-Design Methodologies for Edge Computing ASICs in Scientific
Research Environments
Dr. Sandeep
Miryala, Instrumentation Division, Brookhaven National
Presentation | Video Recording
ML/AI applications in astronomy
Dr. Anze Slosar,
Group Leader for Cosmology & Astrophysics Group, Brookhaven
National Laboratory
Video Recording
Nuclear data evaluation with Bayesian networks
Dr. Georg Schnabel,
Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, International
Atomic Energy Agency
Presentation | Video Recording
Automating Particle Accelerator Operations with Machine
Dr. Jonathan Edelen, Senior
Research Scientist, Group Leader, RadiaSoft
Presentation | Video Recording
Remote and on-the-fly: artificial intelligence driven science
in laboratories and central facilities
Dr. Phillip
Maffetone, Assistant Computational Scientist, Data Science and
Systems Integration Program, National Synchrotron Light Source
II, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Presentation | Video Recording
Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities in Autonomous
Scientific Facilities
Moderator: Dr.
Kevin Yager, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Video Recording
Full list of posters available from the Agenda
P11: Using Machine Learning for spin-group
reclassification of neutron resonances
Presenter: G.P.A.
Nobre, National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Presentation |
Video Recording
P13: Deep neural network methods for partial
differential equations
Presenter: Jiawei Sun, Ohio State
Presentation |
Video Recording
P16: Applying Bayesian Optimization to Achieve Optimum
Cooling at the Low Energy RHIC Electron Cooling System
Presenter: Weijian Lin, Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator Based
Sciences and Education, Cornell University
Presentation |
Video Recording
P18: Performance Optimization of High-Throughput Virtual
Screening Pipelines
Presenter: Hyun-Myung Woo,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M
Presentation |
Video Recording
Organzied by
Event ID: B000003825
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).
2019 New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS)
Data-Driven Discovery in Science and Industry
Dates: October 20–23, 2020
This summit will be held as an interactive virtual event
Now in its sixth year, New York Scientific Data Summit 2020 (NYSDS), established by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and led by its Computational Science Initiative, connects researchers, developers, and end-users from academia, industry, utilities, and government to exchange ideas, foster cross-disciplinary collaboration, and build a community around common data research interests. NYSDS 2020 co-organizers include Columbia University, New York University (NYU), Rutgers University, Stony Brook University (SBU), Flatiron Institute, and The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin).
As part of its continuing effort to accelerate data-driven discovery and innovation in science and industry, NYSDS 2020 will focus on Applied Mathematics challenges in four topic areas:
- Climate and Environmental Science
- Critical Infrastructures/Manufacturing (Power Grid, Transportation, Health Care, etc.)
- Health and Medicine (Cancer, COVID-19, etc.)
- Cross-Cutting Issues
- Role of Machine Learning and High-performance Computing
- Uncertainty Quantification
- Multiscale Modeling
The scale and complexity involved in the simulation and modeling, data analytics, and interpretation within these topic areas present unique mathematical challenges in terms of algorithms, software development, and uncertainty quantification. NYSDS 2020 seeks to use its distinct community perspective to inform efforts that will drive research forward with new ideas and partnerships.
NYSDS 2020 will also host a series of three-minute "lightning talks" related to each topic. Early-career researchers are especially encouraged to submit.
Confirmed Speakers
- Rommie Amaro (UCSD)
- Richard Arthur (GE Research)
- Daniel Bienstock (Columbia University)
- Giuseppe Carleo (EPFL Switzerland)
- Oliver Dunbar (Caltech)
- Leslie Greengard (NYU Courant)
- Ellen Kuhl (Stanford University)
- Lin Lin (UC Berkeley)
- Kyle Mandli (Columbia University)
- Anna Michalak (Carnegie Institution for Science)
- Grace C.Y. Peng (NIH)
- Arvind Ramanathan (Argonne National Lab)
- Eric Stahlberg (Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research)
- Desheng Zhang (Rutgers University)
Summit Format
This event will be held virtually using online conferencing tools. To accommodate participants from different time zones, each day will begin at 9 a.m. PT / 12 p.m. ET.
Each day will focus on one topic and feature a panel discussion with the speakers and other invited panelists.
Program Committee
- Francis J. Alexander (BNL) Co-Chair
- Meifeng Lin (BNL) Co-Chair
- Anthony DeGennaro (BNL)
- Qiang Du (Columbia)
- Omar Ghattas (UT Austin)
- Robert Harrison (SBU/BNL)
- Yipeng Huang (Rutgers)
- Shantenu Jha (BNL/Rutgers)
- Kerstin Kleese van Dam (BNL)
- Michael McGuigan (BNL)
- Suzanne McIntosh (NYU)
- Andrew Millis (Flatiron Institute - Simons Foundation)
- Karen Willcox (UT Austin)
Administrative Support
- Gina Liles (BNL)
- Nicole Medgalia (BNL)
- Lauri Peragine (BNL)
- Eileen Pinkston (BNL)
Summit Coordinators
- Gina Liles (BNL) - Summit Coordinator
- Meifeng Lin (BNL) - Abstract Submission Coordinator
Summit Talks
Tuesday, October 20, 2020 (Climate)
- Keynote: Climate, Carbon, and Water–Tracking and Anticipating Human Impacts
Dr. Anna Michalak, (Director of the Department of Global Ecology of the Carnegie Institution for Science and Professor in the Department of Earth System Science at Stanford University) - Quantifying parameter uncertainty within a climate model | Video Version of Talk
Oliver Dunbar (California Institute of Technology) - Numerical Methods for Predicting Coastal Flooding With Uncertainty | Video Version of Talk
Kyle Mandli (Columbia University)
- LT1: Artificial Intelligence for the Accuracy and Speed of Multiscale Modeling
- LT2: Exploring Sensitivity of ICF Outputs to Design Parameters in Experiments using Machine Learning
- LT3: Multitask Learning and Multi-Armed Bandit-Based Bayesian Optimization for High-Performance Computing Applications
- LT4: Alzheimer’s Disease Prognosis Using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
- LT5: Examining Graph Topology using Quantum Walks
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 (Critical Infrastructure/Manufacturing)
- Keynote: Risk in power grids | Video Version of Talk
Daniel Bienstock (Columbia University) - Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Cities: a Mobility Perspective | Video Version of Talk
Desheng Zhang (Rutgers University) - Computational Modeling at GE | Video Version of Talk
Richard Arthur (General Electric Research)
- LT1: Identifying Complex Physics Relationships using Sparse Matrix Decomposition to Inform Plasma Fusion Design
- LT2: Using Unstructured Data to Improve Homelessness and Suicide Prediction
- LT3: e3nn: 3D Euclidean Symmetry Equivariant Neural Networks–Learning from the Geometry and Geometric Tensors of Physical Systems
Thursday, October 22, 2020 (Health and Medicine)
- Keynote:
Re-Engineering the Future of Health with Predictive Models | Video Version of Talk
Dr. Grace C.Y. Peng (National Institutes of Health) -
Applications of AI in Cancer Research–Preparations, Progress, and Predictions
Dr. Eric Stahlberg (Director of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science at Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research) -
Data-driven Modeling of COVID-19: Lessons Learned
Dr. Ellen Kuhl (Robert Bosch Chair of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University) -
Computational Microscopy of SARS-CoV-2
Dr. Rommie E. Amaro (Distinguished Professor in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California, San Diego)
Friday, October 23, 2020 (Cross Cutting Topics)
- Keynote:
Drug Design and Discovery for SARS-CoV-2 by Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Physics-based Models
Dr. Arvind Ramanathan (A computational biologist at Argonne National Laboratory and a senior scientist at the University of Chicago Consortium for Advanced Science and Engineering, ) - The Quantum Many-body Problem as a Challenge for Machine Learning Methods | Video Version of Talk
Giuseppe Carleo (EPFL, Switzerland) - The non-uniform FFT and its applications | Video Version of Talk
Leslie Greengard (New York University) - HPC+AI: pushing molecular dynamics simulation with ab initio accuracy to 100 million atoms | Video Version of Talk
Lin Lin (University of California - Berkeley)
Organzied by
Event ID: 0000003465
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).
2019 New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS)
Data-Driven Discovery in Science and Industry
Dates: June 12–14, 2019
Hosted by Columbia University (Data Science Institute)
The 2019 New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS) is the fifth in a symposia series established by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), and led by its Computational Science Initiative, which aims to accelerate data-driven discovery and innovation in science and industry. It brings together researchers, developers and end-users from academia, industry, utilities, and state and federal governments. The summit is a forum to connect diverse participants, from the greater New York region, as well as nationally and internationally, and to foster discussion and collaboration.
This year, the summit will be hosted and co-organized by Columbia University's Computing Systems for Data-Driven Science center, which is part of its Data Science Institute (DSI). This center is a nexus at Columbia for research in large-scale computer systems design, data analytics, and applications to cutting-edge problems in science, engineering and medicine.
With keynote speakers from industry and international big-science projects, as well as a range of regular talks (both invited and submitted), the 2-1/2 day symposium is organized into seven topic areas:
- Streaming Data Analysis
- Scalable Algorithms and Computer Systems for Scientific Applications
- Large-Scale Image Analysis and Mapping
- Uncertainty Quantification in Science
- Focus Topic #1: Biomedical Informatics
- Focus Topic #2: Earth and Climate Science
- Focus Topic #3: Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology
Keynote Speakers
- David Keyes (KAUST) - The convergence of big data and large-scale simulation: leveraging the simulation-data-edge continuum for science
- Mark Moraes (DE Shaw Research, NY, NY) - Drinking from a firehose: solving data analysis challenges posed by the Anton supercomputer
- Gavin Schmidt (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, NY, NY) - Challenges in climate science in an era of big data
- Rick Stevens (Argonne National Laboratory/University of Chicago) - AI for science
- Karen Willcox (UT Austin) - Projection-based model reduction: formulations for physics-based machine learning
Abstract Submission for Research Talks/Papers & Posters
If you are interested in submitting an abstract, please submit your research talk/paper abstract or a poster session abstract by May 7, 2019.
- Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) - Computational Science Initiative
- Columbia University - Data Science Institute (DSI)
Summit Coordinators
- Gina Liles (BNL) - Summit Coordinator
- Meifeng Lin (BNL) - Abstract Submission Coordinator
Program Committee
- Francis J. Alexander (BNL/CSI) Co-Chair
- Steven Nowick (Columbia) Co-Chair
- Ryan Abernathey (Columbia)
- Dan Bienstock (Columbia)
- Marco Giometto (Columbia)
- Zoltan Haiman (Columbia)
- Xiaofu He (Columbia)
- Shantenu Jha (BNL/Rutgers)
- Georgia Karagiorgi (Columbia)
- Kyle Mandli (Columbia)
- Michael McGuigan (BNL)
- Nick Tatonetti (Columbia)
- Wei Xu (BNL/CSI)
Local Organizing Committee
- Francis J. Alexander (BNL/CSI)
- Shantenu Jha (Rutgers/BNL)
- Gina Liles (BNL/CSI)
- Steven Nowick (Columbia/DSI)
- Lauri Peragine (BNL/CSI)
- Eileen Pinkston (BNL/CSI)
- Jessica Rodriguez (Columbia/DSI)
- Sharon Sputz (Columbia/DSI)
- Jonathan Stark (Columbia/DSI)
Summit Talks
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
- Challenges in Climate Science in an Era of Big Data
Gavin Schmidt (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies)
Session 1: Earth and Climate Science (Part 1)
- Mapping Sea-Level Change in Time, Space, and Probability
Robert Kopp (Rutgers University) - Pangeo: A Community-Driven Effort for Big Data Geoscience
Ryan Abernathey (Columbia University-Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory) - Improved Forecasts and Understanding of Hurricane Rapid Intensification (Presentation Unavailable)
Qidong Yang, Chia-Ying Lee, and Michael K. Tippett (Columbia University-Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)
Session 2: Earth and Climate Science (Part 2)
- A Multiscale Meta-Modeling Game for Fluid-infiltrating Porous Media
Kun Wang, WaiChing Sun and Qiang Du (Columbia University) - Workflow Management for Exascale Global Seismic Tomography
Jeroen Tromp (Princeton University) - Converged Simulation and AI Workload Trends in Earth Sciences
Per Nyberg (Cray Inc.)
Session 3: Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology
- Supernova Astrophysics and Cosmology: The Merger of Simulations and Observations
Peter Nugent (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory) - The First Stars in the Universe
Greg Bryan (Columbia University-Flatiron Institute) - The Convergence of Big Data and Large-Scale Simulation: Leveraging the Continuum
Keynote: David Keyes (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
Thursday, June 13, 2019
- Drinking from a Firehose: Solving Data Analysis Challenges Posed by the Anton Supercomputer
Mark Moraes (D.E. Shaw Research)
Session 4: Streaming Data Analysis
- The ATLAS Experiment at CERN’s LHC: How Do You Analyze 40 Million Physics Pictures per Second?
Michael Tuts (Columbia University) - Accelerating Deep Neural Networks for Real-Time Data Selection for High-Resolution Imaging Particle Detectors
Georgia Karagiorgi (Columbia University) - AI for Science
Keynote: Rick Stevens (Argonne National Laboratory-University of Chicago)
Session 5: Biomedical Informatics
- Artificial Intelligence for Near-Real Time Cancer Surveillance: Challenges and Opportunities
Georgia Tourassi (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) - Electronic Health Records Based Prediction of Future Incidence of Alzheimer's Disease Using Machine Learning
Ji Hwan Park, Han Eol Cho, Jong Hun Kim, Melanie Wall, Yaakov Stern, Hynsun Lim, Shinjae Yoo, Hyoung-Seop Kim, and Jiook Cha (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Yonsei University College of Medicine, National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital, and Columbia University)
Session 6: Large-Scale Image Analysis and Mapping
- Picking Particles in Cryo-EM Images Without Knowing Particle Size
Yuewei Lin, Xiaoning Li, Qun Liu, and Shinjae Yoo (Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brook University) - Enabling Data-Driven Discovery in Biology: Statistical Learning of Interpretable Mathematical Models from Microscopy Videos
Suryanarayana Maddu, Bevan Cheeseman, Ivo F. Sbalzarini, and Christian Mueller (TU Dresden, Max Planck Institute, University of Cambridge, and Flatiron Institute) - A Hierarchical Feature Extraction Pipeline using Resting-state fMRI for Autism Classification
Qian Wang, Jongwoo Choi, and Xiaofu He (New York State Psychiatric Institute and Columbia University) - Building the Functional Map of the Fruit Fly Brain
Aurel A. Lazar (Columbia University)
Friday, June 14, 2019
Session 7: Uncertainty Quantification in Science
- Predictive Data Science for Physical Systems: From Model Reduction to Scientific Machine Learning
Keynote: Karen Wilcox (University of Texas at Austin) - Modeling Stochastic Systems using Physics-Informed Deep Generative Models
Paris Perdikaris and Yibo Yang (University of Pennsylvania)
Session 8: Scalable Algorithms and Computer Systems for Scientific Applications
- Neuromorphic Computing: A Computer Systems Perspective
Rajit Manohar (Yale University) - Middleware Building Blocks for Workflow Systems
Shantenu Jha (Brookhaven National Laboratory/Rutgers University)
- Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) - Computational Science Initiative
- Columbia University - Data Science Institute (DSI)
- Rutgers University
Summit Venue
Columbia University
Davis Auditorium
530 W 120th Street
New York, NY 10027 USA
Event ID: 40420
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).
2018 New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS)
Data-Driven Discovery
Dates: August 6–8, 2018
This meeting will be held as an in-person event.
Led by the Computational Science Initiative’s at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), the New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS) aims to accelerate data-driven discovery and innovation by bringing together researchers, developers and end-users from academia, industry, utilities and state and federal governments.
- Streaming Data Analysis
- Autonomous Experiments
- Big Theory for Big Data
- Quantum Computing and Data Science
- Performance for Big Data
Keynote Speakers
- Payel Das (BM)
- Edward Dougherty Jr. (Texas A&M)
- Henry Gabb (Intel)
- Prineha Narnag (Harvard University)
- Zohar Karnin (Amazon)
Program Committee
- Kerstin Kleese van Dam (BNL)
- Frank Alexander (BNL)
- Barbara Chapman (SBU/BNL)
- Nicholas D’Imperio (BNL)
- Michael McGuigan (BNL)
- Lauri Peragine (BNL)
- Kyle Cranmer (NYU)
- Robert Harrison (SBU/BNL)
- Metodi Filipov (IEEE)
- Marjaneh Issapour (IEEE)
Local Organizing Committee
- Lauri Peragine (BNL)
- Gina Liles (BNL)
- Maureen Anderson (BNL)
- Michael McGuigan (BNL)
Abstract Submission for Research Papers and Posters
If you are interested in submitting an abstract for a research paper or poster presentation, please submit it by July 1, 2018.
- Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)
- Stony Brook University (SBU)
- NYU Center for Data Science (NYU)
- Institute for Advanced Computational Science at Stony Brook (IACS)
- The Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment
- IEEE New York Computer Society
- Rutgers University (DIMACS)
- Columbia University (Data Science Institute)
Evening Events
Registered attendees are invited to attend the conference dinner; free of charge for registered participants.
Tuesday Night Dinner
Location to be determined.
August 7 2018, 7-9 PM
Conference Location
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973 USA
Participants will meet at the Computational Science Initiative (Bldg. 725), Training Room (2-124), located on Brookhaven Avenue - Directions.
Summit Talks
Streaming Data Analysis
- Opening remarks: Kerstin Kleese van Dam (BNL)
- Keynote: Zohar Karnin (Amazon AWS AI)
- Yuewei Lin (BNL)
- Shinjae Yoo (BNL)
- Xi Zhang (BNL\SBU)
- Jin Xu and Shilpi Bhattacharyya (BNL & SBU)
Big Theory for Big Data
- Keynote: Edward Dougherty Jr. (Texas A&M University)
- Turab Lookman (LANL)
- George Zaki (NIH)
- Xiao-li Meng (Harvard University)
- Haizi Yu (University of Illinois)
Performance for Big Data
- Keynote: Henry Gabb (Intel)
- Line Pouchard (BNL)
- Abid Malik (BNL)
- Meifeng Lin (BNL)
- Guangwei Che (BNL)
AI Driven Optimal Experimental Desgin and Autonomous Experiments
- Keynote: Payel Das (IBM TJ Watson Research Center, and Columbia University)
- Kris Reyes (UB)
- Marcus Michael Noack (LBNL)
- Xiaoning Qian (TAMU)
- Arvind Ramanathan (ORNL)
- Roselyne Tchoua (University of Chicago)
Quantum computing and big data
- Keynote: Prineha Narang (Harvard University)
- Layla Hormozi (MIT)
- Eden Figueroa (SBU)
- Sarah Elghazoly (Smith College)
Organized by
Event ID: 37926
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).
2017 New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS)
Data-Driven Discovery
Dates: August 6–9, 2017
This meeting will be held as an in-person event.
Led by the Computational Science Initiative’s at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), the New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS) aims to accelerate data-driven discovery and innovation by bringing together researchers, developers and end-users from academia, industry, utilities and state and federal governments. Jointly organized by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Stony Brook University (SBU), and New York University (NYU). The theme of this year's conference is "Data-Driven Discovery."
With keynote speakers from industry and international big-science projects, the 2-1/2 day conference is organized into five sessions.
- Streaming Data Analysis
- Autonomous Experiments
- Big Theory for Big Data
- Interactive Exploration of Extreme Scale Data
- Performance for Big Data
Co-hosts include BNL, the Institute for Advanced Computational Science at SBU, the NYSTAR High-Performance Computing Consortium (HPC2), the New York University Center for Data Science, the IEEE Computer Society-Long Island Chapter, and the Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment.
We expect to publish the NYSDS 2017 conference proceedings through the IEEE Xplore digital library
Keynote Speakers
- Kevin Yager (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Shantenu Jha (Rutgers University)
- Pete Beckman (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Jim Ahrens (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Peter Coveney (University College London)
Program Committee
- Kerstin Kleese van Dam (BNL)
- Frank Alexander (BNL)
- Barbara Chapman (SBU/BNL)
- Nicholas D’Imperio (BNL)
- Michael McGuigan (BNL)
- Lauri Peragine (BNL)
- Robert Harrison (SBU/BNL)
- Shantenu Jha (BNL/Rutgers)
- Suzanne McIntosh (IEEE-NY Computer Society, NYU)
Local Organizing Committee
- Lauri Peragine (BNL)
- Gina Liles (BNL)
- Maureen Anderson (BNL)
- Michael McGuigan (BNL)
Abstract Submission for Research Papers and Posters
If you are interested in submitting an abstract for a research paper or poster presentation, please submit it by July 17, 2017.
- Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)
- Stony Brook University (SBU)
- NYU Center for Data Science (NYU)
- Institute for Advanced Computational Science (IACS)
- The Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment
- IEEE Computer Society-Long Island Chapter
Evening Events
Registered attendees are invited to attend the conference dinner; free of charge for registered participants.
Tuesday Night Dinner
New York University
Rosenthal Pavilion
August 8, 2017, 7-9 PM
View Map
Conference Location
Kimmel Center for University Life
60 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012 USA
Summit Talks
Streaming Data Analysis
- Opening remarks: Kerstin Kleese van Dam (BNL)
- Keynote: Kevin Yager (BNL)
- K. John Wu (LBNL)
- Jun Wang (SBU)
- Michael DePhillips (BNL)
- Yuzhong Yan (Prairie View A&M University)
- Chiwoo Park (Florida State University)
- Nikolay Malitsky & Aashish Chaudhary (BNL & Kitware)
Autonomous Experimental Design & Optimization
- Keynote: Shantenu Jha (BNL & Rutgers)
- Kristofer Reyes (University at Buffalo)
- Michael McKerns (SBU)
Performance for Big Data
- Keynote: Peter Beckman (ANL)
- Hamid Reza Assadi (SBU)
- Eric Stephan (PNNL)
- James Jeffers (Intel)
- Sameera Abeykoon (BNL)
- Geoffrey Fox (Indiana University)
- Zichao (Wendy) Di (ANL)
- Line Pouchard (BNL)
- Dinner Keynote: Peter Coveney (University College London)
Extreme Scale Data
- Keynote: James Ahrens (LANL)
- Jialin Liu (NERS/LBNL)
- Nicole Meister (SBU/Centennial High School), Ronald Lashley (Lincoln University), Ziqiao Guan (SBU)
Organized by
Event ID: 36522
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).
2016 New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS)
Data-Driven Discovery
Dates: August 14–17, 2016
This meeting will be held as an in-person event.
Led by the Computational Science Initiative’s at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), the New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS) aims to accelerate data-driven discovery and innovation by bringing together researchers, developers and end-users from academia, industry, utilities and state and federal governments. Jointly organized by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Stony Brook University (SBU), and New York University (NYU). The theme of this year's conference is "Data-Driven Discovery."
With keynote speakers from industry and international big-science projects, the 2-1/2 day conference is organized into five sessions.
Co-hosts include BNL, the Institute for Advanced Computational Science at SBU, the NYSTAR High-Performance Computing Consortium (HPC2), the New York University Center for Data Science, the IEEE Computer Society-Long Island Chapter, and the Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment.
We are expecting to publish the conference proceedings with IEEE.
Keynote Speakers
- Scott Klasky (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Leslie Greengard (Simons Center for Data Analysis & NYU)
- Ryan Quick (PayPal)
- Salman Habib (Argonne National Laboratory)
- John Wu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Jeb Linton (IBM)
Invited Speakers
- Valerio Pascucci (Utah SCI Institute)
- Mathew Thomas (PNNL)
- Shinjae Yoo (BNL)
- Steffen Frey (University of Stuttgart)
- Klaus Mueller (SBU, BNL)
- David Yu (BNL)
- Joshua Stillerman (MIT)
- Xishuang Dong (Center of Excellence in Research and Education for Big Military Data Intelligence (CREDIT))
- Boyu Zhang, Line Pouchard (Purdue)
- Le Hou (Stony Brook University)
- Dantong Yu (BNL)
- Rasmi Elasmar (Columbia University)
- Sameera Abeykoon (BNL)
- Karan Bhatia (Google)
- Rick Gilmore (Pennsylvania State University)
- Dimitri Katramatos (BNL)
- Nikolay Malitsky (BNL)
- Todd Elsethagen (PNNL)
- Pavol Juhás (BNL)
Abstract Submission for Research Papers and Posters
If you are interested in submitting an abstract for a research paper or poster presentation, please submit it by May 2, 2016. Note, submission date for abstracts is extended to May 2, 2016.
Conference Location
Kimmel Center for University Life
60 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012 USA
Program Committee
- Kerstin Kleese van Dam
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) - Robert Harrison
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Stony Brook University (BNL/SBU) - Michael McGuigan
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) - Klaus Mueller
Stony Brook University (SBU) - Barbara Chapman
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) - Leslie Greengard
Director, Simons Center for Data Analysis, Simons Foundation Professor, Courant Institute at New York University - Kyle Cranmer
New York University (NYU) - Davor Dokonal
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - Metodi Filipov
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Local Organizing Committee
- Lauri Peragine (BNL)
- Mary Campbell (BNL)
- Gina Liles (BNL)
- Michael McGuigan (BNL)
- Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)
- Stony Brook University (SBU)
- NYU Center for Data Science (NYU)
- Institute for Advanced Computational Science (IACS)
- The Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment
- IEEE Computer Society-Long Island Chapter
Evening Events
Registered attendees are invited to attend the sponsored welcome reception and conference dinner; free of charge for registered participants.
Welcome Reception
New York University
Grand Hall
August 14, 2016, 7-9 PM
View Map
Tuesday Night Dinner
New York University
Rosenthal Pavilion
August 16, 2016, 7-9 PM
View Map
Summit Talks
Streaming Data Analysis
- Scott Klasky (ORNL)
- Valerio Pascucci (Utah SCI Institute)
- Mathew Thomas (PNNL)
- Shinjae Yoo (BNL)
- Steffen Frey (University of Stuttgart)
- Klaus Mueller (Stony Brook University)
Long Term Data Storage, Curation and Sharing
- K. John Wu (LBNL)
- David Yu (BNL)
- Joshua Stillerman (MIT)
- Xishuang Dong (Center of Excellence in Research and Education for Big Military Data Intelligence (CREDIT))
- Boyu Zhang (Purdue University)
Experimental Data Analysis
- Leslie Greengard (Simons Foundations for Data Analysis)
- Le Hou (Stony Brook University)
- Dantong Yu (BNL)
- Rasmi Elasmar (Columbia University)
- Sameera Abeykoon (BNL)
Industry Solutions and Challenges for Big Data
- S. Ryan Quick (PayPal)
- Rick Gilmore (Pennsylvania State University)
- Dimitrios Katramatos (BNL)
- Jeb Linton (IBM Watson)
Convergence of Data and HPC
- Salman Habib (ANL)
- Nickolay Malitsky (BNL)
- Todd Elsethagen (PNNL)
- Pavol Juhas (BNL)
Organized by
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).
2015 New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS)
Accelerating data-driven discovery and innovation
Dates: August 2–5, 2015
This meeting will be held as an in-person event.
The New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS) aims to accelerate data-driven discovery and innovation by bringing together researchers, developers and end-users from academia, industry, utilities and state and federal governments. Jointly organized by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Stony Brook University (SBU), and New York University (NYU). The theme of this year's conference is "Frontiers in Scientific Data."
With keynote speakers from industry and international big-science projects, the 2-1/2 day conference is organized into five sessions with topics including scientific image analysis, data fusion, environmental and urban science, and inverse problems.
Sponsors include BNL, the Institute for Advanced Computational Science at SBU, the NYSTAR High-Performance Computing Consortium (HPC2), the New York University Center for Data Science, and the Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment.
Keynote Speakers
- Julie Christodoulou (ONR)
- Steven Koonin (NYU)
- John Shalf (LBL)
- David Ortiz (DOE)
- Torre Wenaus (BNL)
Invited Speakers
- Simon Billinge (BNL, Columbia)
- Robert Broadwater (VT)
- Martin Green (NIST)
- Martin Schoonen (BNL)
- Arun Sundararajan (NYU)
- Edward Seidel (UIUC)
- Kerstin Lehnert (Columbia)
- Arjun Shankar (ORNL)
- Sriram Subramaniam (NCI/NIH)
- Robert Currie (Smarter Grid Solutions)
- Ron Ambrosio (IBM)
- Christopher Wolverton (NU)
- Charlie Catlett (ANL)
- Karen Parrish (IBM)
- Alex Gray (Georgia Tech)
- Salman Habib (ANL)
- Kathleen McKeown (Columbia)
- Kathy Fontaine (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Poster Submission
Note, posters should be approximately 45"x36" and must be submitted no later than July 20, 2015.
Executive Committee
- Alice Cialella (BNL)
- Michael Ernst (BNL)
- Stephanie Hamilton (BNL)
- Robert Harrison (BNL)
- Mark Hybertsen (BNL)
- Sergei Maslov (BNL)
- Michael McGuigan (BNL)
- Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)
- Stony Brook University (SBU)
- New York University (NYU)
- Institute for Advanced Computational Science (IACS)
Evening Events
Registered attendees are invited to attend the sponsored welcome reception and conference dinner; free of charge for registered participants.
Welcome Reception
New York University
Grand Hall
August 2, 2015, 7-9 PM
View Map
Tuesday Night Dinner
New York University
Rosenthal Pavilion
August 4, 2015, 7-9 PM
View Map
Conference Location
New York University (Kimmel Center)
60 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012 USA
Organized by
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).